فقه و احکام
- In the following three cases, the prayers offered by a person will be valid, even if his body or dress be najis:
- There are many Mustahab prayers which are generally called Nafilah, but more stress has been laid on the daily Mustahab prayers. The number of the Rak'ats everyday excluding Friday, is 34. It is as follows:
- The obligatory precaution is that as long as the redness in the eastern sky appearing after sunset has not passed overhead, Maghrib Prayer should not be performed.
Prayer is the best among all acts of worship. If it is accepted by the Almighty Allah, other acts of worship are also accepted. And if it is not accepted, other acts are also not accepted.
- If a person leaves out even a small part of his forehead or the back of his hands in tayammum, forgetfully or intentionally, or even due to ignorance, his tayammum will be void. However, it is not necessary to be very particular; if it can be ..........
- Tayammum can be done on earth, sand, lump of clay or stone but the recommended precaution is that if earth is available tayammum should not be performed on anything else. If earth is not available, then it can be performed on sand or a lump.........
* Tayammum should be performed instead of Wudhu or Ghusl in the following seven circumstances:
- It is Mustahab that the depth of the grave should be approximately equal to the size of an average person and the dead body be buried in the nearest graveyard, except when the graveyard which is situated farther is better due to some reasons, like......
- After having given Ghusl to a dead body it is wajib to give Hunut, which is to apply camphor on its forehead, both the palms, both the knees and both the big toes of its feet. It is not necessary to rub the camphor; it must be seen on those...........
- It is obligatory to give three Ghusls to a dead body. The first bathing should be with water mixed with "Sidr" (Beri) leaves. The second bathing should be with water mixed with camphor and the third should be with unmixed water.
- If a person touches a human dead body which has become cold and has not yet been given Ghusl (i.e. brings any part of his own body in contact with it) he should do Ghusl regardless of whether he touched it while asleep or awake, voluntarily or........
- From the time when the child birth takes place, the blood seen by the mother is Nifas, provided that it stops before or on completion of the tenth day. While in the condition of Nifas, a woman is called Nafsa.
- Mubtadea is a woman who sees blood for the first time. If she sees it for more than ten days and all the blood has common signs then she should refer to the prevailing habit among her relatives and consider her corresponding duration as Haydh.........
* A woman who sees blood in each of the two consecutive months on a given day, and then becomes clean after a few days. The duration of blood varies in each month. For example, if the blood is seen on the 1st of each month but stops on the 7th...........
* Woman having the habit of time and duration: A woman who sees blood in each of the two consecutive months at a particular time and for a fixed number of days. For example, in each month blood may be seen from the 1st up to the 7th of the month.
Menstrual discharge (Haydh) is a kind of blood which is normally discharged every month from the womb of women for a few days. When menses is discharged the woman is called 'Haaedh'.
One type of blood which is seen by women is called istihadha and a woman in that state is called mustahadha.
- It is not necessary that the entire body of a person should be clean before Irtimasi and Tartibi Ghusl. So, if the body becomes clean while diving into water or pouring water over one's body with the intention of the Ghusl, the Ghusl will be in order.
There are seven obligatory baths: Bath for Janabat, Bath for Haydh.........