The longest anecdote of Ghadeer

This is about the longest history of Ghadeer Khum as narrated by Huzaifah Ibn Yaman and his encounter with a young Iranian man by name Muslim who obtain martyrdom before Imam Ali (a.s.) as a result of what he has learned from Huzaifa.

The longest anecdote of Ghadeer

As narrated huzaifah Ibn Yaman

This is about the longest history of Ghadeer Khum as narrated by Huzaifah Ibn Yaman and his encounter with a young Iranian man by name Muslim who obtain martyrdom before Imam Ali (a.s.) as a result of what he has learned from Huzaifa.


The collection of Ammar al-Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance). English language research section under the supervision of Ismaila Abdullahi Isah.



In the name of Allah the Beneficent The Merciful



The killing of Uthman and the caliphate of the owner of Ghadeer: 3

The letter of the commander of the faithful to Huzaifah the governor of Mada’in: 5

The letter of the commander of the faithful to the inhabitants of Mada’in: 7

The statement of Huzaifa concerning the caliphate of the owner of Ghadeer: 9

A curios Iranian young man concerning Saqeefah and Ghadeer: 11

The salutation of angel Gabriel to the owner of Ghadeer with the tittle “commander of the faithful”: 13

The general announcement of salutation to the commander of the faithful: 16

The first statement of the hypocrites concerning the usurpation of the caliphate: 20

The great sedition of Saqeefah: 22

The introduction of the event of Ghadeer and the conspiracies of the hypocrites: 23

The founder of the usurpation of caliphate: 23

The general announcement of the journey of the farewell pilgrimage: 25

The first signs of Ghadeer: 26

The insistence of Aisha to know the secret of Ghadeer: 28

Disclosing the secret of Ghadeer by Aisha: 30

The verses for the general announcement of Ghadeer: 34

The incident of Ghadeer: 36

The ceremony of giving allegiance on the day of Ghadeer Khum: 43

The signs of sedition during the Ghadeer: 46

The conspiracy against Ghadeer and the first cursed scripture: 47

Announcing the names of the plotters against Ghadeer: 49

The serious encounter of the Holy Prophet with the plotters: 50

The real statute against Ghadeer: 53

The statute of Saqeefah: 55

Those that append their signature to the scripture are as follows: 66

The statement of the holy Prophet concerning the second cursed scripture: 67

Aisha’s Opposition to Ghadeer and her assistance to the plotters against Ghadeer: 69

Holding Aisha responsible for disclosing the secret of Ghadeer: 69

Pointing of the Prophet to the sedition of Aisha in the battle of Camel: 71

Formation of the soldiers of Usamah in order to pull out the hypocrites out of Medina: 73

The conspiracy of the hypocrites in order to return back to Medina: 74

Beginning of procedures against Ghadeer for the formation of Saqeefah: 76

The prayer of Abu-Bakr and the retaliation of the Prophet: 78

The statement of the holy Prophet concerning those that usurp the right of the owner of Ghadeer: 79

The adventure of Saqeefah: 81

The root of influence of sedition of Saqeefah between the people: 85

The young Iranian under the service of the owner of Ghadeer: 86

The completion of proof and attaining martyrdom in the path of the owners of Ghadeer: 88

The victory of the inhabitant of Ghadeer in the battle of Camel: 89

Conclusion…. 91

Support of the longest story of Ghadeer: 92

One of the hadith that supports the longest story of Ghadeer: 92

Supporting the passages of the hadith from other sources: 93

Return of Hakam Ibn Abil A’as to medina by Uthman: 94

Abu-Bakr and Umar becoming the owner of the tittle “commander of the faithful”: 94

The appearance of Gabriel in the form of Dahya Kalbi: 94

The protest of Abu-Bakr and Umar on the issue of greeting Imam Ali with the commander of the faithful based on the order by the holy Prophet: 95

The statement of Buraidah in his protest to Abu-Bakr: 95

General announcement for pilgrimage: 95

The sermon of Ghadeer Khum: 95

The allegiance of the men at Ghadeer Khum: 96

The allegiance of the women at Ghadeer Khum: 96

The protest of Abu-Bakr and Umar in the allegiance of Ghadeer: 96

Given the deposits of the Prophets to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.): 97

Consultation for assassinating the Prophet when he was returning from Tabuk: 97

The top hill of Harashi: 98

The first cursed scripture: 98

The statement of the commander of the faithful near the wrapped corpse of Umar: 98

The attack of hau’ab dogs on Aisha: 98

Some of the companions going round the pond of Kauthar: 99

Retardation of Abu-Bakr and Umar from the soldiers of Usamah: 99

The Prayer of Abu-Bakr. 100

The martyrdom of a young Iranian man in the battle of Camel: 100

Conclusion of the longest story of Ghadeer: 101

Mentioning sources. 102

Knowing the real source: 102

The implementation of the narrations: 103

The chains: 103

2- Sayyid Ibn Ta’us said: 104





The killing of Uthman and the caliphate of the owner of Ghadeer:

When uthman attain the post of caliphate, he gave asylum his Uncle Hakam Bn A’s, his sons Marwan and Harith and return them back to Medina. (The family of Hakam are relatives of Uthman that were exiled from Medina by the holy Prophet but they were returned back to Medina by Uthman).

Hakam Ibn Abi A’s during the era of ignorance was a neighbor to his majesty and at the advent of Islam he persecuted the holy Prophet more than any other person among his neighbors.

His coming to Medina was after the conquest of Mecca and his acceptance of Islam was not clear. He do follow the holy Prophet on the street, mocking him with illustration of his mouth, nose and eyes and also do repeat after the Prophet all the statements he made, likewise when the Holy Prophet stood up praying he always come behind him pointing at him. In this respect the illustration of his mouth, nose and eyes became a sort of sickness that accompany him and he was also afflicted with less reasoning.

One day he peep and look into one of the house which the holy Prophet and his wife was staying. The Prophet recognized him and he came out with his staff and said: who is able to reduce this cursed lizard from me? He also said: “he and his descendant has no right to live with me in one city”; after that he exiled him and his family to Ta’if.

When Uthman came to throne he brought the family of Hakam Ibn abi A’s back to Medina, indeed people were astonished with this his opposition with the holy Prophet![1]

Likewise he sent his workers to several cities which one of them was Umar bn Sufyan bn Mugherah bn Abi al-As bn Umayah who was sent to Mushkan (Mushkan and Mada’in are once center of government) and another person was Harith bn Hakam that he sent to Mada’in.

Harith bn Hakam was a governor of Mada’in for some times and he was very hard to the people and behave immorally with them. After some time some group came to Uthman to report his ill treatment and the difficulty he has incurred upon them. Uthman by hearing their complaint sent Huzaifah Yamani to Mada’in as the governor there and that was towards the end of his tenure as caliph. Huzaifah was the governor of Mada’in up till when Uthman was assassinated and the commander of the faithful (a.s.) became caliph. (On the very day of Ghadeer in the 35th years after Hijra Uthman was assassinated and the commander of the faithful (a.s.) 25 years after the usurpation of the caliphate took over the caliphate and rule the nation till the 40th year of the Hijra till he was martyred in Kufah).


The letter of the commander of the faithful to Huzaifah the governor of Mada’in:

The commander of the faithful uphold him as the governor of Mada’in and wrote a letter to him which its content is as follows:

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful;

From the servant of Allah Ali, the commander of the faithful to Huzaifah Yamani;

Peace be upon you;

After that, I am upholding you as the governor of various area of Mada’in as you are appointed by the previous caliph. I am deputizing the legal rights and the ransom (ransom is the sum of money that the Jews and the Christian agreed to pay for refusing to become Muslim) from the Jews and the Christian and the affairs of the villages in your disposal. Gather round you those you trusted and those you are pleased with their religion and trustworthiness and seek assistance from them in all your engagements because this styles will make us to be great before the people and a blow to the enemies. I am admonishing you to mind your duty to God and follow Him secretly and outwardly and be careful of His hidden and open punishment. Likewise I am advising you to do well to philanthropists and to be strict to the enemies.

I am ordering you to be tolerant in your duty, be soften to people and be just in dealing with them because you are responsible to this aspect, pardon people and choose the best method of dealing with them because Almighty Allah rewards the good ones.

Am also ordering you to take the Islamic right from the land base on right and equity and don’t exceed the limit I have drawn for you, don’t forfeit any rights and don’t bring any innovation to those things, and divide it equitably among its right owners.

Be respectful with the people and there should be equity between the people, let implementation of right among the distance and close ones be equal, abide by right and justice between the people and don’t follow your selfish interest. Don’t be scared of people’s censure while you are on the path of Allah because Allah is always with the pious and the good ones.

I have sent another letter (his Excellency have sent two letter, one of it to Huzaifah while the other to the people of Mada’in which shall this letter) which you are read before the people so that they know our view concerning them and the entire Muslims. So gather them and read the letter before the young and the old ones and take our allegiance from them.


The letter of the commander of the faithful to the inhabitants of Mada’in:

When the letter of commander of the faithful came to Huzaifah he gathered the people and led a congregational prayer. Then he ordered for the letter and read it before the people.

The contents of the letter is as follow:

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful:

From the servant of Allah, Ali the commander of the faithful

To the Muslims that receives my letter;

Peace be upon you:

Praise be to Allah that there is no any other god besides Him, may His blessing be upon Mohammad and the progeny of Mohammad.

After that, almighty Allah has chosen the religion of Islam upon Himself, His Prophet and His angels in order to strengthening the pillars of His creation and to administer His favor based on His mercy upon His servants; indeed He has specify the religion to His beloved creations.

Almighty Allah has sent Muhammad (s.a.w.w.) to this nation and because of the virtue of human being He teaches him His Book and wisdom. He trained them to be guide, he gathered them in order to prevent them from splitting and gave them religious awareness in order not to be oppressed. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) after doing what is obligatory he went to the mercy of Allah, by the time when he was thanking Allah and Allah also appreciate his well-done duty. After him some group of Muslims gave the caliphate to two people whom they are pleased with their method and life style.

(Here even though his majesty don’t have the ability to mention their names but he used an appropriate words: firstly that some group of Muslims are the hypocrites that selected Abubakr and Umar. Secondly: indeed they are only pleased with the life style of Abubakr and Umar. Thirdly: those hypocrites took Abubakr and Umar to power and they forced others to accept that and this is not at the choice of the other Muslims).

Those two are at the top of the caliphate until God took them from this world. Then they sat the third person on the caliphate. He did a lot of offence that cause the displeasure of the people. In this respect people united together and oppose him and change the situation. (Uthman after 12 years on throne at the age of 86 he was assassinated by the people and as a result of fear of the Immigrant and the helpers no one has the gut to bury him. The corpse remain on ground for three days before he was secretly buried in the midnight at the “Hus Kaukab” the grave yard of the Jews. When Mu’awiyyah came to throne he joined the grave yard with that of the Muslims![2]

After that they came to me in row with their horses and gave allegiance to me. I am seeking guidance from Allah and I seek His assistance in my faith.

Be aware that it is obligatory for you that we work with the book of Allah and tradition of His Prophet in order to establish the truth between you people; giving life to His tradition is your heart feeling secretly and openly and we take assistance from Allah in this path and God deem us to be suffice and best of deputy.

I have given your affairs to the hands of Huzaifah bn Yaman. He is a person that am pleased with his doctrine and I have hope in his behavior for amendment. I have ordered him to be good to the philanthropists and to be strict with the perverted ones and to be merciful with the entire people.

We hope from Allah that His wide good and mercy should encompass us and you.

May the peace of Allah be upon you.


The statement of Huzaifa concerning the caliphate of the owner of Ghadeer:

After that Huzaifa ascended the pulpit and after praising Allah and sends His blessing to Muhammad and his progeny, he said:

Praise be Allah that gives life to truth and extinguish falsehood, He brought Justice and blow the oppression and degrade the oppressors. O people! I swear to God that the one at your choice is the real commander of the faithful! He is the best person we knew after the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.).

He is the choice of the people and the most suitable person to the caliphate. He is the nearest to truth and he is most guided person to justice among all of them; he is the moderate person to the system of government, he is the early person in faith and the highest in certainty, the most prominent person in doing good act, the foremost in Jihad, the most dear person in terms of rank and position; the brother of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.), and his cousin, the father of Hassan and Husain, the husband of Fatimah Zahra, al-Batool, the leader of the women of the worlds.

O’ people! Stand up and pay allegiance based on the book of Allah and the tradition of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.), indeed the pleasure of Allah is in it. This will bring certainty to your heart and it is at your benefit.

With peace.

People stood up and paid allegiance to Huzaifah on behalf of the commander of the faith Imam Ali (a.s.) in a best and organized form.


A curios Iranian young man concerning Saqeefah and Ghadeer:

When the allegiance came to the end a young Iranian man whose name was ‘Muslim’ who was gimping his sword shouted at the end of the crowd and said:

O’ Ameer, I heard you from the beginning of your address saying: “I swear to God that the man at your choice is the real commander of the faithful; does this denotes that the previous caliphs are not real commander of the faithful?” O’ Ameer may Allah have mercy upon you, expound this issue and don’t conceal it because you have witness the incidents. We keep the explanation of this issue in your responsibility and almighty Allah is a witness on you for the heart feeling you are having for the nation and the statement that you are transmitting from the holy Prophet.

Huzaifah answered and said: O’ young man! How are you asking with curiosity, listen and understand the information I will give: the caliphs before Ali Ibn Abi Talib gave the tittle of commander of the faithful to themselves (i.e. Abu-Bakr, Umar and Uthman gave the title to themselves and they force people to address them with the tittle).

That was after Abu-Bakr had usurped the caliphate, he sent to the commander of the faithful to come and pay allegiance to him. This is the message to Imam Ali (a.s.): say to Ali: “the commander of the faithful Abu-Bakr is inviting you”!!

The commander of the faithful in answering him sent a message and said: “Glory be to Allah! To God, it has not taken long time and you have forgotten! I swear to God, He knows that apart from me no one deserve this tittle. Indeed the holy Prophet had ordered him with six other person to salute me with the tittle that: “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful”. To God he is telling lie, tell him that he has taken the name he did not deserved and he is fully aware that the commander of the faithful is not for him.

When Umar came to throne as successor to Abu-bakr he was addressed as the successor of the successor of the Prophet! Umar said this name is too lengthy by saying successor of the successor of so and so person but hence you are believers and am your commander, then addressing me as commander of the faithful is more appropriate.

This is how Umar officially specified the tittle “the commander of the faithful” to himself. The other usurpers after him specified the tittle to themselves, whereas during the life time of the holy Prophet he has specified the tittle to Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s), to the extent he said: “no one has been given the tittle before him and I will not give the tittle to any one after him”.

In another hadith he said: “it is not permissible to name any one after this name any one God has not given the tittle; during the sermon of Ghadeer he said:

“There is no commander of the faith apart from my brother Ali, and after me this tittle is not permissible to anyone except him”;

He also said: “the commander of the faithful is a tittle given to Ali by almighty Allah and it is specified for him”; or he said: “O’ Ali, Allah has named you as the commander of the faithful and no one is associate with you in the name”.[3]

The people called them with the name but as for Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) he was named as commander of the faithful by Gabriel with the command of Allah and the holy Prophet is a witness to that when he addressed Imam Ali as the commander of the faithful. The companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) during his life time also addressed him as the commander of the faithful.


The salutation of angel Gabriel to the owner of Ghadeer with the tittle “commander of the faithful”:

The young man said: May God have mercy upon you, give us the account of how this incident occurred.

Huzaifah said: before the revelation of the verse of covering with veil, the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) enters his house at their wishes. The holy Prophet prevent people from entering the house when Dahiyyah Ibn Khalifah kalbi was with him. Dahiyyah Ibn Khalifah kalbi was the special envoy of the holy Prophet to the emperor of Rom, Bani Hanifah, and the kings of Ghassan, and Gabriel also came to the Prophet in the form and nature of Dahiyyah. (Because the angel are seen it is in the form of human being and Gabriel also appear in the form of Dahiyyah because he is a very handsome looking man). For this reason the holy Prophet prevent people from entrance in the presence of Dahiyyah.

Huzaifah continue saying: one day I decided to see the holy Prophet for an assignment at noon time with hope that there is no one there by then. Anytime we wanted to see the Prophet we draw the curtain and enter. That day I draw the curtain and I enter. Unexpectedly I saw Dahiyyah sitting beside the holy Prophet and the holy Prophet was sleeping and he was keeping his head on the arms of Dahiyyah. Indeed by glancing at Dahiyyah I retreated.

I didn’t go long when I saw Ali (a.s.). His majesty asked: O’ Huzaifah! Where are you from?

I am returning from the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.).

What have you done there?

I went there for an assignment but it is not possible.

Which assignment?

Because Dahiyyah was with the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.).

Then I demanded Ali to deliver my assignment to the Prophet. But his majesty said: let’s return back along with me.

I returned back with him and on reaching the house of the holy Prophet, I sat beside the door and Ali Ibn Abi Talib draw the curtain, he saluted and enter.

Then I heard Dahiyyah when answering the salutation said: peace and blessing of Allah be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful. Then he said: O’ Ali, sit down and take the head of your brother and your cousin on your lap because you are the most deserved person of this work.

Ali sat down and took the head of the holy Prophet on his lap while Dahiyyah went out of the house. Then Ali said: O’ Huzaifah, come in, I went in to sit down.

It doesn’t take long time when the holy Prophet woke up from sleep so he looked at Ali, he smile and said: O’ the father of al-Hassan, from whom did you took my head from? From Dahiyyah kalbi?

He was Gabriel! By the time you entered what did you said and what was his answer?

When I entered the house I saluted and he answered me saying: peace and blessing be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful.

O’ Ali, before the inhabitant of the world greet you with the tittle of the commander of the faithful, the angel of Allah and the inhabitants of the heaven has saluted you with this tittle. O’ Ali, Gabriel also with the commandment of Allah also greets you with this tittle. Almighty Allah has ordered me to make this issue incumbent to the people and by Allah’s wish it will soon be.


The general announcement of salutation to the commander of the faithful:

Huzaifah continue saying: the following day to that day the holy Prophet sent me to Fadak. Indeed I was there for some days before returning back. After intending to come I heard the people saying: the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ordered the people to salute Ali ibn Abi Talib with the tittle “commander of the faithful” that angel Gabriel has brought this message from almighty Allah.

I said: the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) is saying the truth because I heard Gabriel was addressing Ali Ibn Abi Talib as the commander of the faithful and I narrated the incident of that day to them.

When I was narrating this incident to the people in the mosque, Umar Ibn Khattab was hearing my statements and he said: you saw Gabriel and heard his voice? Desist from this great statement or have you become insane? In answering him I said: yes I saw him and I heard his voice. May Allah smash the nose of he who stood against the truth on soil.

Umar said: O’ huzaifah, you have seen and heard something astonishing.


The occasion of salutation to the commander of the faithful and retaliation of the hypocrites:

Huzaifah continue saying: when I was transmitting what I saw and heard Buraidah Ibn Haseeb Aslami who was also listening to my words said: O’ Huzaifah I swear to God that the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has ordered everyone to salute Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) with “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful”. Indeed few people agreed with this order while a lot of people rejected saying that to him.

- O’ Buraidah! Did you witness that day?

- Yes, I was there from the beginning to the end.

- May God bless you, expound that day to me because I was absent that day. 

Buraidah said: I and my brother was with the Prophet at the groves of Banni Najjar, and Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) came to us and saluted. We answered his salutation and the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: O’ Ali sit down here and he sit down.

People entered and the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ordered them to salute as thus: peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful. They saluted him but they were not pleased with that!

After that Abubakr and Umar entered. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to both of them: salute Ali as thus: “peace be upon you, O’ the commander of the faithful”. They inquired from the Prophet: is this a command from Almighty Allah and His Prophet? The holy Prophet answered: Yes.

After that Talhah and Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqas entered and saluted. The holy Prophet said to them: salute Ali Ibn Abi Talib as thus: ‘peace be upon you, O’ the commander of the faithful’. They asked: is this command from Allah and his Messenger? The holy Messenger (s.a.w.w.) said: yes. They said: we hear and comply.

After that Salman and Abu-Zar al-Ghifari entered and saluted. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) answered their salutation and said: say to Ali “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful” they do the salutation without saying anything.

After that Khazimat Ibn Thabit and Abu haitham Ibn Taihan entered and saluted. The holy Prophet answered their salutation and said to them: say to Ali “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful”, they said it without saying anything.

After that Ammar and Miqdad entered and saluted. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) answered their salutation and said to them: say to Ali “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful”, the said so without saying anything.

After that Uthman and Abu Ubaidah entered and saluted. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) answered their salutation and said to them: say to Ali “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful”, the said so without saying anything.

After that some group of people among the Immigrants and the helpers came and the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to them: say to Ali “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful” some of them did salute him without saying anything; but some of them asked: is this command from Allah and His Prophet? The holy Prophet said: yes.

The people so much rush to the home of the holy Prophet to the extent the house was filled up of people and even outside the house, they enter one after the other to salute Imam Ali saying: “peace be upon you, O’ the commander of the faithful”.

After that his majesty said to me and my brother: O’ Buraidah! Stand up you and your brother to say to Ali “peace be upon you, O’ the commander of the faithful”. We also stood up and saluted him and we return back to our place.

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to the crowd: hear and comprehend! I have ordered you people to greet Ali Ibn Abi Talib as the commander of the faithful. Indeed some individuals asked me: is this commandment from Allah and His Messenger? Mohammad never give commandment from himself rather his commands was based of revelation from Allah. I swear to He whom my life is in His possession, did you accept that if you desist from accepting divine command and abrogates His order you have become unbeliever and you have distance yourself from what I was sent with? Now whoever wants to believe should believe and whoever wants to disbelieve should disbelieve.


The first statement of the hypocrites concerning the usurpation of the caliphate:

When they went out of the house of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) we heard one of those that was ordered to salute Ali as the commander of the faithful (while he was surrounded with some cowards and loose of faith) said to his friend: don’t you see how Mohammad elevates his cousin to high position? I swear to God if he is able he will make him a Prophet after him!

His friend said to him: don’t upset yourself with this issue and don’t lay emphasis on it! When the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) demise from this world we shall put his order beneath our feet!

Huzaifah says: after that Buraidah went to a place along Sham and return. When he return back to Medina, he met the holy Prophet to have died and people had paid allegiance to Abubakr. Buraidah entered the mosque and found Abu-Bakr on the pulpit and Umar sitting down a step below him. He was at a corner of the mosque and shouted loudly and said: O’ Abu-Bakr, O’ Umar! They answered: what has happened O’ Buraidah, have you become insane?

Buraidah said: I swear to God, I have not become insane; but what happened to your saying of “peace be upon you, O’ the commander of the faithful” of yesterday to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.)?

Abu-Bakr answered: O’ Buraidah! After every emergence an incident do take place! You were absent and we are present, meanwhile those present sees what the absentee doesn’t sees! Buraidah said: so you have seen what Allah and his messenger doesn’t see?! Very astonishing that your friend implement the statement he made: ‘that when Mohammad demise from this world, he shall put the order of the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) beneath of his feet’ with this condition I prohibited living in Medina for myself till I die.

[Buraidah was like the young Iranian man that was firm in faith and when he is confronted with the conspiracy of the enemies of the holy house hold of the Prophet he don’t play hypocrisy rather he is decisive in order to safe his faith as we are seeing its similitude here].

The narrator of the hadith said: then Buraidah, his wife and children left Medina and return back to his tribe Banni Aslam; sometimes he paid visit to Medina.

When the caliphate was given to the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) he return back to Medina, he was with him till he left for Iraq. After the martyrdom of Imam Ali (a.s.) Buraidah left for Khurasan and stayed there till he died.


The great sedition of Saqeefah:

Huzaifah said to the young man: these are the information concerning the question you have asked.

The young man said: May God never give good reward to whoever heard the good statement of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) concerning Ali (a.s.) and betrayed Allah and His Messenger and took the caliphate from whom Allah is pleased with and gave it to those whom Allah and His Messenger did not deem to have deserved the caliphate. I swear to God, there is no doubt that after the betrayal they shall never remain as righteous person again.

Huzaifah then descended from the pulpit and said: O’ the helper, the sedition was more and greater than what you thought. To God, the eyes are closed and the reality has went out of the hearts, the enemies become numerous and the partisan of the inhabitant of truth has become little.

The young man said: you could have unsheathed the swords and hold it on the shoulders and you should have killed those astray as much as you can until you are killed or you could have reach the divine aims and objectives.

Huzaifah answered: O’ young man! Our eyes and the ears has been taken and we hate death. The world was adorned before us and it is predestined from Allah for the oppressors to rule over us. We want Allah to forgive our sins and protect us for the rest of our life.

In reality He is the owner of the blessing.

After that Huzaifah left for his home and other disperse.


The introduction of the event of Ghadeer and the conspiracies of the hypocrites:

The narrator of hadith said: I visited Huzaifah during his sick bed prior to his death. I came from Kufah but by then time the commander of the faithful (a.s.) has not come to Iraq.

When I was with Huzaifah the young man came to visit him; huzaifah welcomed him, he called him to himself and sat him by his side and when the entire visitors left he started his discussion with Huzaifah.


The founder of the usurpation of caliphate:

The Iranian young man asked: O’ Huzaifah! One day I heard you narrating an incident to Buraidah Ibn Haseeb Aslami that he heard that one of those people that was ordered to greet Ali Ibn Abi Talib with the tittle “peace be upon you O’ the commander of the faithful” was telling his friend that: ‘don’t you see how Mohammad has elevated his cousin to higher position? I swear to God if he is able he will make him a Prophet after him!

His friend said to him: don’t upset yourself with this issue and don’t lay emphasis on it! When the Prophet demise from this world we shall put his order beneath our feet!’ I understood from the statement of Buraidah the day he met both of them on the pulpit he protested, then I suspected that the speaker of that statement was Abubakr and Umar.

Huzaifah answered: yes, the questioner was Umar while Abubakr gave the answer. The young man said: from Allah we come and unto Him we shall return! I swear to God that they are perished and their deeds are void.

Huzaifah said: they stood on their apostate and what Allah knew about them was more than that.

The young Iranian man said: ‘I wanted to comprehend their act, but I saw you to be sick and I don’t want to disturb you with my words and question’ then he stood up to go.

Huzaifah said: sit down and hear about them from me, even though saying it (as a result of my old age) disturb me. But it is a pity for me not to tell you because I deem I may soon leave this world and I don’t want anyone allured in the midst of the people. I am doing this as a result of my heart feeling for you so that it will be an obedience to the commander of the faithful (a.s.) and the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and to take a step in remembering his virtue and rank.


The general announcement of the journey of the farewell pilgrimage:

The young man said: O’ Huzaifah, please narrate whatever you knew about them to me in order to be an insight for me. Huzaifah said: to God, I will give you information that I heard and saw by myself. I swear to God that with this, their action made us to understand that they never had faith in God and His Messenger (s.a.w.w.).

I will give information of the commandment of Allah given to the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) in the tenth year after the Hijrah to go for pilgrimage together with the people and the following verse was revealed:

'وَ اَذِّنْ فِى النَّاسِ بِالحَجِّ يَأْتُوكَ رِجالاً وَ عَلى كُلِّ ضامِرٍ يَأْتينَ مِنْ كُلِّ فَج عَميق'،

“And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass”. (Surah Hajj: 27)

The holy Prophet ordered the beadles to announce that he will be going to Mecca for this year pilgrimage in order to teach people how to perform pilgrimage and to be firm with the tradition of the holy Prophet.

No one remain until they followed the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) to the extent due to numerousness those that followed him from Medina are about seventy thousand, and the tribes that joined him on his way to Mecca, the entire Muslims were up to one hundred and twenty thousand.[4]

No one followed the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) in the tenth year after the Hijrah unless they witness what is beneficial to them likewise they learned pilgrimage and its rites. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) together with his wives and other Muslims came out of Medina and that was the very farewell pilgrimage.

The first signs of Ghadeer:

When the pilgrimage has finished and they have learned how to perform it, the Prophet addressed the people and made them understand that he has established the religion of Prophet Ibrahim and he has destroy what the atheists had included in the pilgrimage and has bring pilgrimage to its original form.

Then the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) entered Mecca and after one day stay at Mecca (we observed that without delay, he started propagating the guardianship of Ali (a.s.). Then Gabriel descended and said: O’ Muhammad read!

'بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحيمِ، الم، اَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ اَنْ يُتْرَكُوا اَنْ يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَ هُمْ لايُفْتَنُونَ، وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا الَّذينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ فَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ اللهُ الَّذينَ صَدَقُوا وَ لَيَعْلَمَنَّ الْكاذِبينَ، اَمْ حَسِبَ الَّذينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئاتِ اَنْ يَسْبِقُونا ساءَ ما يَحْكُمُونَ'

“In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful; Alif, Lam, Meem, Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun Us? Evil is what they judge”. (Surah Ankabut, verses 1-4).

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) asked: O’ the Gabriel, what is this sedition? Gabriel answered: Almighty Allah sends salutation to you and says:

None of the Prophet that was sent before you until when he was departing we ordered him to choose his vicegerent for his nation as his successor in order to revive his tradition and law. So those who obeyed the order of the Prophet are the truthful ones and those who disobeyed the order of the Prophet are mendacious.

O’ Muhammad! Your demise to your God and His Paradise is very close, your Lord is ordering you to appoint Ali Ibn Abi Talib as your vicegerent after you and deputize your secret to him. He is your successor that will take the responsibility of your nation. If they obey him they will remain healthy (that is their religion will remain healthy). But if they disobey him they will be a disbeliever. Indeed they shall soon disobey your order and that is the very sedition that the verses I have previously mentioned are talking about.

Almighty Allah is giving the commandment to teach him whatever you have learned and whatever he has memorized from you should be keep; indeed he is a trust worthy. O’ Muhammad! I have chosen you among my servant as a Prophet and I have also chosen him as your heir.

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) called Ali Ibn Abi Talib towards himself and stay in seclusion that day and its night which he deputize to Ali Ibn Abi Talib the knowledge and wisdom given to him by Allah and likewise gave him all that was said to him by Gabriel.


The insistence of Aisha to know the secret of Ghadeer:

That day the holy Prophet went on seclusion with Ali was the turn of Aisha, the daughter of Abu-Bakr. (That is every night the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) specified it to one of his wife and that night was the turn of Aisha). Aisha said to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.): today your discussion with Ali was very lengthy!? The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) did not have concentration to her and she once again asked: O’ the Messenger of Allah, why you did not concentrate on the issue that is of my benefit? (I.e. why you did not tell me this secret?) The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: are you saying the truth! It is issue of benefit for a person that Allah accept and his believe on that gives felicity. I was ordered to call the entire people towards him and you shall comprehend that when I announce that between the people.

Aisha said: O’ the Messenger of Allah, why don’t you inform me now so that I can quickly implement that and in order to achieve what is of benefit?

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) answered: now I will tell you but until when there will be general announcement you let it be confidential with you. If you keep and protect that with you Allah will protect you in this world and the next world. Likewise for your precedence in faith Allah and His Prophet Allah shall grant you virtue. And if you did not keep it and did not make the observation that I said you have disbelieve in your God and you have lose your reward likewise Allah and His Prophet’s security has been taken from you and you shall be among the evil doers. Indeed this issue shall never in any way affect Allah and His Messenger.

Aisha gave the guarantee of safeguarding and believe on what the holy Prophet said to her. The Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: ‘Almighty Allah has told me that my life has elapse and He has ordered me to appoint Ali as His sign for the people and announce him as the leader and my vicegerent after me just as the previous Prophets before me has done to their successor. Now I am proceeding on the order of Allah and implementing His commandment. O’ Aisha! Keep this issue behind your heart till Almighty Allah gives commandment for its announcement’. Aisha gave guarantee of keeping this issue and promised to observe it.


Disclosing the secret of Ghadeer by Aisha:

Almighty Allah inform the behavior of Aisha, Hafsah and their fathers in this respect to the holy Prophet. [Almighty has revealed verses in Surat Tahreem from verse 3 and after it] and said:

'وَ إذْ أَسَرَّ النَّبِىُّ إلى بَعْضِ أَزواجِهِ حَديثاً فَلَمّا نَبَّاَتْ بِهِ وَ أَظْهَرَهُ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ عَرَّفَ بَعْضَهُ وَ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ بَعْضٍ، فَلَمّا نَبَّأَها بِهِ قالَتْ مَنْ أَنْبَأَكَ هذا قالَ نَبَّأَنِىَ الْعَليمُ الْخَبيرُ'

“And [remember] when the Prophet confided to one of his wives a statement; and when she informed [another] of it and Allah showed it to him, he made known part of it and ignored a part. And when he informed her about it, she said, "Who told you this?" He said, "I was informed by the Knowing, the Acquainted."

It doesn’t take time when Aisha divulge the secret to Hafsah and every one of them gave the information to her father.

They gathered with the freed ones (i.e. the hypocrites that embrace Islam after the conquest of Mecca and the holy Prophet forgave them and they were known as freed people since then) they sent the hypocrite to give the awareness to other people. Then they face each other and said:

Muhammad wanted to establish the caliphate within his progeny like the Kaiser! To God, you shall not be in luxurious life if the caliphate get to Ali. Muhammad will deal with you apparently but Ali shall deal with you with what is in your mind, so make a good deliberation over it and take your decision.

Then the discussion commenced between themselves, they exchange views until they arrived at conclusion of blocking this issue (i.e. that announcement of the owner of choice, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). So they sent the camel of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) to the mountain. They also did the same thing at the battle of Tabuk, but almighty Allah prevented the Prophet from the danger. [The conspiracy to assassinate the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) at the peak of mountain was sketched out by the special group among the hypocrites. The first was at the battle of Tabuk while the other is at farewell pilgrimage of the holy Prophet.

When the soldiers of Islam together with the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) was returning from battle of Tabuk, the hypocrites decided to threw the holy Prophet from the top of the mountain and this issue was disclosed to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.).

When they are close to the mountain, the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: “anyone that wanted to go by the land should do so hence it is wider”, so the holy Prophet took an altitude route. The people took the land route round the mountain except few people that sketched the plot. Indeed they secretly arrive at the peak of the mountain before the holy Prophet.

The holy Prophet ordered Ammar to hold the rope of the camel while Huzaifah to direct the camel from the back. During their movement when they reach the peak of the mountain unexpectedly they heard the voice of the hypocrite jogging behind them that they have besiege the holy Prophet.

The holy Prophet became annoyed and ordered Huzaifa to attack and reject them. Huzaifah face and attacked them and also use the staff in his hand to beat the face and the head of their rides and made them to retreat; even though the attacker covered their face but Huzaifah was able to recognize them.

Indeed, by the time they saw Huzaifah, Allah made them to have the fear of Huzaifah in their minds and they thought their plot was known to Huzaifah. In this respect they quickly went down to the foothill in order to join the people.

Huzaifah went back to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). His majesty said: O’ Huzaifah! Bring the camel and you, O’ Ammar move the camel! They hesitate and come out of the col and waited at the foothill for the people.

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to Huzaifah: did you know anyone among the group?

- I only knew the ride of so and so person, because they went to the darkness and more so they have covered their faces.

- did you know the intention of the group on ride?

- No’ O’ the Messenger of Allah.

- Their plan is to travel with us so that by the time we reach the col of the mountain during the darkness of the night to push us down from the top of the mountain.

- O’ the Messenger of the Prophet, would you not order us to execute them in the midst of the people?

- I dislike for the people to say: Mohammad has raises his hand to execute his companions. Therefore he gives the names to Ammar and Huzaifah and told them to make it confidential.

Huzaifah said: those who intended to push down the camel of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) when they were returning from the battle of Tabuk are: Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Mu’awiyah, Abu Sufyan, Talhah, Saad Ibn Abi Waqas, Abu Ubaidah, Abul A’war, Mugheerah, Salim Maula Abi Huzaifah, Khalid Ibn Waleed, Amru Ibn A’s, Abu Musa al-Ash’ari and AbdulRahman Ibn Auf.[5]

This individual has several times have agreed to assassinate or to poison the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) in different forms. The freed ones, the hypocrites from the (Ansar) helpers and other Arabs surrounding them that intended to back off from Islam has agreed and vowed to push the camel of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) the original people that reach the treaty are the 14 people. [Huzaifah in the fifth section of this hadith has brought the name of the 14 people that made the conspiracy of Tabuk].


The verses for the general announcement of Ghadeer:

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) intended to appoint Ali (a.s.) as his successor when he reach Medina. He spent two days and two night on the way. On the third day Gabriel revealed the last part of Surah Hajr and said read:

'فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْئَلَنَّهُمْ اَجْمَعينَ، عَمَّا كانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ، فَاصْدَعْ بِما تُؤْمَرْ وَ أَعْرِضْ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكينَ، اِنَّا كَفَيْناكَ الْمُسْتَهْزِئينَ'

“So by your Lord, We will surely question them all. About what they used to do. Then declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists. Indeed, We are sufficient for you against the mockers”. (Surah Hijr verses 92- 95).

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) hesitate and leave the place in order to reach Medina on time in order to appoint Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) as his successor to the people. At the end of the fourth night Gabriel descended upon the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and read the following verse to him:

'يا اَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ ما اُنْزِلَ اِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَبِّكَ وَ اِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَما بَلَّغْتَ رِسالَتَهُ وَالله يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ اِنَّ اللهَ لايَهْدِى الْقَوْمَ الْكافِرينَ'

“O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people”. (Surah al-Ma’idah: 67).

And the meaning of this are those that intended to assassinate the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.).

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: O’ Gabriel! Don’t you see how I traverse the journey very quick in order to reach Medina on time in order to make the guardianship of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) incumbent to those that are present and those that are absent? Gabriel answered: Allah has ordered you to make the guardianship of Ali Ibn Abi Talib incumbent to the people at the first place that you get down of your camel. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to Gabriel: verily I shall do this work tomorrow.

His majesty move on at that very time and the people moved with him until they drop at Ghadeer Khum. The Prophet (s.a.w.w.) prayed with people in congregation and ordered all of them to gather together. Then he called upon Ali (a.s.) and he raise his left hand with his right hand and announces his guardianship to the people and following him as compulsory and ordered people not to be indifferent with him after his demise.


The incident of Ghadeer:

When we reach Ghadeer Khum [from here to the end of the sermon is another narration of Huzaifah which is complete text of the statement of the holy Prophet.[6]

That is if meat is thrown on the ground it will cook due too much heat. At that particular time the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) came to us and ordered everyone to gather. After that he called upon Salman, Miqdad, Abu Zar and Ammar and ordered them to go near two trees that is there in order to clean the thistle and roughs under it. They went there to clean and get it ready.

After that the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ordered them to gather the stones there to make a pulpit and to cover it with a cloth.


The statements of the Prophet before introducing the commander of the faithful:

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ascended the pulpit and glance at his right and left side and waited till everyone is gather. When everyone has gather he then commence his sermon thus:

Thanks be almighty Allah that is having elevated position in His oneness, even in His oneness He is closer to the people [till he says] I testify my servitude to Allah; and I bear witness to His lordship and I will implement whatever He has said because am scared that if I did not implement it, severe punishment will be descend upon me. Almighty Allah has revealed to me:

'يا اَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ ما اُنْزِلَ اِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَبِّكَ وَ اِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَما بَلَّغْتَ رِسالَتَهُ وَاللهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ اِنَّ اللهَ لايَهْدِى الْقَوْمَ الْكافِرينَ'،

“O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people” (Surah Ma’idah: 67).

O’ people, I had no any shortcoming in the Message of Allah that was revealed to me. Now I will expound the reason for the revelation of the verse: Gabriel has descended several times upon me from almighty Allah ‘the peace’ [‘peace’ is one of the name of Allah that was brought] he brought a command that I should announce to the people both black and white that Ali Ibn Abi Talib is my brother, my successor and the Imam after me.

O’ people, the reason for this emphasis is to differentiate between me and the hypocrites that says what is nit in their mind and they belittle that whereas it is a tremendous issue before almighty Allah; and for a lot of disturbance which they have caused upon me. Indeed that was due the company of Ali with me and my much concentration to him and they have nicknamed me and almighty Allah revealed this verse to that effect:

'وَ مِنْهُمُ الَّذينَ يُؤْذُونَ النَّبِىَّ وَ يَقُولُونَ هُوَ اُذُنٌ'،

“And among them are those who abuse the Prophet and say, "He is an ear."

You should be aware that Ali has been chosen as leader compulsory to follow by the immigrants, the helpers, those that follows, [those that follows are those that see the companions of the holy Prophet but have not seen the holy Prophet himself], the villagers, those in the city, Arab and none Arabs, the freed ones and the slaves, young and old, black and white.

His law must be implement, his statement must be accept and his command must be implemented. Woe unto those that disagree with him and whoever believe in him shall be encompass with the blessing of Allah.

O’ people! Ponder over the holy Qur’an and understand its verses. Learn the clear verses and don’t go towards the ambiguous verses. To God, no one will know the interpretation of the holy Qur’an except whom I have hold his hand and raised together with my hand and am announcing to you that whoever am his choice is his choice also and that person is Ali.

O’ people, Ali and my children are from his offspring “the smaller weighty thing” and the “holy Qur’an is the greater weighty thing” indeed both are inseparable until they meet me at the pond of Kawthar. After me the commander of the faithful is not permitted to anyone apart from him. [In another narration Huzaifah said: to God, on the day of Ghadeer Khum we were sitting facing the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.)]. The gathering was full of the immigrants and the helpers, the holy Prophet stood up and said: O’ people, almighty Allah has ordered me and said:

'يا اَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ ما اُنْزِلَ اِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَبِّكَ وَ اِنْ لَمْ تَفْعَلْ فَما بَلَّغْتَ رِسالَتَهُ'.

“O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message.

Then I said to Gabriel: the Qaraysh are saying things concerning me. Gabriel descended again and said:

'وَاللهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ'

  And Allah will protect you from the people.

Then the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) called upon Ali Ibn Abi Talibe (a.s.) and he stood by the right side of his Excellency. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: O’ people, don’t you believed that I deserved yourself more than yourself? They said: yes indeed, Allah is witness to that. Then his majesty said: O’ people, whoever I am his master, Ali is his master.

A person in the gathering said: O’ the Prophet what is the meaning of this? His majesty said: ‘whoever am his Prophet, this Ali is his Imam’. Then he said: O’ Allah, love whoever loves him and be in enmity with whoever has enmity towards him, help whoever helps him and forsake whoever forsakes him.[7]

Introduction of the commander of the faithful and calling to give allegiance to him:

Then his majesty hold the hand of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and raised him up. Indeed by the time the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) was on top of the pulpit, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) sat in a step lower than the Prophet’s right side. Indeed he stood up in respect facing the holy Prophet.

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) stood him up and said: O’ people, who is having your choice? The entire people said: Allah and his Messenger. Then the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: be aware that whoever am having his choice this Ali is having his choice. O’ Allah, love whoever loves him and be in enmity with whoever has enmity towards him, help whoever helps him and forsake whoever forsakes him. Almighty Allah has perfected your religion with the Guardianship and Imamate of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).

There is no verses that was addressed to the believer until Ali is the first addressee. [i.e. Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) is the head and the commander of the believer]. Almighty Allah in surat “Hal Ata” did not give attestation of the Paradise to anyone except him, and it was not revealed except concerning him. The children of every Prophet is from his descendant but my descendant is from Ali. No one have enmity with Ali except the bad ones and the pious ones befriends him.

Surah wal-Asr;

'بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ، وَالْعَصْرِ، اِنَّ الاْ نْسانَ لَفى خُسْرٍ، اِنَّ الَّذينَ آمَنُوا وَ عَمِلُوا الصّالِحاتِ وَ تَواصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَ تَواصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ'.

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful; By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and do righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. (Surat al-Asr: 1-3)

This chapter is revealed in the respect of Imam Ali and its interpretation read thus:

“By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, (they are the enemies of the progeny of Muhammad); except for those who have believed (believe on their guardianship); and do righteous deeds (together in harmony with his brother) and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience (during the time of occultation of Imam)”.

O’ people, believe in Allah, His Prophet and the light He has sent to you. Almighty Allah has put the light in me, Ali and also in his descendants till Imam Mahdi that shall take the divine right from the enemies.

O’ people, I am Prophet of Allah and there are Prophets before me, be aware that Ali and his children after him that are from his descendants has been described with forbearance and gratefulness.

O’ people, a lot of your predecessors have gone astray. I am the straight path of my Lord that you are being ordered to follow, after me is Ali and after him are my children from his descendant, they are the Imams that guide towards right path.

I have expound and make you to understand and Ali shall make you to understand things after me. You should aware that after my sermon I will call you to give me your hand as allegiance and attestation to his guardianship.

Be aware that I have gave allegiance to Allah and Ali has paid allegiance to me, and I will take allegiance on behalf of Allah from you for him. After that whoever break the allegiance has suffer himself and Almighty Allah shall reward greatly those who uphold his allegiance.

O’ people, you are more than to give allegiance with my one hand. [i.e. I am having one hand and you are many and there is possibility for some of you not to be able to give allegiance.]

Almighty Allah has ordered me to take confession from you concerning Ali Ibn Abi Talib for being the commander and the Imams after him are my children from his descendant as I have taught you. Therefore those that are present should inform the absentee.

Then you should said: ‘we heard and we shall comply and we are pleased with what you have brought to us from God’. Indeed we are giving allegiance with our hearts, tongues and our hands, we shall live, die and resurrect with it. We shall not change and we shall not give chance of doubt in our mind. We are strengthening our covenant with you, Ali, Hassan, Husain and the Imams that shall come after them which you have mentioned; we shall not exchange them with anything and we shall convey this message to anyone we see.


The ceremony of giving allegiance on the day of Ghadeer Khum:

The people started saying ‘yes, we heard and we shall comply with the order of Allah and His Messenger and have believe in that with our heart’. Huzaifah in another narration says: to God, I saw Mu’awiyah stood up arrogantly and left the gathering with annoyance. He laid his right hand on the shoulder of Abu Musa As’ari and his left hand on the shoulder of Mugheerah Ibn Shu’bah saying: ‘we didn’t believe in the statement of Muhammad and we shall not acknowledge the Guardianship of Ali’.

For this his action, almighty Allah revealed a verse:

'فَلا صَدَّقَ وَ لا صَلّى، وَ لكِنْ كَذَّبَ وَ تَوَلّى، ثُمَّ ذَهَبَ الى أَهْلِهِ يَتَمَطّى، أَوْلى لَكَ فَأَوْلى، ثُمَّ أَوْلى لَكَ فَأَوْلى'

And the disbeliever had not believed, nor had he prayed. But [instead], he denied and turned away. And then he went to his people, swaggering [in pride]. Woe to you, and woe! (Surah Qiyammah, v: 31- 34).

Then the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) intended to return Mu’awiyah in order to execute him but Gabriel brought the following verse:

'لاتُحَرِّكْ بِهِ لِسانَكَ لِتَعْجَلَ بِهِ'

Move not your tongue with it, [O Muhammad], to hasten with recitation of the Qur'an. (Surah Qiyamah, v: 16).

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) become silent because of this commandment.[8]

Then they went towards the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and Ali (a.s.) in crowd in order to give their homage and allegiance and due numerousness of people and little time, the Zuhr and Asr prayers were said at the same time and the ceremony continued for the rest part of the day until Magrib and Isha’I prayers are also said at the same time.

At any time group of people came near the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) he would say: thanks be almighty Allah that gave us privilege above the inhabitants of the world. It was narrated in another narration: the tent of Huzaifah was very close to the tent of the inhabitant of Saqeefah. Huzaifah right from inside his tent heard one of the inhabitants of Saqeefah saying: to God, Muhammad is a fool if he thought the caliphate will reach the hand of Ali after him. Another person said: are you calling him a fool, don’t you know he is insane? That is why he was almost unconscious before wife of Ibn Abi Kabashah!! The third person said: leave him alone, whether he is a fool or an insane, what he was saying shall not happen!

Huzaifah was confused with their statement. So he open his tent and put his head inside their tent and said: at this time when the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) is between you and the revelation of Allah is descending you still say this? To God, tomorrow morning I shall inform the holy Prophet of this development.

- O’ Huzaifah, you are here and you heard all we’ve said? You should conceal it because the right of neighborhood is a trust!

- This is not the type of neighborhood that their right must be keep! I don’t have heart felling if I conceal this statement for Allah and His messenger.

- O’ servant of Allah, do whatever you like! To God, we shall swear before the Prophet that we didn’t said such words that you lied against us. Did you think he will accept your words and denied the words of three of us?

- Whatever you say is not important when I have did my responsibility between me and my God and His Messenger.

The following morning Huzaifah went to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) by the time Ali (a.s.) was with Prophet standing with his sword and he inform the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) of their statement. His Excellency sent for them and said: what have you said? They said: To God, we have not said anything and if there is any report concerning us it is fabrication against us! Then Gabriel revealed this verse:

'يَحْلِفُونَ بِاللهِ ما قالُوا وَ لَقَدْ قالُوا كَلِمَة الْكُفْرِ وَ كَفَرُوا بَعْدَ اسْلامِهِمْ'،

“They swear by Allah that they did not say [anything against the Prophet] while they had said the word of disbelief and disbelieved after their [pretense of] Islam” [Surah Tawbah: 74].

The commander of the faithful said: ‘let them say what they want! Indeed am not scared of them while my sword is on my shoulder. If they have bad intention against me I shall surely confront them.

Gabriel said to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.): ‘be patient for the time that shall come’. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) told Ali (a.s.) what Gabriel have told him, and Ali (a.s.) said: I shall be patient before the predestination of Allah.[9]


The signs of sedition during the Ghadeer:

The entire people pay allegiance to his Excellency and they didn’t said anything. Abu-Bakr and Umar before the allegiance went to side of Juhfah. [i.e. they tried to run from given allegiance after the sermon and before the allegiance they went out of Ghadeer Khum]. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) sent a person to return them back, he addressed them in annoyance and said: O’ the son of Abu Quhafah and Umar, give your allegiance to Ali the owner of choice after me!

They inquired: is this issue from Allah and His Prophet? The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) answered and said: Is it possible for such statement to be from other than Allah? Indeed this issue if from Allah and His Messenger. Then both of them gave the allegiance and left. Huzaifah in another narration said: after the statement of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.), a person by name ‘Fahri’ stood up and said: is this statement from you or your Lord have given this commandment?

His Excellency said: almighty Allah gave me the commandment. Fahri said: O’ God, if this order is from you, send a stone from heaven upon me. He has not reach his place when Allah descends stone upon him and got wounded, he fell down and die. Then Allah revealed the following verse upon him:

'سَأَلَ سائِلٌ بِعَذابٍ واقِعٍ'

“A supplicant asked for a punishment bound to happen” [Surah Ma’arij : 1] [Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 37, pg: 136].


The conspiracy against Ghadeer and the first cursed scripture:

With the end of the ceremony of Ghadeer, the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) moved together with the caravan from Ghadeer; they traveled one day and night until they reach the mountain of ‘Harshi’. The hypocrites who have plot to assassinate the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) went ahead of him to the top of the hill and they have filled big containers with sand meanwhile they have concealed themselves. [For the difficulty in climbing the hill of ‘Harshi’ people decided to go round the hill instead of climbing it. But the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) decided to go by the hill whereas some people also went on top of the hill in order to implement their evil plan.]

Huzaifah continue saying: the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.), called me and Ammar, and ordered Ammar to come behind the camel and I should stay by the front in order to hold the tether of the camel until we reach the peak of the mountain. 

Unexpectedly those people concealing themselves attacked us from behind and pour the sands at the leg of the camel. So the camel become frighten and almost throw the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) to the foothill, then his majesty shouted loudly to the camel and said: ‘don’t move because there is no cause for alarm’.

Unexpectedly the camel with the power of Allah spoke fluently in Arabic language and said: ‘O’ the messenger of Allah, so far you are seating on top of me, I will not move if the hand and leg did not make mistake’!

Those that conspired thought the camel will deem an attack from the wild animal and it will recoil more. Indeed at that dark night, I and Ammar unsheathed our sword and attacked them. With our attacking the hypocrites ran away and they were despair of their plot.


Announcing the names of the plotters against Ghadeer:

Huzaifah in continuation of the story said to the Iranian young man: I inquired from the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.): O’ the messenger of Allah, who are those people that have plot against you?

- O’ huzaifah, they are the hypocrites in this world and in the next world.

- O’ the messenger of Allah, you wouldn’t send a group of people to execute them?

- Almighty Allah has ordered me not to expose them, and I don’t want the people to say: ‘he is a person that called his people and companion to his religion, they accepted it and with their help he fought the enemies till he obtain victory and after that he assassinate them’.

O’ Huzaifah, Almighty Allah is at their ambush. He is giving them some chances and after that He shall punish them with severe punishment.

O’ the messenger of Allah, who are these hypocrites? Are they from the immigrant or from the helpers?

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) mentioned their names one after the other to me. There are some people I don’t want to be part of them but I was astonished.

His Excellency said: O’ Huzaifah, it seems you are doubtful of some people I have mentioned their name to you? So raise up your head.

I looked up to those standing at the peak of the mountain, unexpected the thunder lighten and I saw everything surrounding us, indeed it stayed until I deem the day has break. I saw all of them and to God I knew all of them. Indeed they are the very people the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has mentioned their names to me. They are fourteen in number of which nine of them are from Quraish while the other five are not from Quraish.

The young Iranian man said to Huzaifah: may Allah have mercy on you, mention their names for me. Huzaifah said: to God, those of them from Quraish are: Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Talhah, AbdulRahmand Ibn Awf, Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqas, Abu Ubaidah Jarrah, Mu’awiyyah Ibn Abi Sufyan and Amru Ibn A’s. The other tribe apart from Quraish are: Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, Mugheerah Ibn Shu’bah al-Thaqafi, Aws Ibn Hadathan Nadri, Abu Hurairah and Abu Talhah Ansari.


The serious encounter of the Holy Prophet with the plotters:

During Fajr time we came down from the peak of the hill and his Excellency came down to the foothill, he performed ablution and stayed waiting for the companion. [Because most of the people are busy going round the mountain and they reach the other side very late]. Those at the peak of the mountain also came down and everyone gathered at a place.

When we were praying I saw those group in the midst of the people praying behind the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). After the prayer the holy Prophet looked at his back and saw Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah supplicating. The Prophet inform the caller to announce to the people that he wanted to talk confidentially two people’ [this order is showing the peal of sedition of the hypocrites].

The first written pact against Ghadeer. [Huzaifah in another narration said: those group gathered and said: Muhammad wanted to station the Imamate in his household! Four people among them separated from them and left for Mecca. They entered the Kaabah and reach a treaty which its content is as follow: if God take the life of Muhammad or he was kill, the issue of caliphate shall not reach his holy household].

After this action, almighty Allah revealed this verse:

'أَمْ أَبْرَمُوا أَمْراً فَاًِّنّا مُبْرِمُونَ، أَمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنّا لانَسْمَعُ سِرَّهُمْ وَ نَجْواهُمْ، بَلى وَ رُسُلُنا لَدَيْهِمْ يَكْتُبُونَ'

Or have they devised [some] affair? But indeed, We are devising [a plan]. Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private conversations? Yes, [We do], and Our messengers are with them recording. (surah al-Zuhruf: 79- 80). [Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37, pg: 129; Awaleemul Ulum vol: 3, pg: 298].

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) left the people at the resting station of ‘Aqabah’ and stop at the next station. Salim the slave of Huzaifah saw Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah while on special discussion. He went to them and said: does the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) never gave an order that more than two people should not be in a private discussion? To God, you should inform me what you people are discussing or I will go to the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) to give him the information.

Abu-Bakr said: O’ Salim, you are reaching divine treaty that if we inform you of the reason of our gathering here you join us if you like and if you don’t like it you should conceal it? Salim [that was having serious enmity with Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and they knew that] reach the treaty to be with them.

They said to Salim: we gathered here in order to reach treaty and to vow that we are not going to follow Mohammad concerning the choice of Ali! Salim asked: is it true it is because of this you gathered here for discussion?

They answered: to God, this is our topic of discussion and nothing else. Salim said: to God, am the first person to be with you people and I shall never disagree with you people! To God there is no any day until am annoyed with Bani Hashim and among them no one is more annoyed to me than Ali Ibn Abi Talib! In this respect do whatever is your view and count me among your group.

These four people at that very time reach the pact against the caliphate of the commander of the faithful (a.s.) and separated from each other. They came to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) when he wanted to leave and the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to them: what issue you people is discussing today even though I have prohibited secret discussion?

They answered: O’ the Messenger of Allah, it is only now that we are meeting together. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) with annoyance glance at them and said: did you know most or Allah?

'وَ مَنْ اَظْلَمُ مِمَّنْ كَتَمَ شَهادَة عِنْدَهُ مِنَ اللهِ وَ مَا اللهُ بِغافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ'

 And who is more unjust than one who conceals a testimony he has from Allah? And Allah is not unaware of what you do. (Surah Baqarah: 140).


The real statute against Ghadeer:

Huzaifah in continuation of the adventure said: then the caravan continue the journey until they reach medina. The very hypocrites with some of their allies gathered together and a scripture based on the pact they have reached concerning the caliphate within themselves. The first of the scripture is to break the caliphate of the owner of the choice, Ali (a.s.) and that the caliphate is exclusively for Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah, and Salim is together with them and the caliphate is not out of these four people!

In this scripture thirty four people bear witness to it of which fourteen of them are among the companions of Aqabah [i.e. those very people at the mountain of ‘Harshi’ that intended to implement the assassination of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.)]. Indeed there are other twenty people. After writing and endorsing the scripture it was kept as deposit with Abu Ubaidah Jarrah as their secretary.

The Iranian you man asked: O’ Huzaifah, supposing people said: ‘the caliphate is for Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah and their proof is that they are elders among the Quraish and they are among the earliest people that migrated’; why are they pleased with the caliphate of Salim even though he is not among the Quraish or the Immigrant and the helper rather he is a slave of one of the women among the helper?

Huzaifah answered: O’ young man, this group gathered together due to envy and annoyance they are having with Ali (a.s.) they prevented him from caliphate. In addition the Quraish are having the hatred of Ali (a.s.) because the impure blood he has split, and that he is the most special person to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). They are revenging the split blood by Ali (a.s.) with the commandment of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). Indeed they reached the pact in order to destroy the caliphate of Imam Ali and this was putting under the responsibility of these fourteen people that hide at the peak of the mountain of ‘Harshi’ and Salim was also accepted in the group.


The statute of Saqeefah:

The young man said: May God have mercy on you; inform me what they have written in the scripture in order to know. Huzaifah said: this information was transmitted to me by Asma daughter of Amees Hath’amiyeh, the wife of Abu-Bakr. Those people gathered in the house of Abu-Bakr and they have discussed about this. Indeed Asma heard all the plans that they have plotted.

They came to agreement after they have discussed about the pact and they ordered Saeed Ibn A’s to put it in writing for them and the text is as follows:

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful:

The writing is [The statute of Saqeefah is arranged as one eternal law against Ghadeer and the selected divine Imams. In this respect they wanted to deceive people of that day and the coming generation, they do all the deceit, supported their assertion with the verses of the holy Qur’an and the accepted foundation of Islam as tools against the divine command. Indeed this is the utmost sedition of Saqeefah which they have predicted for the close and distance of their followers. We shall subsequently illustrate the abuse of this scripture by the hypocrites in the footnote.] Which some of the companion of Muhammad (s.a.w.w.) among the immigrant and the helper agreed on that, those whom Allah has praised with the tongue of His Prophet. [Here is the praise of the Immigrants and the helpers in the holy Qur’an, which has been abused by these few individual that sketched the statute of Saqeefah which has been secretly written by 34 people without the knowledge of others among the Immigrants and the helpers. Apart from that almighty Allah has never applaud the entire Immigrant and the helpers, and the verses concerning the hypocrites in the holy Qur’an is pertaining this very group.] They came into agreement after they have pounder and counsel between themselves and they wrote this scripture by considering the previous days and the days to come so that the Muslims that shall be coming should follow them.  

After that, almighty Allah with His favor and grace has sent Mohammad to the entire people for the religion which He has chosen for His servants. Indeed he has done his responsibility and has also propagated what Allah has ordered him and make it incumbent upon us in order to abide by it all until the time the religion is perfected and make the compulsory aspect incumbent and has established the Sunnah (tradition). Then almighty Allah choses his presence with respect and pleasure and take his soul without appointing any one to the caliphate! [This statements is to deceive the far future generation that are coming after the advent of Islam, if not we must inquire: does Ghadeer never exist in the previous days of Islam and Islam did not exist for the future days to come? Then how such scripture was written by considering the previous days of Islam?!.] The holy Prophet has given the choice on the responsibility of the Muslims that any one that is of his thought and heart feeling should be chosen. The Muslims must follow the holy Prophet [it is very interesting that the scripture was written by the companions of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) in less than one month after the occurrence of Ghadeer and it was said in it that ‘the holy Prophet did not appoint any one as his successor after him’!!.] just as almighty Allah has said:

'لَقَدْ كانَ لَكُمْ فى رَسُولِ اللهِ اُسْوَة حَسَنَةْ لِمَنْ كانَ يَرْجُو اللهَ وَ الْيَوْمَ الاَّخَرَ'

There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.

Also they incline to the verse of the holy Qur’an in order to establish their wrong claim. Does the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) on the day of Ghadeer kept the issue of caliphate in the hands of the Muslims? Is there any occasion that the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has said such statement till the people imitate his Excellency in this respect?].

The Prophet did not put a person in the caliphate with the proof that it should not remain in a family like an inheritance to the extent other Muslims would not have a role in it, and in order not to be the government of the rich ones so that whoever obtain it should not claim it is inheritance for the progeny till the day of Judgment!

[In this section they have misused of ignorant bigotry and emotional feeling of the people in order to step on divine commandment.]

For this claim that the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has not appointed a successor, they brought the issue of inheriting the government like the Sultans; whereas concerning the Imams they are liable to that limitation and no one is having quality of that position and rank. In this respect there is nothing like father and son in the case of Imam Hassan and Imam Husain (a.s) that will result to inheritance.

At the other hand in order to motivate the ignorant bigotry they present the issue of the role of the entire Muslims whereas issue of caliphate is not like that of public treasury till everyone should be an associate in it rather the best selection is that of almighty Allah and no one is able to make a better selection than Allah.

At the other hand which is shame to the inhabitant of Saqeefah was connecting the caliphate with the government of the rich ones. As if the caliphate is royal government that whoever it falls in his hand will start gathering wealth and surround himself with the rich ones. Therefore in order to prevent this discrepancy the caliphate must be change and it should not remain in one progeny till the entire wealth should not remain in them. Indeed that is what the inhabitant of Saqeefah did and it reach its utmost peak during the era of Uthman till people rise against him and he was assassinated. It is compulsory upon the Muslims that after the demise of any caliph the elites should gather for consultation and make their Ameer whomever they thought deserve it and make him the owner of the choice of the Muslims. Because every time those that deserve to be leader are not remain hidden. It is clear that human being knows that chosen of their elites would not be like the choice of almighty Allah. This is what in the history of the chosen caliphs at Saqeefah made people to know that the usurper of the caliphs has brought oppression, ignorance, undeserved and sin to their era.

We have seen that in order to heal the inadequacy in human being they have added baseless patch to their speech so that every time those that are having the competency should not be hidden. But the history as well shows that the competence ones every time has been remain concealed! Just like the place of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) has been taken by the most incompetent person.

If someone claim among the people that the Messenger of Allah has appointed a person as the successor and has also mention his name and his genealogy it will termed as void statement and it is in different with what the companions believe upon and he has differ from the consensus of the entire Muslims. [This is how they simply go against Ghadeer that throughout the history of one thousand four hundred years, Ghadeer was not seen. Indeed this is a claim without proof with the pretext that the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) believe is in different to that! Then we must inquire that: which of the companion? Definitely they are those 34 hypocrites! Or with the pretext that the Muslims are in different to that! Which of the Muslims? Definitely they are those group and the helper of Saqeefah that brought firewood in order to set the house of Fatimah ablaze!.]

If anyone claimed that successor-ship of the holy Prophet is inheritance and he has left it for someone for inheritance he has made an impossible statement; because the holy Prophet has said: ‘we the Prophets are not inherited, whatever we left behind is almsgiving’ we can see that that fabricated hadith was presented during the usurpation of Fadak before Fatimah Zahra, here they thought that by usurping the caliphate they support their assertion with hadith from the great missionary of Ghadeer. After that some people knew the dispute, the house of Saqeefah and Fadak even though none of them from the house is ready to give attestation concerning the authenticity of the hadith and the only people that claim that was only Abu-Bakr, Umar, Aisha and A’us Ibn Hadthan [that was mentioned in this very hadith of Huzaifah as one of the plotters for assassinating the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and that have gave attestation in their benefit].

It is in this respect that the commander of the faithful (a.s.) said: there is no one among the companions of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) to bear attestation to the authenticity of this hadith in your favor except an Arab desert dweller by name A’us Ibn Hadthan that purifies his body with his urine?![10]

If a person claim that no one have the competence to be the caliph except one person and that it is exclusively for him and other did not deserved it because he is always at the back of the Prophet; such person is a liar! Because the holy Prophet has said: ‘my companions are like star and you are guide by following any of them’.

[We will also know another fabricated hadith that was used by the companions of Saqeefah throughout the history. Indeed it was fabricated in the workshop of Saqeefah before the demise of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). What is most interesting is that they use this fabricated hadith before the firm and authentic hadith of Ghadeer].

The real statement of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) throughout his life and most especially during the Ghadeer was exclusively to the twelfth Imams and it shows that no one is competent of the post apart from them because the post of the Imam is like that of the Prophet and there must be purity in it because it is not an ordinary leader that any how person can take over. 

We can see that in order to run away from this purity none of the usurper was able (even apparently) to show that, so they fabricate such hadith in order to upgrade the status of the companions so that they can show that purity, whereas the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has said this issue several times that on the day of resurrection on the pond of Kauthar some of the companions would be distance away from me because after me they turn down the religion and they have animosity with the holy Qur’an and my holy progeny. If anyone claim that he deserve the caliphate and the imamate because of his closeness to the holy Prophet and the caliphate is exclusively in him and his progeny, i.e. the children inherit caliphate from the father and this continue all the time and no one is competent till the day of resurrection and it is they that deserve it; such person spoke lie no matter how his relation is close to the holy Prophet! Therefore almighty Allah said: and the statement of Allah rule over everyone:

'اِنَّ اَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللهِ اَتْقاكُمْ'،

‘Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.’  (Surah Hujurat: 13).

[The fundamental point in the sermon of Ghadeer that is close from the hands of the enemies is appointing the path of the Imam till the day of resurrection and limitation of that to twelve Imams from the lineage of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.)]. In opposition to accurate procedure which Allah and His Prophet has said, the owners of the scripture has taken verse from the holy Qur’an as prove for the usurpation of the caliphate:

'اِنَّ اَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللهِ اَتْقاكُمْ'،

‘Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.’  (Surah Hujurat: 13).

They have taken a general verse in opposition to the clear and obvious statement of the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) which is aimed at animosity before the Threshold of Allah and His Prophet. Almighty Allah who has limited the caliphate to twelve Imams in reality those twelve people are the most pious people at all the time. Indeed we must inquire that: who among the caliph from Saqeefah has claimed to be most pious person? We must also inquire: during the time of the Imam who among the people that are more pious than them?

With the empty claim of this very people of Saqeefah which throughout the history of the usurpation of the caliphate are always retrogressing than any other people?!!

Likewise the holy Prophet said: ‘the right of the Muslims are equal and the lowest person is able to pursue his right. The entire Muslims are one hand before the enemies’. Then anyone that believe in the Book of Allah and accepted the tradition of the holy Prophet his path is straight and he is heading towards Allah and he is trekking an authentic path. [That the right the entire Muslims are equal compared to the tremendous oppression that the caliph of Saqeefah has done to the entire people and they did not protect the rights of the people, rather they have protected rights of some individual while others rights has been trapped upon. Indeed for everyone to be able to obtain his rights doesn’t mean that everyone can be an Imam and that there is no difference in that. Verily this issue is not accepted by any society and any sensible person. Indeed it is obvious that Imamate need competency and by obtaining it you can get that position, if not the incompetence caliphs shall also achieve the very bad fruit of the inhabitants of Saqeefah which has affected the essence of the original Islam and has caused shame to themselves and people of Islam before the other nation.]

Whoever did not accept the caliph is ruled to have against the truth, the Book of Allah and has detached himself from the congregation of the Muslims; he should be kill and killing him is at the benefit of the Islamic nation.

[Clinging to the ‘congregation of the Muslims’ and such caliph are being introduced as their representative is a pretext for free and unconditional oppression, in such a way that anyone that stand contrary to that will be rule to be kill for going against the consensus of the Muslims and cutting off its unity!]

This has been actualized throughout the history of Saqeefah and the type of Malik Ibn Nuwairah that said: ‘we remain on the belief as Muslim and we only believe on the caliph that was chosen on the day of Ghadeer and we did not believe on the caliph of Saqeefah’; he was not speared of the sword. Even a woman by name Ummu Furu’h who announced her opposition to Abu-Bakr and said: ‘I only accept the real caliph of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) which is Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) was ordered to be assassinated by Abu-Bakr’![11]

Likewise the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: ‘whoever among my nation (whereas they are united) that comes to create disunity among them should be kill whoever he may be; because unity is blessing and difference is punishment. Indeed my nation shall never be in consensus in astray path and the Muslims are one hand in opposition to the enemies’. No one will cause difference among the Muslims except he is one sided, they are definitely the enemy and they are assisting the enemies of the Muslims. Verily Allah and His Messenger has made his blood lawful and killing him is permissible.

[We can also see that they don’t have any hindrance in fabricating and distorting the sayings of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and they have ascribed to his Excellency that ‘my nation shall never be in consensus in astray path’ whereas the inhabitants of Saqeefah have confessed that several times the nation had have consensus on an invalid thing, till they agreed for Yazid to cut off the head of Husain (a.s.)! Was this unity of people based on truth? Must we close our eyes and ears to follow such unity?!].

Saeed Bn A’s who was among those that endorsed and gave attestation at the end of this scripture that was written at the end of Muharram in the tenth year after the migration.

الحمدلله رب العالمين

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.


Those that append their signature to the scripture are as follows:

Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Talhah, Abdulrahman Ibn Awf, Sa’ad Bn Abi Waqas, Abu Ubaidah al-Jarrah, Mu’awiyyah Bn Abi Sufyan, Amru Ibn A’s, Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, Mugheera Bn Shu’bah Thaqafi, A’us Bn Hadthan Nadri, Abu Hurairah, Abu Talhah al-Ansari, Abu Sufyan, Akramah Bn Abi Jahl, Sufyan Bn Umayah Bn Khalaf, Saeed Bn A’s, Khalid Bn Waleed, Ayash Bn Abi Rabi’ah, Basheer Bn Sa’ad, Suhail Bn Amru, Hakeem Bn Hizam, Suhaib Bn Sanan, Abul A’war Aslami, Muti’u Bn Aswad, and …..

After that it was given to Abu Ubaidah and he took it to Mecca in order to bury it in Ka’ba. The scripture was still buried until Umar Bn Khattab came to throne when he brought it out of its place.

This scripture is the very one during the death of Umar, the commander of the faithful (a.s.) went with it to his corpse and said: how I wish this scripture is wrap with the shroud and to meet my Lord with it. [It is an irony that on the day of resurrection before the divine Justice, I should present the real document of injustice and to show it to entire people].

After that some people from the home of Abu-Bakr stood up and left.


The statement of the holy Prophet concerning the second cursed scripture:

At dawn, the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) prayed with people in congregation and sat by the sanctuary remembering Allah till the sun rise. After the sun rise, his Excellency look at Abu Ubaidah and said: ‘congratulation that you have become the trustworthy one of this nation’!

After that he read this verses:

'فَوَيْلٌ لِلَّذينَ يَكْتُبُونَ الْكِتابَ بِأَيْديهِمْ ثُمَّ يَقُولُونَ هذا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللهِ لِيَشْتَرُوا بِهِ ثَمَناً قَليلاً، فَوَيْلٌ لَهُمْ مِمَّا كَتَبَتْ اَيْديهِمْ وَ وَيْلٌ لَهُمْ مِمَّا يَكْسِبُونَ'


“So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.” (Surah Baqarah: 79).

Then he said: those people among this nation who have written such scripture are similitude with those whom Allah says on their regards:

'يَسْتَخْفُونَ مِنَ النَّاسِ وَ لايَسْتَخْفُونَ مِنَ اللهِ وَ هُوَ مَعَهُمْ اِذْ يُبَيِّتُونَ ما لايَرْضى مِنَ الْقَوْلِ وَ كانَ الله بِما يَعْمَلُونَ مُحيطاً'

They conceal [their evil intentions and deeds] from the people, but they cannot conceal [them] from Allah, and He is with them [in His knowledge] when they spend the night in such as He does not accept of speech. And ever is Allah, of what they do, encompassing. (Surah Nisa’i: 108).

After that he said: today some people have gathered and wrote a scripture like the leader during the ignorant era that have written scripture against us and hung it in the Ka’ba. [He is pointing at the adventure of the Quraish in Mecca of their various fight with the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and the encounter he had which avail them nothing when they gathered at a place called “Dar al-Nadwah” where they wrote truce against the holy Prophet and his families. The summary of the truce is that they should not give food to Bani Hashim and they should not converse nor make any economic deal with them. There should not be inter marriage between them and the other Quraish, they should not live together until they handed over Mohammad to them in order to execute him! The entire tribe combined together like one hand in order to execute Muhammad (s.a.w.w.) rather this scripture was appended with forty men’s signature and they hung it in the Ka’ba].[12]

Almighty Allah gave that potentialities to them and those that are coming after them as a test in order to differentiate between the good and the bad ones. If almighty Allah have not given me the order to turn to see the extent they wanted to reach I could have executed them. [Then those that appended their signatures on the cursed scripture could have been executed and indeed this atrocity committed by them deserved such punishment.]

Huzaifah continue saying: To God, I saw those that appended their signatures on the scripture are shivering when the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) was making his speech to the extent it was not hidden to anyone at the gathering those that was meant by the statement of his Excellency and that he is reciting these verses on their behalf.


Aisha’s Opposition to Ghadeer and her assistance to the plotters against Ghadeer:

Huzaifah in continuation of his speech said: when the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) return from his pilgrimage trip as usual he went to the house of Ummu Salamah. But this time he remain there for one month and did not go to any of his wife’s house.


Holding Aisha responsible for disclosing the secret of Ghadeer:

In this respect Aisha and Hafsat reported to their fathers of this behavior of the Prophet. Then Abu-Bakr and Umar said: ‘we know why he was doing this and we know the reason behind it! Go and meet him and speak lightly with him and make him to incline towards you! He shall feel shy and he will show his magnanimity to you. Probably you may be able to remove the annoyance from his mind’!

Aisha alone went to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and met him at the house of Ummu Salamah together with Ali Bn Abi Talib (a.s.). The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to her: what brought you here? She answered: O’ the Messenger of Allah, it is astonishing that after the journey I did not come to your house! O’ the Messenger of Allah, I seek refuge in Allah for your annoyance!

His majesty said: ‘if you are saying the truth why did you disclose the secret I entrusted to you? With this your action you have destroy yourself and you have destroyed a lot of people’! Then he said to the maid of Ummu Salamah: call all my wives to gather in the house of Ummu Salamah.

After the coming of the wives of his Majesty, the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: ‘listen to what am going to say’ he pointed to Ali Bn Abi Talib (a.s.) and continue saying:

He is my brother and my heir and he will take over the affairs of the religion after me. Therefore follow and obey him in whatever he commands you, don’t disobey him because offending him is your destruction.

Then the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) face Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and said:

O’ Ali, I am instructing you concerning them; keep them so long they obey Allah, His Messenger and you. [I.e. take care of their affairs as wives of the Prophet and don’t divorce them on my behalf.] Feed them from your property and give them your instructions and forbids them from anything you are doubtful of and divorce them if they disobey you.

Ali (a.s.) said: O’ the Messenger of Allah, they are women and their view are very weak? The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: tolerate them to the extent you can tolerate them and divorce any of them that disobey you, such divorce that is weary to God and His Messenger [i.e. the divorce will remove them from my wife. This is type of divorce that occurs after the demise of the Prophet. That is weariness to Allah and His Messenger].


Pointing of the Prophet to the sedition of Aisha in the battle of Camel:

The wives of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) remain silent and did not said anything but Aisha started speaking and said: O’ the Messenger of Allah, we are not found of disobeying you after given an order?!

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said: yes Humira, you have made the severest disobedience to my order?! [This is pointing at the secret of Ghadeer which was confided to her of which she disclosed it. Although it has been mentioned previously].

To God, after me you shall disobey my orders and offends me. You shall come out of the house which I keep you to be adorn for you and some people shall gather round you! You shall disagree with Ali whereas you’ve oppress him and have offends your Lord. Its sign is that on the way of Hau’ab dog shall bike you and be aware that this incident shall happen. [The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) gave the news of this occurrence 25 years before it occurs. At 35 years after the migration, Aisha by instigating Talhah and Zubair stand against the commander of the faithful (a.s.), Ummu Salamah reminded Aisha of the prophecy of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and also reminded her of the dogs of Hau’ab but she did not paid attention to it rather she went forward to Medina and from there to Basrah].

Aisha on her way to battle of Jamal met a place called ‘Hau’ab’. Due the bike of the dogs of ‘Hau’ab’ her strong camels was forced to retreat. Then one of the soldiers said: don’t you see how the dogs of Hau’ab are many and how they bark with force?

Aisha by hearing this draw the tether of the camel and said: are these dogs of Hau’ab? Quickly take me cross this area! Return me from this place because I heard the holy Prophet when we are together with the other wives saying: ‘how wish I know who among you whom dogs of Hau’ab shall bark’! And he also said: ‘one of you shall be bark by the dogs of Hau’ab on her way to fight my successor Ali Ibn Abi Talib’.[13]

Then the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) face all his wives and said: stand up and return back to your houses, then everyone stood up and return.


Formation of the soldiers of Usamah in order to pull out the hypocrites out of Medina:

After that the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ordered those that appended their signatures on the statute against Ghadeer and their allies that have stood against Ali (a.s.) including the freed ones and the hypocrites with another four thousand people to move towards Sham under the leadership of Usamah Ibn Zaid. They brought a pretext and presented it to the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.): O’ the Messenger of Allah, it has not taken long time that we return with you from a journey, allow us to stay in medina in order to do the necessary works and get things prepare.

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ordered them to stay in Medina to the extent their needs is met. He ordered Usamah Ibn Zaid to set the tent of the soldiers outside Medina waiting for them to finish their assignment in order to join him. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) with his action wanted to leave medina free from them and from the hypocrites.

Huzaifah said: they were busy with their work while the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) was also continuously encouraging them hurry up to meet the soldiers outside the Medina and to move towards Sham.

At this moment the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) become sick of which through the sickness he demise from this world. Those individuals understood the reason for the order of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and they relax. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) ordered Qais Ibn Saad Ibn Ibadah (the swordsman of his majesty) and Habbab Ibn Munzir and some other groups among the Ansar to meet with the armed division. Qais Ibn Saad Ibn Ibadah and Habbab Ibn Munzir took them out of Medina and met with the armed division and then said to Usamah: ‘the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) did not permit you to delay the movement of the soldiers, so you should right now move the soldiers till the message reach the holy Prophet’.

Then Usamah moved the soldiers while Qais and Habbab return back to the Prophet to inform him of the movement of Usamah. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) said to them: up till now the armed division of Usamah has not move.


The conspiracy of the hypocrites in order to return back to Medina:

At the other hand Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah secretly told Usamah and some of his companion: where are we moving to and leaving Medina empty whereas this is the most sensitive time that we need to stay at Medina. Usamah with surprise asked, what are we waiting for?

They answered: the sign of death is seen in the Messenger of Allah. [It seems Usamah was not aware of their conspiracies; and they decide to return him back to Medina by all means.] Therefore we are waiting in Medina in order to see the outcome of the Prophet’s health (s.a.w.w.) and after that we shall move towards Sham.

With this conspiracy Usamah’s soldiers return back to their first station and waited there. Then they secretly sent someone to Medina to bring information concerning the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). Their messenger went to Aisha and secretly inquired about the condition of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.). Aisha in answering him said: go to Abu-Bakr and Umar and their allies telling them that: the sickness of the holy Prophet has become serious. Therefore none of them should move from their place that I will be updating them from time to time’.

After that the sickness of the holy Prophet become severe and Aisha called Suwaib (he is the slave of Umar and he so much have complete trust in him) and said: go to inform Abu-Bakr and Umar that there is no hope for the living of the holy Prophet. Therefore you, Umar and Abu Ubaidah with other people you wish should come along with you and it should be secret and in the night.

After giving them the information they went to Usamah Ibn Zaid to inform him and said: how is it better for us to stay here and be deprive from witnessing the Prophet at this last moment? So they demand permission of returning back to Medina from Usamah.

Usamah permits them but caution them that no one should be aware of their entrance into Medina. He also said: if the holy Prophet is relief you should come back and if he die you should inform us in order to be in the midst of the people.

With this conspiracy Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah secretly entered Medina in the night whereas the sickness of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has become severe. When the condition of his majesty became better he said: great evil has entered Medina this night! They asked: O’ the Messenger of Allah, who is the evil? His majesty said: ‘some people among the army of Usamah has return back and they have disobeyed me with this their work. Be aware that I seek refuge with Allah from them and I am disturbed by them’. Then he said: ‘woe unto you’ did you force Usamah soldiers to move, indeed he emphasis this issue to the extent he repeated it several times.


Beginning of procedures against Ghadeer for the formation of Saqeefah:

This is how Huzaifah narrated the incidence to the Iranian young man: then Bilal (the caller for prayer for the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) was there when he called for prayer and inform his majesty for the time for prayer. During the days of the sickness of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) he would assist the holy Prophet to the Mosque if he has the strength to pray congregational prayer; and if he don’t have the strength to come out he would ordered Ali (a.s.) to lead the people for congregational prayer. During the sickness of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.), Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and Fadl Ibn Abbas were always with the holy Prophet.

At the night when some people under the detachment of Usamah left him they entered Medina in the morning time and Bilal called for prayer. As usual he used to go to the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) in order to inform him of the time for prayer, he discovered that the sickness of the holy Prophet has become severe which has prevented from entering the house.

Aisha ordered Suhaib to inform his father that the sickness of the Prophet has become serious and he cannot go to the Mosque and Ali Ibn Abi Talib is busy attending to the holy Prophet. So he should go to the mosque in order to lead people for prayer because this opportunity is his and it shall be a proof for him in the coming days.

That morning people are waiting as usual during his sick days for the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) to come to lead the prayer or Ali Ibn Abi Talib, but unexpectedly Abu-Bakr entered the mosque and said: the sickness of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has become serious and has ordered me to lead the congregational prayer!

One of the companions of the Prophet said to him: who has sent for this work? Now you must to be among the soldiers of Usamah?! No to God! We don’t know whom the Prophet (s.a.w.w.) has sent to you and has ordered you to lead the congregational prayer.


The prayer of Abu-Bakr and the retaliation of the Prophet:

In order to solve this problem the people called upon Bilal. Bilal said: ‘may almighty Allah have mercy on you people, be patient till I inquire from the holy Prophet concerning the issue.’

Then he quickly went to the house of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and strongly knock the door. By hearing the voice his majesty said: why the door is strongly knocked? See what is the incidence?

Fadl Ibn Abbas opens the door and by seeing Bilal he said: O’ Bilal what is the matter? Bilal answered: Abu-Bakr entered the mosque and climb the praying position of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) and wanted to lead people for prayer; with the pretext that the holy Prophet has ordered him to lead people in prayer.

Fadl said: was Abu-Bakr not among the soldiers of Usamah? To God, this is the great evil that entered Medina last night and the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) had informed us about it. Then Fadl and Bilal entered the house. The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) asked from him: ‘O’ Bilal what is the matter’? Bilal told the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) of the incidence. His Excellency said: lift me up, lift me up and take me to the mosque! I swear by Him who is in possession of my soul, great problem and tremendous sedition has entered Islam’.

After that the Prophet whose head was bandaged relied upon Ali (a.s.) and Fadl and draw his legs till he entered the mosque. Then Abu-Bakr was standing at the praying position of the holy Prophet surrounded by Umar, Abu Ubaidah, Salim, Suhaib and others that came along with them, but majority of the people had not prayed rather they are waiting to hear from Bilal. When the people saw the holy Prophet coming in to the mosque with this condition they perceived the greatness of this issue!

The holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) went forward and drag the dress of Abu-Bakr and distance him from his praying position. With this action of the holy Prophet, Abu-Bakr and those that are with him hide behind his Excellency. Then the holy Prophet prayed in sitting position instead of standing and the people followed his majesty and Bilal announces the prayer for the people.


The statement of the holy Prophet concerning those that usurp the right of the owner of Ghadeer:

After the prayer, the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) look at his back but couldn’t see Abu-Bakr and he said: O’ people, don’t you be surprise of the son of Abu Quhafah and those that I sent to the soldiers of Usamah to be under his leadership? I have previously ordered them to go on the way that has been previously said, but they disobeyed and return back to medina in order to cause sedition! You should be aware that almighty Allah has putting them in sedition. Therefore help me to climb the pulpit.

The head of his majesty was bandaged, so he sat at the first step of the pulpit and after praising Allah he said:

O’ people, the news of my death has come from almighty Allah. I have putting you on a firm pillar which its night is brighter than its day. There shall be discrepancy after me just the discrepancy of the Israelites before you people.

O’ people, I did not make anything permissible to you except things which the Qur’an has made permissible to you and I did not prohibits anything to you except things that the holy Qur’an has made prohibited to you. 

Now I am leaving two things behind for you that if you clings to them you shall never go astray and you shall never slip from the path: they are the book of Allah and the progeny from holy household, they are my two successor between you. These two shall never part from each other until they meet me at the pond of Kauthar. There I shall inquire from you what I have left behind for you. That day I shall distance some people from the pound of Kauthar just as the camel distance itself from the strange camels. Then two people among them shall said to me: I am so and so person! I shall answer those two people that: yes I knew your name but after me you become apostate! So distance yourselves away from me.

After that his majesty come down from the pulpit and went to his house.

The adventure of Saqeefah:

Huzaifah in continuation of the adventure of Saqeefah said: Abu-Bakr and his allies did not surface in medina till the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) demise from this world and after the death of the holy Prophet the popular incidence known as Saqeefah took effect. [Huzaifah pointed at the incidence of Saqeefah, but we are bringing it briefly here]:

After the death of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) the secret conspiracy of the immigrants and the helpers become obvious and every one of them wanted to take over the caliphate and they have fought each other in that respect. In this respect the companions of cursed scripture with necessary prediction with the agreement of some of the helpers were able to usurp the caliphate.

This is the beginning of the incidence which the helpers went to Saad Ibn Ubadah and took him to the Saqeefah of bani Saadah. As at the time when Umar heard this news, he informed Abu-Bakr and with Abu Ubaidah quickly rush to Saqeefah.

There are greater number of the helpers in Saqeefah and Saad Ibn Ubadah was among them although he was sick by then. By coming of Abu-Bakr and Umar concerning the issue of caliphate the controversial commenced till he said to the helpers: now I am calling you to pay allegiance to Umar or Abu Ubaidah! So I am suggesting the two people for caliphate and I deemed the two to have deserve it.

Umar and Abu Ubaidah said: it is not proper to precede you. O’ Abu-Bakr, you accepted Islam before us, you were with the holy Prophet in the cave!! So you deserve this issue more!

The helpers said: we don’t want anyone to take over the caliphate that is neither from us nor from you. Therefore we should choose an Ameer from us and one from you people and we should accept the caliphate of both of them; on condition that if he demise from this world we should choose another person from the helpers.

Abu-Bakr after praising the immigrants said: O’ the helpers, you are people whose virtue and good deeds in Islam cannot be denied by any one! You people has been accepted by Allah and His Messenger as the helpers. The migration of the holy Prophet has been channel towards you and the houses of his wives is among you people. No one is having preference more than you people except the immigrants!! So they are the Ameer and you are the minister! 

Habbab Ibn Munzir stood up and said: O’ the helpers stop that, the entire people are under your shadow and no one have the gut to oppose you people. People shall never make any move without pointing to you people, then he praised the helpers and said: if the immigrant are having excuse for you being their Ameer then we are not pleased for them being our Ameer. We are not accepting the suggestion of having an Ameer from us and Ameer from them.

Umar Ibn Khattab stood up and said: never shall two swords be in a sheath! The Arabs will not be pleased to have you as their Ameer whereas their Prophet is from another tribe, and the Arab will not prevent any one that is from the tribe of their Prophet!

After him Habbab Ibn Munzir also stood up and made a lot of statement and Umar Ibn Khattab also answered him. Then he said to Abu Ubaidah: utter your view. Abu Ubaidah stood up and said a lot about the virtues of the helpers.

Basher Ibn Saad who is one of the great men among the helpers, at the time he saw that the helpers are inclining towards Saad Ibn Ubadah in order to be their Ameer, he did not allow that to happen rather he negates that due to agreement he has had with the writers of the scripture! Then he is pleased with the caliphate of the immigrants.

Abu-Bakr said: this is Umar and Abu Ubaidah who are great men of the Quraish, so pay allegiance to any one of them! Umar and Abu Ubaidah said: with your existence we cannot take over the caliphate! So give your hand in order to pay allegiance to you. Basher Ibn Saad said: then am the third person.

When the people saw that Basheer Ibn Saad who is one of the great men of the helpers has paid allegiance to Abu-Bakr other people follow suit and pay their allegiance, at this moment, Saad Ibn Ubadah who was sick was matched by the people while he was saying: you have kill me!

Umar said: kill Saad! May God kill Saad! That time Qais son of Saad stood up and get hold of the beard of Umar and make some statement, indeed the riot end up with Abu-Bakr!!! Then Saad Ibn Ubadah said: ‘take me out of this place of sedition’ and they took him to his house.

After the entire people has given their homage, Abu-Bakr sent to Saad to come and give his homage but he refused. When the message of Saad came Umar said: ‘he must give allegiance’, but Basheer Ibn Saad said: he is grouched and he shall never give allegiance except he is kill, and he cannot be kill except he is kill together with the tribe of A’us and Khazraj. Therefore leave him as leaving him has no any defect. They accepted the saying of Basheer and left Saad on his own.[14] 

After that Huzaifah said to the Iranian young man: O’ brother, what I have narrated to you regards this great incidence is lesson for those Allah shall guide.


The root of influence of sedition of Saqeefah between the people:

The young man said: mention to me the name of other individuals that gave attestation to the scripture. Huzaifah said: they are: Abu Sufyan, Akramah Ibn Abu Jahl, Safwan Ibn Umayyah Ibn Khalaf, Saeed Ibn A’s, Khalid Ibn Waleed, Ayash Ibn Abi Rabi’ah, Basheer Ibn Saad, Suhail Ibn Amru, Hakeem Ibn Hizam, Suhaib Ibn Sanan, Abu al-A’war Aslami, Muti’u Ibn Aswad Madari, and many others that I have forgotten their names.

The young man asked: O’ Huzaifah, what are their position between the companions of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) that have made people to become astray? Huzaifah answered: among these people are heads of their tribes and the noblemen among them and the people follow their heads and leaders and listen to their words. Also Abu-Bakr has attracted the love of the people just as Israelites had been attracted by Samiri and the sheep and he was able to weaken Harun.

The Iranian young man said: I swear to God that from the deep of my soul I shall always hate them (i.e. Abu-Bakr, Umar and their allies) and I am disturbed with their action. I will forever accept the guardianship of the commander of the faithful (a.s.) and I am in enmity with the enemies of Ali (a.s.) I shall soon meet with him and I hope from almighty Allah to grant me martyrdom in his path.

I hope so, by Allah’s wish.


The young Iranian under the service of the owner of Ghadeer:

The young Iranian by hearing the bitter aspect of the caliphate and the commencement of the pleasant government of the commander of the faithful, he left Mada’in for Medina. He merged with the commander of the faithful on the way when his majesty came out of medina heading towards Iraq for battle of camel.

The first that become martyr among the soldiers of the commander of the faithful (a.s.) during the battle of camel was this very young Iranian. When Aisha has strengthen her soldiers for war, the commander of the faithful decided to complete his proof against them by calling them to the holy Qur’an. In this respect he requested for Qur’an and said: who can present this Qur’an to the soldiers of Aisha and call her to what was inside it; with this act to give life to those whom Qur’an has given life and to kill whom the Qur’an has killed?

Both sides are ready for war and they have prepared their swords that if anyone wanted them a step will be taken on him. 

At this very condition the young man said: O’ the commander of the faithful, I shall present the Qur’an to the soldier and will call them to what is written in it.

The commander of the faithful did not agreed with his going but once again said: who can present this Qur’an to the soldiers of Aisha and call her to what was inside it? This time again that very young man stood up and said: O’ the commander of the faithful I have taken the holy Qur’an and I shall present it to them and I will call them to what was written in it.

This time also his majesty did not agree with his going rather he repeated his previous statement. But the young Iranian also stood up and said: I will take it to the soldiers of Aisha and will call them to what is written in it.

The commander of the faithful (a.s.) said: you shall attain martyrdom if you do this work. The young man answered: O’ the commander of the faithful: to God, there is nothing more beloved to me than to attain martyrdom in your midst and in obedience to you. Then the commander of the faithful (a.s.) gave him the holy Qur’an and he hold the Qur’an going towards the battle field.


The completion of proof and attaining martyrdom in the path of the owners of Ghadeer:

With the going of the young Iranian, his majesty looked at him and said: this young man is among those Allah has full their heart with light. He shall be killed with his action and that is why I had not wanted to permits him to the battle field and after killing him this soldiers shall never be a truthful ones again.

This young man stood with the holy Qur’an before the soldiers of Aisha whereas Talhah and Zubair were standing left and right side of Aisha. He shouted with his loud voice: O’ people, this is the book of Allah and the commander of the faithful (a.s.) is calling you to the book of Allah and the laws that was revealed in it. Therefore return back to the obedience of Allah and implement the book of Allah.

Aisha, Talhah and Zubair paid attention and listen to his statement. After his statement the soldiers attacked him and cut off his right hand that is carrying the holy Qur’an, he changed the holy Qur’an to his left hand and repeated the same call again with loud voice. The soldiers of Aisha also attacked him and cut off his left hand. He took the holy Qur’an with his arms even though blood are flowing from his hands he repeated the same demand. This time the soldiers attacked him seriously and they kill him. They continue striking him till his body is pieces.


The victory of the inhabitant of Ghadeer in the battle of Camel:

The commander of the faithful (a.s.) who was standing watching the scene faced his companions and said: to God, I am not doubtful of the misguidance and astray of these soldiers, but I wanted to make their misguidance and astray clear and obvious to you people by killing a good servant.

Hakeem Ibn Jabalah Abdi with his entourage when Aisha, Talhah and Zubair entered Basra, then the governor there was Uthman Ibn Hanif. Talhah and Zubair in order to take over the control of the government and to dispose the public treasure they and their allies entered the city in the night till they reach the government house whereas Uthman Ibn Hanif was unaware of them.

They stood by the doors of those protecting the public treasury. Meanwhile Talhah, Zubair and their companions attacked them and killed forty people out of them. Thereafter they went to the house of Uthman Ibn Hanif, they tight his hands and legs and cut off his beard.

This news got to Hakeem Ibn Jabalah and then he call upon his people: attack this misguided and oppressors that split forbidden blood on earth, they have killed good servants and made lawful what God has made unlawful.

Seven hundred among the tribe of ‘Abdul Qais’ answered the call of Hakeem positively and gathered in the mosque. Then Hakeem stood up with his horse in the night with his sword and his companions also followed him, they fought fiercely until a lot of wounded ones fell on the ground.

A man among the enemies attacked Hakeem Ibn Jabalah and cut off his right leg. Hakeem took his cut leg to hit him and he fell down as a result of that. The brother of Hakeem Ibn Jabalah by name Ashraf went to him and said: ‘who was the person that stroke you’? Hakeem pointed at the person to him.

Ashraf attacked the person and killed him. Unexpectedly the soldiers of Aisha attacked Ashraf and his brother and disparted after killing them.[15]

They increase their sins by assassinating the young man that called to the holy Qur’an and to implement its laws whom they attacked and killed. By the martyrdom of these numbers of people no one is doubting the misguidance of the soldiers of Aisha.

The narrator says: when light of war has kindled, the commander of the faithful (a.s.) said: 'بِسْمِ اللهِ حم لايُنْصَرُونَ, (this is secret word of war and by saying it the war commenced), attack them!

After that his majesty with Imam Hassan, Imam Husain (peace be upon them) and the companions of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) attacked the soldiers of Aisha. His majesty personally attacked and enter the soldiers of Aisha. To God, it was not more than an hour when the soldiers of Aisha started breaking hands and leg and fell at the left and right side of the horses. With the endorsement of almighty Allah the commander of the faithful (a.s.) return back victoriously from the war and Allah gave victory to him and they became under the sovereignty of Hadrat Ali.

Hadrat ordered them to take the body of the Iranian young man and the other martyrs to wrap them with their bloody dresses and not to remove it. After that they prayed over their corpse and buried them.

The commander of the faithful (a.s.) ordered his soldiers not to execute the soldiers of Aisha and they should not go after those that ran away. Then his majesty ordered them to gather the booties of war and to distribute it between themselves. 

The commander of the faithful (a.s.) also ordered Muhammad Ibn Abu-Bakr to take his sister ‘Aisha’ to Basra and stay there for some days and later to take her to her home in medina.



The narrator of the Hadith says: I witnessed the battle of Camel and after the completion of the war I saw the mother of the young Iranian man with his corpse kissing, lamenting and saying:

يا رَبِّ اِنَّ مُسْلِماً اَتاهُمْ يَأْمُرُهُمْ بِالأْ َمْرِ مِنْ مَوْلاهُمْ وَ اُمُّهُمْ قائِمَةْ تَراهُمْ

يَتْلُو كِتابَ اللهِ لايَخْشاهُمْ فَخَضَّبُوا مِنْ دَمِهِ قَناهُمْ تَأْمُرُهُمْ بِالْغَىِّ لاتَنْهاهُمْ

O’ God Muslim (that is the name of the young Iranian) came to the soldiers at the time he was reading the book of Allah to them without fear;

He was ordering them from his master but they colored their sword with his blood.

At this time the mother of the believers ‘Aisha’ was standing looking at them, she was ordering them for evil and not forbidding them.


Support of the longest story of Ghadeer:

The passages of the longest hadith of Huzaifah was narrated by other sources and other hadith which is a strong support to the authenticity of the hadith of Huzaifah.

From beginning I am introducing one of the detailed hadith that was like the hadith of Huzaifah which its chain ends with him, after that I shall mention some important passages of the hadith, the sources that supported it.


One of the hadith that supports the longest story of Ghadeer:

Sayyid Ibn Ta’us in his book ‘al-Iqbal Bil A’mal pgs: 453- 459’. Has mentioned detailed hadith from Huzaifah Ibn Yaman concerning Ghadeer as a support to the hadith of Huzaifah, indeed we shall mention the source of the hadith in this book:

From the authority of Ahmad Ibn Mohammad Ali al-Mahlab, Sherif Abul Qasim Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Qasim al-Shi’rani informed us from his father, Salamah Ibn al-Fadl al-Ansari told us, from Abi Maryam, from Qais Ibn Hayyan ‘Hannan’, from Atiyah al-Sa’adi that he said: I asked Huzaifah Ibn al-Yaman that did the Prophet stood Ali on the day of Ghadeer (Ghadder Khum) how was it? He said…[16]


Supporting the passages of the hadith from other sources:

The entire passages of this long hadith has been narrated in recognized Shia and Sunni books and sources and it has been supported also. In this respect you are generally refer back to the book ‘Awalim al-Ulum 3: 15; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37, pgs: 108- 253’.

Below is the sources of every passages of the narration of Huzaifah as it was arranged in the text of the hadith in order to be certain that what Huzaifah has narrated is in another considered sources with recognized chains:


Return of Hakam Ibn Abil A’as to medina by Uthman:

The book ‘Saleem pg: 308’; Amal by Tusi vol: 1 pg: 175; Sirat Ibn Hisham vol: 2, pg: 25; al-Isabahvol: 1, pg: 345; Sirat al-Halabiyah vol: 1, pg: 337; Majma’ Zawa’id vol: 8, pg: 86; Sharh Nahjul Balagah vol: 8,  pg: 75; Tareekh Yaqubi vol: 2 pg: 164; al-Kamil by Ibn al-Atheer vol: 2 pg: 308; al-Mu’jam Kabeer by Tabrani vol: 3 pg: 214; Ansab al-Ahraf vol: 5 pg: 27; Mukhtasar Tareekh Damasq vol: 12 pg: 191; al-Kamil by Ibn Atheer vol: 2 pg: 647; Tareekh al-Islami by Zahabi vol: 4 pg: 145; Mustadrak al-Hakim vol: 4 pg: 97.


Abu-Bakr and Umar becoming the owner of the tittle “commander of the faithful”:

The book al-Saleem: 148, 386, 402, 403; al-Ihtijaj: 82; Tareekh Madinat Munawarah vol: 2 pg: 663; al-Tabaqat by Ibn Saad vol: 3, section, 1 pg: 192; Tareekh al-Tabari vol: 5 pg: 15; Sharh Nahjul Balaghah vol: 2 pg: 274; Kamalu deen: 546; al-Jamal: 299and 380.


The appearance of Gabriel in the form of Dahya Kalbi:

Al-Yaqeen pgs: 129, 147, 162, 219, 241, 314, 384 and 440. Al-Tahseen: 569.


The protest of Abu-Bakr and Umar on the issue of greeting Imam Ali with the commander of the faithful based on the order by the holy Prophet:

Al-Yaqeen pgs: 214, 228, 285, 287, 307, 310, 312, 315, 316, 388, 407 and 457. Kitab Saleem pgs: 268, 271and 417. Al-Kafi vol: 1 pg: 292. Tafseer al-Ayashi vol: 2 pg: 268; Irshad al-Qulub: 326; Sharh Nahjul Balaghah by Ibn Abil Hadeed vol: 2 pg: 274; Kamalu deen: 546; al-Jamal: 221, 380.


The statement of Buraidah in his protest to Abu-Bakr:

Kitab Saleem Ibn Qais: 157 hadith 4; al-Yaqeen 453.


General announcement for pilgrimage:

Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37 pg: 112 and 201. Tafseer al-Qumi: 159; al-Ihtijaj vol: 1 pg: 66.


The sermon of Ghadeer Khum:

Raudatul wa’izeen: 189; al-Ihtijaj vol: 1 pg: 66; al-Yaqeen: 343 chapter: 127; Nuzhatul Kiram vol: 1, pg: 186; AL-Iqbal: 454 and 456; al-Udad al-Qawiyyah: 169; al-Tahseen: 578 chapter 29 of the second part; Sirat al-Mustaqeem vol: 1, pg: 310; Nahjul Iman: 92; Ithbat al-Hudat vol: 2 pg: 114, vol: 3 pg: 558. Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37 pgs: 201- 217; Kashful Muhim: 190.  


The allegiance of the men at Ghadeer Khum:

Bihar al-Anwar vol: 21, pg: 387, vol: 37 pg: 166; Jami’l al-Akhbar: 10- 13; al-Irshad: 89- 93; I’lamul wara’: 80; al-Ghadeer vol: 1 pg: 58, 271 and 274; Awalimul Ulum vol: 3 pg: 15, vol: 3 pgs: 42, 60, 65, 134, 136, 194, 203 and 205.


The allegiance of the women at Ghadeer Khum:

Bihar al-Anwar vol: 21 pg: 388; al-Irshad: 89- 93; I’lamul Wara’: 80; Awalimul Ulum: 309.


The protest of Abu-Bakr and Umar in the allegiance of Ghadeer:

Kitab Saleem: 240 and 356; Tafseer al-Qummi: 159 and 163; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37 pg: 115 and 138.


Given the deposits of the Prophets to Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.):

Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37 pg: 113, vol: 40 pg: 216; Kitab Saleem: 444; al-Khisal: 117 and 527; Ma’anil Akhbar: 102; Uyunul: 212; al-Irshad vol: 2 pg: 186 and 188; al-Manaqib by Ibn Shahr Ashub vol: 1 pg: 253, vol: 4 pg: 135- 211. Kashful Ghumah vol: 2 pg: 110, 169, 290 and 299; al-Sirat al-Mustaqeem vol: 2 pg: 198 and 201; al-Khara’ij: 387, 600, 663 and 894; Raudatul Wa’izeen: 210; al-Ihtijaj: 134, 316 and 436; Irshad al-Qulub: 261; Basa’ir al-Darajat: 151, 153, 154, 157, 158, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186 and 502; I’lamul Wara’: 265, 284; Dala’ilul: 89; al-Ghaibat by Nu’mani: 242.


Consultation for assassinating the Prophet when he was returning from Tabuk:

Kitab Saleem: 271; Musnad Ahmad vol: 5 pg: 453; Majma’a Zawa’id vol: 1 pg: 302; Zad al-Ma’ad by Ibn al-Jauzi vol: 3 pg: 464; al-Magazi by Waqidi vol: 2 pg: 1044; al-Seerat al-Nabawiyah by Shami vol: 5 pg: 466; al-Seerat al-Halabiyah vol: 3 pg: 143; al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer by Tabrani vol: 3 pg: 165, 166 and 167; Mukhtasar Tareekh Danashq by Ibn Manzur vol: 7 pg: 264; al-Kashaf by Zamakhshari vol: 2 pg: 291; al-Khasa’is al-Kubra by Suyuti vol: 1 pg: 279; Tafseer al-Razi vol: 16 pg: 83, 136; Tareekh al-Islam by Zahabi vol: 1 pg: 648; Tareekh Ya’qubi vol: 2 pg: 68; al-Khara’ij vol: 2 pg: 504.

The top hill of Harashi:

Kitab Saleem: 154; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37 pg: 115 and 135; Awalimul Ulum3: 15 pg: 304; al-Iqbal: 458.


The first cursed scripture:

Kitab Saleem: 155, 269 and 346; Ihtijaj vol: 1 pg: 110; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 17 pg: 29, vol: 20 pg: 167, vol: 28 pg: 126, 186 and 274, vol: 36, pg: 153, vol: 37 pg: 114 and 135; Tafseer al-Qummi vol: 1 pg: 169; al-Kafi vol: 4 pg: 545; al-Manaqib by Ibn Shahr Ashub vol: 3 pg: 213; al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah: 58; Ma’anil Akhbar: 412.


The statement of the commander of the faithful near the wrapped corpse of Umar:

Al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah: 90; Kitab Saleem: 204; Medinatul Ma’ajiz vol: 1 pg: 470; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 31 pg: 589.


The attack of hau’ab dogs on Aisha:

Manaqib Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s) by Khaowarizmi: 181; al-I’dah by Ibn Shazan: 82; Manaqi Ameeril Mu’mineen vol: 7 pg: 384; al-Khara’ij vol: 1 pg: 67; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 32 pg: 118, 139, 146, 147 and 281; al-Ghadeer vol: 3 pg: 190, vol: 9 pg: 80 and 339. Al-Munsif vol: 11 pg: 365; al-Ma’ayir wal Muwazanah: 55; Musnad Abi Rahawiyah vol: 4 pg: 261; Musnab Abi Ya’la vol: 8 pg: 282; Sharh Nahjul Balaghah by Ib Abil Hadeed vol: 6 pg: 225, vol: 9 pg: 310; Ansabul Ashraf: 224; Tareekh Tabari vol: 3 pg: 469 and 475.


Some of the companions going round the pond of Kauthar:

Kitab Saleem: 163 and 270; Amali by Tusi vol: 1 pg: 227 and 269; al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer vol: 12 pg: 56; Mukhtasar Tareekh Damashq by Ibn Manthur vol: 1 pg: 100, vol: 2 pg: 268, vol: 3 pg: 371, vol: 6 pg: 64, vol: 10 pg: 15, vol: 12 pg: 5; Kifayatul Talib: 87; al-Firdaus vol: 3 pg: 492; al-Isti’ab vol: 1 pg: 163; al-I’tisam by Garnati vol: 1 pg: 58; Sunan Ibn Majah vol: 2 pg: 1016 hadith: 3057; al-Khasa’is al-Kubra by Suyuti vol: 1 pg: 127; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 22 pg: 490; Sahih al-Bukhari vol: 5 pg: 240. 


Retardation of Abu-Bakr and Umar from the soldiers of Usamah:

Kitab Saleem: 233; al-Nabawiyyah by Dahlan vol: 2 pg: 339; Sharh Nahjul Balaghah vol: 6, pg: 52; al-Tabaqat by Ibn Saad vol: 4 pg: 66, vol: 2 pg: 249; al-Kamil by Ibn Atheer vol: 2 pg: 317; Tareekh Tabari vol: 2 pg: 431, vol: 3 pg: 188; al-Sirat al-Halabiyah vol: 3 pg: 207; al-Maghazi by Waqidi vol: 2 pg: 1118; al-Milal wa Nahl vol: 1 pg: 23; al-Khulafa by Zahabi: 11; Sahih al-Bukhari vol: 4 pg: 490 and 213; Sahih Muslim vol: 11 pg: 89; al-Kamil by Ibn Atheer vol: 2 pg: 317; Tareekh Ya’qubi vol: 2 pg: 113; Tabaqat Ibn Saad vol: 2 pg: 190; Usud al-Ghabah vol: 1 pg: 64; al-Sirat al-Halabiyah vol: 3 pg: 207; al-Maghazi by Waqidi vol: 3 pg: 1118; al-Ikhtisas: 170; Tareekh Ya’qubi vol: 2 pg: 113; Nurul Absar vol: 1 pg: 116; Sahih al-Bukhari vol: 4 pg: 213; Ithbat al-Hudat vol: 2 pg: 325; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 28 pg: 206.


The Prayer of Abu-Bakr

Kitab Saleem: 420 hadith: 58; Al-Irshad vol: 1 pg: 183; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 22 pg: 484.


The martyrdom of a young Iranian man in the battle of Camel:

Manaqib Ibn Shahr Ashub vol: 2 pg: 339; Bihar al-Anwar vol: 32 pg: 174.


Conclusion of the longest story of Ghadeer:

The generation that is curious and struggle to search for the reality of its religion have refer to Ghadeer as one of the fundamental aspects of ideology and have an acutely look at its history and arrive at conclusion that Ghadeer is more than what they knew about this concealed tremendous treasure.

This curiosity has caused the file of Ghadeer to spread in the doctrines and to be changed from one historical reality to a pillar of doctrine. The issue is referring back to the successor-ship of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) which has been thrown between the Muslims right from the first day of the demise of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) till date.

Today the brains that is acquainted will never be pleased not to know why the clear path which the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) with his struggle for twenty three years with the ending point of Ghadeer has changed with the speed of one hundred and eighty degree of reversion! Likewise the thinking of these days understand that such great procedures against Ghadeer is not possible without previous planning and conspiracy! Indeed there must be search for the secret that has been disclosed, if not how the usurpers have the gut to take such measures and how they were able to implement it and how did the people accept such measures?   

If the conclusion of this long hadith is answer to the questions it shall be fruitful that for the first time one lengthy hadith had serve as a revival of heritable culture for the present generation. 


Mentioning sources

The following recognized sources has reported the detail hadith of Huzaifah:

1- Al-Yaqeen, written by Sayyid Ibn Ta’us: 384- 387 chapter 138, which is vol: 37 pg: 325 in Bihar al-Anwar, it has quoted from the book ‘al-Yaqeen’.

2- Irshad al-Qulub written by Abu Mohammad Hassan Dailami vol: 2 pg: 180- 210 which is vol: 28 pg: 86, it has quoted from ‘Irshad al-Qulub’.

3- Nuzhatul Kiram wa Bustanul Awwam, written by Muhammad Ibn Husain Razi “7th century”: 201.


Knowing the real source:

Sayyid Ibn Ta’us in the book “al-Yaqeen” has transmitted this hadith from the book ‘Hujjat Tafdeel’. When he was introducing the book “Hujjat Tafdeel” says:

I have transmitted this hadith from the ancient copy which the date of writing it was 469 A.H. at the back of the book the following sentences was written with the handwriting of Hassan Ibn Mohammad Ibn Hassan Tusi “the son of Sheikh Tusi”: “I have glance through this book and issues that was written in it and then I understand that no one has preceded the writer and ….. This is written by Hassan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi in the month of Rajab 472 A.H.”. there is also handwriting of other three scholars.


The implementation of the narrations:

Even though Sayyid Ibn Ta’us has brought this hadith briefly in the book ‘al-Yaqeen’ but he clearly stated that the hadith is more detail and its 35 pages of Yemen type. By mentioning some passages of the hadith in the book “al-Yaqeen” it is obvious that the hadith in the “Irshad al-Qulub” is the same hadith that is in the book “al-Yaqeen” which was transmitted from the book “Hujjat Tafdeel”.


The chains:

1- This hadith is having recognized chains that I will mention the very chain here:

The hadith of Huzaifah Ibn al-Yaman:

Muhammad Ibn al-Hassan al-Wasiti said: we were told by Ibrahim Ibn Saeed who said: we were told by al-Hassan Ibn Ziyad al-Anmati he said: we were told by Mohammad Ibn Ubaid al-Ansari, from the authority of Abi Harun al-Abdi, from the authority of Rabi’ah al-Saadi…..

2- Sayyid Ibn Ta’us said:

And I saw this narration of Huzaifah that is more lengthy than this in naming Ali (a.s.) as the commander of the faithful and it was with this chain: Ibn Atheer in his book “Hujjat Tafdeel” said: I was informed by my uncle al-Saeed al-Muwafaq Abu Talib Hamzah Ibn Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Shahriyar al-Hazin (may Allah have mercy on him) in the scenery of our master the commander of the faithful, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) in the month of God (i.e. in Rajab) in the year 554 A.H., he said: I was informed by my maternal uncle al-Saeed Abu Ali al-Hassan Ibn Mohammad Ibn Ali, from his father al-Saeed Abi Ja’far Mohammad Ibn al-Hassan al-Tusi the writer (may Allah be pleased with him), from the authority of al-Husain Ibn Ubaidullah and Ahmad Ibn Abdun and Abi Talib Ibn Azur and Abi al-Hassan al-Saqal from the authority of Abil Mufadal Mohammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Zakariya al-Muharibi, he said: we were told by Abu Tahir Mohammad Ibn Tasneem al-Hadrami, he said: we were told by Ali Ibn Asbat from the authority of Ibrahim Ibn Abil Balad from the authority of Furat Ibn Ahnaf from the authority of Abdullah Ibn Hind al-Jamali from the authority of Abdullah Ibn Salamah, the extent of this narration is more than thirty five of this list and it also consist the order of the holy Prophet with the present of 99 Muslims that greeted Ali with the tittle the commander of the faithful.


[1] - al-Ghadeer vol:8, pg: 243.


[2]- Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 31, pg: 493.


[3] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 28, pg: 261; vol: 37, pgs: 290, 331 and 334; Al-Ghadeer, vol: 8, pg: 86; al-Yaqeen, pgs: 160, 312 and 352; 100 Manqabat of Ibn Shazan, the 26th Manqabah.

[4] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 37, pgs: 150 and 202.

[5] - Bihar al-Anwar vol: 21, pg: 222 and 247.

[6] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 37, pg: 131- 133.

[7] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 37, pg: 193; Awalim al-Ulum, vol: 3, pg: 96.

[8] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 37, pg: 194; Awalim al-Ulum, vol: 3, pg: 96.

[9] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 37, pg: 152; Awalim al-Ulum, vol: 3, pg: 53.

[10] - Kitab Saleem, hadith 4, Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 30, pg: 317.

[11] - Al-Thaqib fil Manaqib, pg: 226; Sharh Nahjul Balaghah, vol: 17, pg: 214.

[12] - Biahar al-Anwar, vol: 19, pg: 1-2.

[13] - Bihar al-Anwar vol: 32, pg: 139- 148.

[14] - Bihar al-Anwar, vol: 28, pages: 179- 188.

[15] - Kitab al-Jamal pg: 282- 284.

[16] - This very hadith in Bihar al-Anwar vol: 37, pgs: 126- 136 and in Awalim al-Ulum vol: 3, pg: 296- 306) quoting from al-Iqbal al-A’mal. 

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