Qassem: West in disarray, should accept Assad staying on

Qassem: West in disarray, should accept Assad staying on

Qassem, Assad , Hezbollah , Resistance
Hezbollah Resistance group says the Syrian government Western foes must now accept that President Bashar al-Assad will go on ruling Syria after fighting militants to a standstill - a "reality" to which his foreign enemies seem increasingly resigned.
Echoing recent optimistic talk coming out of Damascus, Sheikh Naim Qassem, deputy leader of Hezbollah said that the president retained popular support among many of Syria's diverse religious communities and would shortly be re-elected.
"There is a practical Syrian reality that the West should deal with - not with its wishes and dreams, which proved to be false," Qassem said during a meeting with reporters at a Hezbollah office in southern Beirut.
He said the United States and its Western allies were in disarray and lacked a coherent policy on Syria.
Syria's fractious opposition - made up of mostly foreign guerrillas inside the country - had, he said, proved incapable of providing an alternative to four decades of rule by Assad and his late father before him.
"This is why the option is clear. Either to have an understanding with Assad, to reach a result, or to keep the crisis open with President Assad having the upper hand in running the country," said the cleric.
Qassem's comments follow an account from another Assad ally, Russian former prime minister Sergei Stepashin, who said after meeting him last week that the Syrian leader felt secure and expected heavy fighting to end this year.

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