Exclusive video: Syrian troops kill many terrorists in Kasab near Turkey

Exclusive video: Syrian troops kill many terrorists in Kasab near Turkey

Syrian , troops , terrorists, Kasab , foreign-backed militants
The fighting continues between Syrian troops and the foreign-backed militants in the northern town of Kasab near the Turkish border, Al-Alam reports.
Our correspondent says Syrian army has killed several militants of the terrorist al-Nusra Front who occupied the Kasab border crossing in the Latakia province.
It was reported that Turkey had shelled inside Syrian soil near the border crossin where the Syrian army has been battling numerous militant groups to secure the border.
Syria has Turkey for helping the militant groups to occupy the Syrian border.
On Sunday, Turkish military shot down a Syrian fighter jet at the Syrian side of the the border with Turkey, as it was engaged in fighting with extremist militants.
Kasab and its surrounding villages are Armenian Christian-dominated areas, and their value is primarily because of their location near the Turkish border.
Meanwhile, pro-government forces took control over the nearby Niser hills. Rebels had previously occupied the area.

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