The wahabis against the clear verses of the holy Qur’an
The wahabis against the clear verses of the holy Qur’an
The Holy Qur’an says:
“He is with you wherever you are” (al-Hadeed: 4);
“I am closer to you than your jugular vein” (Qaf: 16);
“Definitely almighty Allah surrounds everything” (al-Nisa’i: 126);
“Wherever you held towards there is Allah’s purpose, verily Allah is ample giving and wise” (al-Baqarah: 115).
But in this respect Ibn Taimiyah said:
Every night or later part of the night almighty Allah descend from the Throne to the earth and return back to the Throne in the morning time.
(References: Risalah al-Aqeedah al-Hamawiyah; Risalah al-Aqeedah al-Wasitiyah; al-Fatawa al-Kubrah; Minhaj Sunnah; all written by Ibn Taimiyah).
Definitely this wahabi’s doctrine is the same with that of Fir’aun (pharaoh) regards to the Lord of Musa (a.s) when he said:
“And pharaoh said: O chiefs! I do not know of any god for you besides myself, therefore kindle a fire for me, O Haman for brick, then prepare for me a lofty building so that I may obtain knowledge of Musa’s God, and most surely I think he is one of the liars” (al-Qasas: 38).
Definitely it is obvious that there is consensus among the entire Ulamah that almighty Allah didn’t possess material body and the holy Quran has negated whoever ascribe material body to Allah, then base on this doctrine of the Wahabis almighty Allah stationed in the Throne while the earth is free from His existence and as He is not present in other to envisage and recon all the acts any atrocity can be committed which is exactly what is happening in every corner of the world and that is the outcome of this thought of the Wahabis.
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