Legal prohibition of insult against true religions needed

Legal prohibition of insult against true religions needed

 Legal prohibition of insult against true religions needed GodءallahءmohammadءaliءislamءshiaءtvshiaءReligionءSaviorءQur’anء

iran’s majlis (parliament) speaker ali larijani
Iran’s Majlis (Parliament) Speaker Ali Larijani in his Christmas congratulation letter sent for his Christian counterparts on Monday called for legal prohibition of insult against divine religions and holy prophets (PBUT).
 According to IRNA, congratulating the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ (PBUH) to the Christian countries' parliament speakers, parliament members and honest followers of the Christianity, Larijani called Jesus Christ (PBUH) as the prophet of justice and salvation, noting that world people who have inclination toward religious teachings and divine values cannot tolerate more and continued insults against the prophets of divine religions by extremist groups under the pretext of freedom of speech.
He said “Increasing tensions and unrests in the international community by provoking cultural misunderstanding among nations with various cultural identities is the motive behind insults against the prophets of divine religions; all divine prophets invited the human beings to justice, morality, monotheism and peace and urged them to live with each other in peace and to work for the others' comfort and progress.”‌
The Iranian Islamic Parliament Speaker underlined that the international community should not allow some minute minorities to threaten the world security by insulting the joint history, beliefs and cultural feelings of nations under the pretext of freedom of speech.
He added “Undoubtedly, achieving the human ideals would be possible only through logical discourse without satire.”‌
Larijani pointed to the countries' parliaments' responsibility toward followers of various divine religions and underlined that Iranian parliament is ready to confer bilaterally or multilaterally with other partners on the issue.
The Majlis Speaker has in the message congratulated the entire world Christians and his Armenian countrymen on the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and the onset of the Christian New Year.

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