Food in the Qur’an and Traditions
Food in the Qur’an and Traditions
The Holy Qur’an:
1. "Eat and drink of that which Allah has provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth” (2:60)
2. “Eat clean and Halal from what portion God allots to you” (5:88)
1. Natural Needs:
Imam Baqir (PBUH): “the Almighty God created human beings as hollow in middle (having stomach) and thus it needs water and food (Kafi 6/287)
Elaborating the saying of Prophet Moses (PBUH) narrated in Qur'an as “God! Whatever good you send me I need it”, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said “it was food he needed” (Bihar 66/313)
2. Different Foods:
Imam Sadiq (PBUH): “what comes out of earth and is permissible for human beings to eat are of three types:
The first group includes seeds like wheat, barley, rice, pea, sesame, and other oil seeds and seeds. All eatable seeds providing strength for man are eligible and all harmful ones are forbidden but in emergency.
Imam Sadiq (PBUH): “whatever does not spoil mind in great portion is permissible to drink and whatever spoils mind in great portion is forbidden to drink even in small portions”
The second group includes fruits which are nutritious for body and all are permissible to eat. It is forbidden to eat whatever harms human body.
The third group includes vegetables which are useful and nutritious and are all permissible to eat unless those that may harm human body like poisonous types.
But regarding meat, God allows human beings to eat meat of cow, sheep, camel, birds and wild animals that do not have sharp teeth and claws.
Among bird eggs those are permissible to eat which have dissimilar ends (are oval).
Among seafood, fish covered with scales are permissible to eat.
Whatever does not spoil mind in great portion is permissible to drink and whatever spoils mind in great portion is forbidden to drink even in small portions”
3. Food and Social Dignity:
Imam Sadiq (PBUH): “believers should not leave their home while hungry and this improves their dignity” (Bihar al-Anwar 6/314)
4. Increased Need in Old Ages:
Imam Sadjad (PBUH): “God! Salute Muhammad and his Descendants (PBUT) and give me your most extended portions at old ages and make me benefit from your greatest powers in my old days” (Sahifa Sajadia 135).
Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi
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