Social Life of the Prophets
Since the best way of preaching is through action the Prophets should share the hardships and the difficulties with the people so as to set a practical example before them. That is why the Holy Prophets led a simple life like other people and shared all their difficulties. Like other people they also underwent troubles. They would also experience captivity at the hands of their enemies, the agony as a result of the disobedience of their sons, opposition from the side of their wives, illness, penury, scoffings, taunts and several other unpleasant things. In this connection we quote below some relevant Qur'anic verses:
We sent the Messengers before you (Muhammad) and gave them wives and offspring (Surah Ra'd, 13:38)
All Messengers whom We sent before, certainly ate food and walked through the streets. (Surah Furqan, 25:20)
We sent Nuh to his people who said, 'My people worship Allah for He is your only Lord. Will you then not have fear of Him'. The chiefs of the unbelievers said to the others, he is a mere mortal like you. (Surah Mu'minun, 23:23—24)
He is a mere mortal like you. He eats and drinks as you do. (Surah Mu'minun, 23:33)
We read in the life history of the Holy Prophet that whenever he sat amongst his companions he made the sitting arrangement in a circular order so as not to make anyone occupy a seat of distinction. And his way of sitting, putting on clothes, and behavior was such that whenever a visitor happened to visit him in the Masjid he would glance over everybody sitting there but would not know who amongst them was the Holy Prophet. This was the life of a true leader of the Islamic State.
From the point of view of vocational occupation most of the Prophets used to possess cattle, plough the fields and tend the sheep. Whenever the Holy Prophet was on a journey he would take for himself the job of collecting the fire woods for cooking meals. Not only the Prophets but their loyal followers and disciples also used to follow their footsteps in these matters. When Imam Sajjad proceeded to perform Hajj he settled with the chief of the caravan of pilgrims that he would willingly take upon himself the task of doing their work himself.
Similarly once a man comes to a public bath and sees Imam Ali Riza there, but he does not recognize him. He then asks the Holy Imam to scrub his back and shoulders before his taking the bath and the Holy Imam willingly accepts to do that job. But when the man knows that he is Imam Riza he becomes extremely sorry and offers apologies to the Holy Imam. But the Holy Imam says that he would not stop until he finishes the job of scrubbing his body.
Imam Ali says: "Whenever in the battlefield we faced difficulties the Holy Prophet used to become our shelter".
Imam Ali often assisted Lady Fatimatuz Zahra, his worthy wife, in her household work.
This in brief is our mode of thinking and conduct of life, and this is how our Holy Imams behaved. We are proud to put these examples to the world at large so that those, who are posing as the champions of equality, justice and moral values may know that they have not given a new gift to the people nor can they produce a worthy example of their leaders to follow.
Source: Lessons from Qur'an
By: Muhsin Qara'ati
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