Barack Obama instrument of Israel lobby like George W. Bush: American analyst

An American political commentator says US President Barack Obama is an instrument of the Israel lobby, just like his Republican predecessor George W. Bush was.

“I think it’s important that we understand that he (Obama) is just as much a tool for the Israeli lobby as George Bush was,” said Texas-based broadcaster and commentator Mark Dankof in a recent interview with Press TV.

He added that a larger part of the Israel lobby’s money is “going into the Democratic Party than in the Republican Party in this country.”

Dankof then noted that during his visit to Israel in March, Obama “made it very clear that he owed his election to the United States Senate… and his subsequent election as president… to the overwhelming support of the Israeli lobby.”

The American analyst further pointed to Obama’s role in backing a joint US-Israeli bid to employ elements of terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists, as well as supporting the anti-Iran sanctions and the so-called military option against the Islamic Republic.

“Barack Obama has gone along with all of these sanctions that has occurred to this point in all of these economic sectors in the Iranian economy… and again reaffirmed that Israel is America’s ally in the Middle East, and that the military option against Iran remains on the table,” Dankof stated.

Dankof also pointed to the massive push by the Israel lobby in the US and Europe to impose variety of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear energy program, questioning the failure of the international community to challenge the Israeli regime’s nuclear program and its reported possession of diverse types of weapons of mass destruction.

“The fact of the matter is that whether you’re looking at American or European support for these sanctions against Iran, Israel and the… lobby are behind it all. They are the driving force behind what’s happened up to this point.”

He further pointed to the massive involvement of the United States and its regional allies in the militancy inside Syria, insisting that a regime change in the country would serve as a prelude to a military move against the Islamic Republic.

“The United States, the Obama administration, is working in tandem with Israel, with Saudi Arabia, the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation states and Turkey to overthrow a regime in Syria because that needs to happen as a prelude to an attack, a military attack, on the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said the American analyst.

“Mr. Obama is fully in support of this sinister policy as a majority is in both Houses of the American Congress.”

Source: presstv

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