Egypt’s army ousts Morsi sparking Tahrir celebrations

Less than a year after he took power as Egypt’s first democratically elected president, Mohammed Morsi was ousted Wednesday night when army chief Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced that the constitution has been temporarily suspended.

• The Egyptian army has ousted President Mohammed Morsi and temporarily suspended the constitution.

• In a televised address to the nation Wednesday night, Egypt’s army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced the formation of a technocratic interim government.

• The head of the constitutional court, Adli Mansour, has been appointed interim head of state.

• Early elections have been promised under the terms of a transition roadmap.

• Opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei has said the new roadmap meets the people’s demand for early elections.

• Egypt’s top Muslim and Christian clerics, Ahmed al-Tayeb, Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, and Coptic Christian Pope Tawadros have backed an army-sponsored roadmap.

• Morsi has urged his supporters to 'peacefully resist the coup'.

• In a pre-recorded speech posted on YouTube, Morsi declared, “I am Egypt’s elected president”.

• Shortly after the army announcement, massive celebrations broke out on Cairo’s Tahrir Square as demonstrators cheered, lit fireworks and threw confetti amid chants of, "The people and the army are one".

• Four people were killed in clashes between Morsi supporters and security forces in the northern city of Marsa Matrouh after the Islamist president was ousted, according to local official.

• The Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Egypt 25’ television channel has been taken off air and its managers arrested, according to the state news agency.

• Follow the day’s events as they unfolded by scrolling through the FRANCE 24 live blog below.-


Source: France 24

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