Islamic Revolution and the idea of resistance
The idea of resistance must be traced back in the early Islamic teachings. Although in the early days of his mission the holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions confronted numerous pressures, they could overcome all the problems and resist the campaign initiated against their faith.
After migrating to the city of Medina, Muslims were still under pressure and compared to atheist’s amenities, they were always under pressure. Despite all ups and downs, the development of the Islamic belief did not stop even for a moment. Later on, the same thinking could bring the Roman and Sassanid empires to their knees.
The most significant manifestation of the idea of resistance in early Islamic era was Ashura’s uprising, which is politically the manifestation of resistance against tyranny. The said uprising is a holy event especially among the Shias and even Sunnis respect it. Even in pre-revolution period, it was an inspiring source of resistance against British colonialism in the Indian subcontinent and Gandhi himself commented. “I did not bring a new gift for India. I just brought the result of my studies and researches about the history of the life of Karbala’s heroes. In order to save India we must follow the path where Hussein bin Ali went through.” The said words are not those of a Muslim, rather the remarks of India’s anti-colonial hero and leader.
It means that the culture of Islamic resistance as a result of the culture developed by Ashura could create a political identity which was formed in India. Although it was not an Islamic state, it used Islamic culture in political struggles.
Idea, norm and identity
From a structural point of view, ideas form the norms and norms lead to the formation of identity. The identity consequently helps defining the interests.
Islamic identity developed out of Islamic teachings turned into a powerful aspect of Iranian national identity during Islamic Revolution of Iran. Prisoners’ resistance against the Pahlavi tortures, enduring various pressures and putting an end to the terrible period began with the Shah’s 1953 coup d’état which ended with the victory of the Islamic Revolution on 11th February 1979. The revolution helped the transformation of idea to revolutionary norms and then identity and ultimately Iran’s national interests. Therefore, Islamic interests and Iranian national interests strongly overlapped.
Structure-agent interaction and development of identity of resistance in the region
From a structural perspective, structure and agent are in continuous interaction with one another. Structure means a set of available mental, social and material entities. Agents are nation-states. In this continuous interaction, both agent and structure influence one another.
The identity that was developed in the course of the Islamic Revolution and was strengthened with the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran was the mainstay of the Iranian fighters during the Iran-Iraq War, which in reality was imposed by international structure and carried out by Saddam Hussain of Iraq. During the imposed war, the revolutionary identity of Iranian nation developed its resistance aspects in a proper manner and found a status similar to that of Muslim in the early years of the development of Islam. If early Muslims were surrounded by blockade, siege, pressures and sanctions, the revolutionary Iran also encountered various pressures and sanctions. During the Eight-year War the identity, called Islamic resistance, which began to develop during the struggles against the Shah’s regime, achieved its peak of maturation through the defense Iranian nation of the territories of Islamic of Iran.
It was time for the agent to influence the structure and offer it to other parts of the Muslim world. Imparting the idea of resistance to Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and other parts of the Muslim world led to the formation of a new identity in the Middle East, which was undoubtedly the direct product of the Islamic Revolution of Iranian nation.
State and non-state actors have adopted Islamic resistance
Islamic resistance thinking has already established itself and taken root among the Muslims across the world. Theoretically, the dominant trend in international relations is that states are the main actors. In fact, materialization of Islamic resistance thinking requires the participation of both state and non-state actors.
Iran and Syria are the main actors committed to Islamic resistance and Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad of Palestine are among the main non-state actors in the said field.
In fact, the regional resistance force is the reflection of the identity emerging from Islamic Revolution of Iran. Resistance against the enemy, which has political-cultural roots, has been unprecedented in the modern era.
Concept of power in the logic of resistance
From the viewpoint of the logic of resistance, the concept of power varies from its definition in neorealist logic in international relations. Contrary to classical realists who defined power based on “controlling the results”,neorealists define power as a combination of capabilities and the level of its influence.
In order to clarify the concept, consider Vietnam War. From realistic perspective, power of Vietnamese rulers was much more than that of Americans because they could achieve their goal. On the other side, Neorealists maintain that Americans were more powerful since they had more influence on Vietnam compared to Vietnamese rulers.
In the logic and culture of resistance, victory is defined the other way around. Consequently, power is applicable with the same motif. In the said culture, battle against the vice in itself is considered as victory, even if it the is apparently defeated on the surface. The main principle of resistance encourages the Muslims to resist against various aspects of atheism and the concept of victory is strongly intertwined with salvation. Warrior of faith for the cause of God is considered triumphant whether s/he materially achieves victory or is defeated.
This is the idea that has its roots in Ashura. Therefore, the key to the formation and success of Islamic resistance was introduction of a new definition of the concept of power. Power is not only materialistic success, but also it has spiritual and metaphysical aspects.
The material achievements of Islamic resistance
However, it does not mean that material aspect is insignificant for Islamic resistance or it could not have such materialistic achievements on the side of spiritual ones. Iran could resist the invasion of Iraq through this identity. Likewise, the Hezbollah of Lebanon, after 2000 could achieve some victories over Israel that were unprecedented in more than 60 years of skirmishes between the Arabs and Israel.
The resistance identity resulted in the liberation of South Lebanon through a long-term battle and also busted the myth of formidability of Israel. In course of the 33-Day War, the same identity could bring the biggest victory for the Arabs and Muslims in the history of Arab-Israeli stand off.
On the other hand, relying on the military method developed through resistance identity, the 22-Day War and 8-Day War could teach an unforgettable lesson to Israeli officials and their masters in Washington.
In a nutshell, relying on ideas emerging from early days of Islam, the Islamic Revolution of Iran could create and develop the norms and identity of resistance in the modern world. From social and material perspective it could also undermine the international structural influence on the Middle East.
Clearly, the ideas of the Islamic Revolution, which is the result of sacrifice of Iranian martyrs has crossed the Iranians borders and reached the regional actors and international system. Hence, the dominant international culture today faces a challenge that has already been predicted by Western thinkers: “the dormant civilization of the Middle East is waking up.”
Source: islamicawakening
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