Britain introduces new ploy to arm terrorists in Syria

The British government has been circulating a discussion paper to EU member states in Brussels in yet another attempt to arm terrorists fighting the popular government of president Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Britain has been pushing desperately to help topple Bashar Assad government, which enjoys the backing of Syrian people, since more than two years ago, when a peaceful call for change in the country was hijacked by foreign-backed terrorists and mercenaries funded by certain regional states including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

The desperate attempts by an alliance of Western governments and al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists to occupy Syria in favor of Zionist regime of Israel and its regional allies have so far failed to bear results.

For the same reason, Britain and the U.S. have been conspiring to send heavy weaponry to armed terrorists on the pretext of helping so-called moderate forces in Syria to end the bloodshed they have created and sponsored in the country.

The UK government argues that by lifting an arms embargo against insurgents in Syria they will compel the Syrian government to enter negotiations on a political solution.

This is while that the government of Syria has been calling for a national reconciliation and negotiations from the very beginning of the conflict and has always dismissed foreign intervention in the country.

However, the document presented by Britain to the European Union set out two options for changing the current situation.

The first option, which the UK government is strongly campaigning for, would lift the arms embargo against the Syrian insurgents completely.

The second option would see the removal of the words "non-lethal" from a list of exemptions to the embargo, clearing the way for weapons to be sent to terrorists.

France agrees with the UK that it is time to change the sanctions but other EU countries are anxious that easing the embargo could fuel the conflict.

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