‘Taliban vows to step up attacks’

The Taliban has pledged to step up its attacks on the US-led foreign forces in the country and the Afghan government, Press TV reports.

A Taliban spokesman said on Saturday that a new wave of offensives will begin on April 28, adding the militants are set to employ new military tactics.

The announcement has prompted the Afghan authorities to beef up security in major cities across the country, including the capital city of Kabul.

Earlier this month, Afghan General Qadam Shah Shahim said that the militants plan to increase its attacks in Kabul in 2013 to target Afghan government buildings, the offices of the United Nations, the NATO headquarters, and embassies.

    The Afghan general noted “Last year the militants were following two objectives in Kabul including creation of fear among the ordinary citizens and military attacks. This year militants will look to carry out attacks on both military and civilian institutions.”

Shahim added that 85 percent of the Taliban attacks would target Kabul in 2013.

Taliban attacks and clashes between the militants and Afghan security forces have claimed the lives of many civilians over the past years.

The militant group was removed from power when the United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan in 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called war on terror. However, insecurity remains across the country despite the presence of US-led troops.

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