Guantanamo Hunger Strike Grows in Scale

A hunger strike by the detainees at the United States infamous Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba is growing in scale.

US authorities raised the number of inmates on hunger strike at its Guantanamo military prison from 84 to 93.

Meantime, inmate lawyers continue to insist that all 166 prisoners at the camp have joined the bid to protest their indefinite detention without trials.

The New York Times daily reported on Thursday that the number of hunger strikers have double since the raid by US military guards at the infamous prison facility, bringing the number of inmates joining the 3-month-old hunger strike to 93, representing more than half of all the detainees.

This is while attorneys for some of the inmates continue to insist that all 166 detainees remaining on the prison camp are on hunger strike as their health is deteriorating and a growing number is being force-fed by the prison's staff in efforts to keep them alive.

The hunger strike began after the Gitmo staff reportedly seized their personal belongings of the inmates, including letters, photographs and copies of the Holy Qur'an in a sacrilegious manner during searches of their cells.

The prisoners are also protesting against their indefinite detention without charge or trial.

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