Court Rules against Dutch Man for Selling Chemical Materials to Saddam

 A court in the Netherlands ordered a Dutch businessman, who had sold chemical raw materials to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, to pay compensation to the Iranian victims of Iraq's gas attacks.

Kazzem Qaribabadi, the Iranian ambassador to the Netherlands, who is also Iran's Envoy to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), said that the court ruled that Frans van Anraat, who has been serving a 16.5-year sentence for selling the chemicals, pay €25,000 in damages to each of the 13 Iranian plaintiffs in the case.

Van Anraat is convicted of supplying Saddam with a chemical known as TDG - which can be used for mustard gas production - in the full knowledge of the fact that it was going to be used to make the poisonous gas, press tv reported.

Iran has always stressed the urgent need for the dismantlement of the WMDs, including chemical weapons, as it has been a victim of such weapons.

Tens of thousands of Iranians were killed and wounded by chemical weapons during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988).

Around 100,000 Iranians are still living with the effects, which include long-term respiratory problems, eye and skin problems as well as immune system disorders, psychological disorders, genetic disorders and cancers.

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