The Shia scholars express opinions about creating and using accounts with fake identities in internet

Shafaqna asked some of the most senior Shia scholars to express their opinions about creating and using accounts with fake identities for social sites (emails, Facebook, twitter, YouTube, etc.) in internet. The answers are given below.

Question 1: What is the decree regarding opening accounts in other people’s names without their permission in social sites in cyber space?

Question 2: Can the information published on these sites without the knowledge of a person be used against that person?

The Grand Ayatollah Fayyaz:

Q1- Not allowed.

Q2- Cannot be used.

The Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Saeed Hakim

Q1- Not allowed if faking their confidential limits.

Q2- Without the person’s confession has no value.

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

Q1- Not allowed.

Q2- Cannot be used.

The Grand Ayatollah Mossavi Ardabili

Q1- It is violation of others rights and it is not allowed.

Q2- Publishing it on a site is not a proof.

The Grand Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani

Q1- If it causes financial or reputation loss is not allowed.

Q2- If it is not authorised by the person is not allowed.

The Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani

Q1- It is not allowed in any case.

Q2- It is not allowed.

The Grand Ayatollah Sobhani

Q1- Opening accounts in the other people’s names without their permission are interfering in private lives of others and are not allowed.

Q2- Can sue the culprit.

Source: shafaqna

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