Senior Iranian MP, Nicaraguan Speaker Discuss Enhancement of Parliamentary Ties

Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi and Nicaragua's Parliament Speaker Rene Nunez in a meeting in Tehran discussed expansion of parliamentary ties.

During the meeting in Tehran on Monday, Boroujerdi and Nunez underlined the need for broadening ties between Iran and Nicaragua.

The Iranian lawmaker voiced his satisfaction with the bilateral ties between the two countries' parliaments, and said, "The parliaments of Iran and Nicaragua are an important backup for the enhancement and consolidation of the friendly relation between the two states."

Meantime, the senior legislative official reiterated that the Islamic Republic pays heed to the expansion of all-out ties with all the independent states of Latin America.

The Nicaraguan parliament speaker, for his part, said that his visit to Iran is aimed at broadening bilateral parliamentary ties and exchanging experience with the Iranian legislature.

"The Nicaraguan government and nation consider bolstering ties with Iran as very important," Nunez added.

Earlier today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Nicaraguan parliament speaker in a meeting in Tehran underlined Tehran and Managua's willingness to further boost bilateral ties.

During the meeting in Tehran on Monday, the Iranian president and the Nicaraguan speaker explored avenues for bolstering and reinvigorating bilateral ties.

President Ahmadinejad voiced his satisfaction with mutual cooperation between Tehran and Managua, and said, "Expansion of relations and cooperation between revolutionary governments and nations are vital for resistance against unfair pressures ramped up by arrogant powers."

"We believe that our might has been strengthened and we are able to resist to the unfair pressures ramped up by arrogant powers," he added.

The Nicaraguan parliament speaker, for his part, lauded Iran's significant progress and development in various fields, and said, "The Nicaraguan government is well aware of the fact that it should fully back Iranian nation and legal rights through the international conventions."

He noted that Nicaragua has always condemned US-led western sanctions against Iran.

Yesterday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Nunez in a meeting in Tehran discussed bilateral ties, specially parliamentary relations.

During the meeting, the Iranian and Nicaraguan speakers underlined the need to expand mutual cooperation between the two countries.

The Iranian parliament speaker stressed the need for boosting the parliamentary cooperation between Iran and Nicaragua, and said, "The two countries have good cooperation in the international field which can be extended to other areas."

The Nicaraguan parliament speaker, for his part, said that Iran-Nicaragua have brotherly relations, adding that he two countries are making efforts in one direction path to achieve freedom and independence.

Nunez described his meeting with Larijani as positive, and said, "An Iranian parliamentary delegation will pay a visit to Nicaragua in the current year (2013)."

Nunez, heading a 4-member parliamentary delegation, arrived in Tehran on Sunday.
The visit by the Nicaraguan speaker and his accompanying parliamentary delegation takes place at the invitation of Larijani.

During the visit to Tehran, the Nicaraguan delegation will also hold meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and members of Iran-Nicaragua parliamentary friendship group.

The delegation also plans to pay a visit to Iran's historical city of Isfahan.

Iran has been seeking to boost its ties with Latin American countries in recent years to the concern of the United States.

Since taking office in 2005, President Ahmadinejad has expanded Iran's cooperation with many Latin American states, including Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Brazil.

The strong and rapidly growing ties between Iran and Latin America have raised eyebrows in the US and its western allies since Tehran and Latin nations have forged an alliance against the imperialist and colonialist powers and are striving hard to reinvigorate their relations with the other independent countries which pursue a line of policy independent from the US.

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