The impact of Israel Lobby on US foreign policy

In the United States, interest groups are usually struggling to shape the perception of national interests and to induce lawmakers and the President to adopt their preferential policies. When a specific interest group is inordinately powerful or skilled in political terms, it may affect adopted policies in a way that is not beneficial to the whole country. Israel Lobby is such an interest group in foreign policy of the United States.

US-Israel relations have been explained and analyzed using various methods and approaches. Some politicians cite Israel as a most reliable ally of the US in the Middle East and even in the world. Some others have described it a strategic partner of the White House. On the other hand, there are some critics who regard Israel the main tool or executive of US imperialistic policies to weaken Arab Nationalism or a barrier against Islamic Fundamentalism. Some other experts speak of “strong influence” of Israel which is exerted on US government through Jewish individuals and lobbies and in a cycle of media, credit and military circles.

That group of observers who attribute the “certain relations” between the two countries to influence of Israel Lobby refer to multiple cases in the history of their relations in which US decisions and proceedings have been to the detriment of this country and to the advantage of Israel. Sctrunizing the components of what is called “Israel Lobby”, the present study is an attempt to evaluate the real influence and power of this lobby in the US Middle Eastern policies. For the very same reason, internal organization of Israel Lobby and how of its impact on the White House is discussed more than concrete cases in their relations.


What is Israel Lobby?

In the United States, interest groups are usually struggling to shape the perception of national interests and to induce lawmakers and the President to adopt their preferential policies. When a specific interest group is inordinately powerful or skilled in political terms, it may affect adopted policies in a way that is not beneficial to the whole country. Israel Lobby is such an interest group in foreign policy of the United States.

The term “Israel Lobby” is simply used as an abbreviation of a free coalition of individuals and organizations who favor Israel interests during making US foreign policies. However, it is not an integrated movement with a central leadership, and those individuals and groups who form this extensive coalition sometimes differ on the issues relevant to its policies. This group is also not a kind of collusion or conspiracy group since activities of its components are public, as other groups in the country.

Israel Lobby does not have definite borders and there are always some interstitial individuals and organizations difficult to be classified. Such circumstance confirms that Israel Lobby is not a centralized organization with definite hierarchy and membership. It has a core including organizations whose stated goal is persuasion of American government and people to financially assist Israel and support its policies. There are also influential individuals whose priority is such objectives. However, the lobby also enjoys support of peripheral persons and groups who are committed to Israel and favor continued American support for it, but they are not so strenuous and zealous as compared to components of the main core.

As mentioned, Israel Lobby is not a centralized movement and with a hierarchy. Even Jewish members of the lobby differ on specific issues of policies. During recent years, AIPAC and the Presidents’ Conference have inclined towards Likud Party and other extremist Israeli parties and casted doubt upon Oslo peace process, while some less powerful groups strongly favor the “two state solution” and believe that Israel must give some concessions in order to prepare the grounds for it. This disparity has sometimes caused some gaps between different groups. In 2006, for example, such organizations as Israel Policy Forum (IPF), Americans for Peace Now (APN) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) explicitly opposed the Congress bill proposed by AIPAC whereby stringent restrictions on assistance to the Palestinians would go beyond what was desired by Israeli government. The event points to the fact that pro-Israel groups are not organized in a single integrated organization.

Despite these disparities, the majority of organized groups within American Jewish society, especially the wealthiest and greatest of them, continue their constant supports for Israel regardless of what objectives Israel is pursuing. Even pacifists of APN support the US decisive military and economic aid to Israel, disagree with making these aids less or conditional, and only want to obstruct US aids in construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied lands. IPF, by the same token, is a moderate group which is not after imposing more provisions on US aids, but its activities are mostly focused on encouraging the US government to play a more active and effective role in favor of the “two states solution”. To sum up, despite all disparities with regard to peace process and related issues, nearly all pro-Israel groups want the two countries’ “certain relations” to remain intact.


American Jews

A great part of Israel Lobby is comprised of American Jews who are committed to ensure US foreign policy’s consistency with Israeli interests. According to an expert in Political Science, Israel Lobby is comprised of at least 75 distinct organizations, mostly Jewish, which actively back proceedings and positions of Israeli government and whose support goes far beyond mere voting for pro-Israel candidates and includes writing letter to new politicians and organizations, giving financial aid to pro-Israel candidates and providing practical support for pro-Israel organizations.

Majority of American Jews have long advocated liberal ideals and Democrat Party and mostly encourage the “two states solution” in the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. However, some major organizations of the lobby inclusive of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO) have gradually embraced conservative ideas and are now administered by extremist groups which support hawkish stances of their colleagues in Israel.

The 6-day War and its consequences brought reputation of a group of New Jews which was an incongruous combination of extremist, traditional Zionists and neo-conservative groups. Their opposition and anger was so intense that other Jewish groups let them politely to take the leadership and behave and speak on behalf of all Jewish society. Thanks to successful attempts of Likud in making and reinforcing support for extremists, the process even achieved more triumphs. Israeli leaders gave more favor to extremist groups causing them to believe they were the powerful voice of Jewish society.

Right-ward inclination of Israel Lobby was intensified with rise to power of neo-conservatives. Neo-conservative movement has been an influential component of political and intellectual life of the United States since 1970s, but it was after the 9/11 that it won a special consideration. Neo-conservatives believe that military force is a useful tool in shaping the world in line with American interests. If the US exhibits its potentials and shows it’s willing to use its power, then our allies would also follow our initiative causing our potential foes to come to this conclusion that resistance is in vain and they have no choice but to follow with the crowd in dealing with the US.

To sum up, neo-conservatism is essentially a hawkish political ideology and given to this fact it is not startling that conservatives are inclined towards Right agents in Israel. Most conservatives are affiliated to a tangled series of advisors, committees and media which all support the “certain relations” between the US and Israel. Jews comprise the main core of neo-conservative movement. In other words, neo-conservatism is a maquette of a broader pro-Israel movement. American Jews underpin neo-conservative movement, just as is the case with regard to Israel Lobby, but non-Jews are active in both groups.


Christian Zionists

Israel Lobby includes an important group of non-Jews, Christian Zionists. Christian Zionism is underpinned on belief in Divine Providence. Divine Providence is an interpretation of Advent which emphasizes that the world will experience a deteriorating period of tribulation. Followers of Divine Providence, as many other Christians, believe that Return of Christ has been predicted in the Scriptures and return of Jews to Palestine is a great event which would happen in the predestined Second Coming.

Establishment of Israel in 1948 gave a new life to Divine Providence movement, but the 6-day War, whose leaders called it a miracle of God, had even more impact in their advent as a political force. Christian Zionists founded several organizations inclusive of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) and Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) whose stated objectives were to promote supports for Israel. Supporting establishment of Jewish settlements and opposing to giving territorial concessions, Christian Zionists have reinforced positions of extremists in Israel and United States and have made it difficult for the White House to put pressure on Israel.


Israel Lobby’s sources of power

The United States has a divided government in which freedom of speech is an old tradition. Candidature in elections is so costly which offers different groups many ways to influence the policy process inclusive of lobbying elected representatives and members of the executive branch, making campaign contributions, voting in elections, molding public opinion, etc. Effectiveness of lobby is also reflected in basic movements of interest groups in a plural society. In a democracy, when a relatively small group is seriously committed to a special issue but others are mainly indifferent, the very same small group can impose a considerable influence. Disproportionate influence of small but centralized interest groups even goes further when dissident groups are weak or do not exist, because the politicians are forced to cooperate only with a special series of interests and people likely see only one side of the case.

In struggle for influencing the policies in the US, Israel Lobby enjoys some privileges. American Jews are relatively affluent and educated and financially support political parties with generosity. A considerable minority of American Jews is not so seriously committed to Israel, but a confirmed majority somehow and an important minority strenuously is after Israeli interests. When such efforts win the favor of Christian Zionists it would be considered a powerful base.

Admirable level of resources and multiplicity of experts in major organizations of Israel Lobby are also significant. Multiplicity of organizations in local and national level points to capability of pro-Israel movement for immediate and coordinated mobilization in the face of critical circumstances in the foreign policy domain.

These attempts are facilitated with usually positive face of Israel in the United States which is mostly attributable to efforts of Israel Lobby itself; efforts to ensure depiction of a favorable face of Israel and inculcation of this feeling that the United States and Israel partake in public Jewish-Christian culture.

Finally, Israel Lobby enjoys lack of rival. Although Arab Americans are a considerable minority, they are inferior to Jewish Americans in terms of wealth, organization, multiplicity and political activity. Pro-Arab organizations are also incomparable to major constituent organizations of Israel Lobby. There are few pro-Arab and pro-Palestine interest groups in the United States but they are inferior to AIPAC and other pro-Israel organizations in terms of size and wealth. Moreover, since Arab Americans come from different countries with different cultures and also includes Christians besides Muslims, their convergence on the issues of the Middle East seems farfetched.


Directing the political process

To distribute the US sustainable supports for Israel the components of Israel Lobby pursue two processes. First, they impose a considerable influence on policy process in Washington. Second, they try their best to ensure open negotiations on Israel are desirable.

Since political power in the US is divided between legislative and administrative branches, the pressure groups adapt their method proportionate to the branch of government engaged. Whatever the opinion of lawmakers or policy-makers, the pressure group wants blind support for Israel to be considered “smart” political choice. Israel Lobby, like other powerful pressure groups, tries different ways to persuade or even force key leaders to observe its interests in policy-makings.


Domination over the Congress

A reason for success of Israel Lobby in the Congress is that some of its key members are from Christian Zionists. There are, moreover, some Jews among the members of the Senate and House of Representatives which act to adapt US foreign policies in line with Israeli interests. But, there are other elements besides the lawmakers who can influence the bills in favor of Israel. Employees of the Congress are at the center of legislation process, register positions of different interest groups and analyze different political choices for their superordinates.

Among all components of Israel Lobby, AIPAC plays the main role with regard to influence in the Congress. A greater part of AIPAC’s successful influence is attributable to its ability to make financial contributions during election campaigns, award those lawmakers and candidates who support its interests and punish those who reject. The process is implemented in several ways. First, many financial sponsors of AIPAC are often themselves among important political sponsors. Second, AIPAC facilitates political candidates’ access to other financial sources. Despite its title, AIPAC is not a political executive committee and does not officially approve candidates or directly contribute to their campaigns. Instead, it sieves potential candidates, arranges meetings with potential financial sources and fund raisers and provides pro-Israel public affairs committees with necessary information. So, APAC which introduces itself “the US pro-Israel advocacy group” has an unrivalled domination over the Congress.


Influence in election of pro-Israel Presidents

Constituent organizations of Israel Lobby impose a considerable influence on the administrative branch whether through the Congress or other direct ways. Compared to the Congress, American Presidents are not so vulnerable against pressures and most of them have sometimes taken positions against Israeli advocacy groups. However, while strategic significance of Israel has decreased and some of its proceedings are contrary to US stated policies (i.e. establishment of Jewish settlements in occupied lands), cases of opposition with it have been increasingly reduced.

Israeli influence on the administrative branch is somehow due to the impact of Jewish votes in Presidential elections. Despite their limited population (less than 3 percent of American population) American Jews expend enormous money during election campaigns. Their participation in elections is very high and since they are concentrated in such important states as California, Florida, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania their participation is of value. Although they still advocate Democrats, their support for Democrat candidates cannot be taken for granted. In close elections, Jewish votes in key states can disturb the balance.


Domination over people’s discourse

A main concern of Israel Lobby is to ensure that people’s discourse on Israel reflects moral and strategic arguments. Multiple agents of the lobby perform this duty via laying continuous emphasis on strategic significance of Israel, repetition of one-sided description of Israel and how of its foundation and defending Israeli proceedings in political discussions. The objective is to convince people that the US and Israel have identical interests and values.


The impact of Israel Lobby on US Middle Eastern policy

If the influence of Israel Lobby was limited to ensuring continuity of the Congress’s foreign aids to Israel it was not so worrisome, but it is not the case. As some other interest groups, this group is trying to affect US foreign policy towards different parts of the world, especially the Middle East, in line with its own point of view. The US now has three interests in the Middle East: ensuring flow of oil to global markets, preventing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and reducing prevalent anti-American terrorism of the region. Many policies that pro-Israel advocacy groups have encouraged during this time has eventually led to worse conditions for the United States.

Besides protecting US support for Israel, the constituent organizations of Israel Lobby have been seeking to ensure that US power shapes the Middle East in a way in which Israeli interests are promoted, especially in security domains. It means supporting Israel in its struggle with Palestinians and focusing US power against other movements and countries which are probably hostile towards Israel. Most pro-Israel groups, especially major organizations of the lobby, demand US support for Israel to preserve it as the superior military power in the Middle East.

Besides generous contributions to military organizations of Israel, such groups are seeking to propel the US power against the main foes of Israel, namely Iran, Iraq during Saddam and Syria. Israel Lobby at least demands US to contain these countries and prevent their access to nuclear weapons. Some even go beyond and encourage the White House governors to use its power for overthrow of regimes in these countries and replacing them with governments which are after peaceful coexistence with Israel. In its best, the United States would change the entire region with expansion of democracy and destroying the sources of terrorism against the US and Israel.

Finally, Israel Lobby has put US under pressure to disarm Hezbollah leaders and create a friendly Lebanon for Israel. But, since Iran and Syria support and equip Hezbollah, such objectives would be inaccessible without fundamental change in their behaviors. To encounter these threats against Israel, the lobby persuades US to deploy a considerable military force in the Middle East.

The lobby played an important role in justifying the US-invasion of Iraq. Even now, many fervent advocates of Israel disagree with complete evacuation of Iraq, because presence of US forces in the region provides them with the opportunity to threaten Israel’s enemies and even operate against them, if needed or possible.


Source: Islamic Revolution Document Center

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