Bibi: Iran, Syria Threaten World, not Settlements

Bibi: Iran, Syria Threaten World, not Settlements


In a statement he delivered Tuesday, Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that alleged Iran's nuclear ambitions and Syria's chemical weapons are the real threats facing the world, not the Zionist settlements expanding all over the Occupied Palestine.

He made his remarks on a visit to the first Zionist university to be established in a settlement in the occupied territories in the West Bank.

"The danger to the world is not a university in Ariel. The danger to the world is not that Israel is building neighborhoods in Jerusalem," he said, ahead of a January 22 general election and after a drive to approve thousands of new Zionist settlements in annexed east Jerusalem.

"The danger is Iran, which is building nuclear weapons. The danger is Syria's arsenal of chemical weapons," he added, according to a transcript of his comments.

Vowing to continue construction on what he called "our land," Netanyahu said no word neither about the Zionist massacres against Arab peoples in every spot under his army’s feet, nor about the nuclear arsenal his usurping entity solely possesses in the region.

"History will judge harshly those who equate democratic Israel -- which is establishing a university -- and dictatorial regimes that slaughter their people," he said, however.

Located deep in the northern West Bank, Ariel has a population of 17,800 and is one of the largest Jewish settlements in the occupied territories.

Two weeks ago, Zionist Defense Minister Ehud Barak confirmed a government decision to upgrade the settlement's higher education college, which was set up in 1982, approving its status as a university


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