Bombardment of sanctuary of three companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.w) in Raqqa privince

Bombardment of sanctuary of three companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.w) in Raqqa privince

Bombardment , sanctuary , Raqqa , Prophet, ISIL, Ammar Yaseer, Uwais,  Ubayi Bn Qays
Gun men from ISIL terrorist group some months back destroyed the Dome of the sanctuary of Uwais Qarni, Ammar Yaseer and Ubayi Bn Qays Nakh'i; but this time they completely destroy the buildings surrounding these Tombs of these honourable companions of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.).

The websitte belonging to ISIL announced that the second part of destroying the tomb of Uwais has been executed. The renovation of this Tomb commence 1988 and ended 2004.

Uways is a devoted companion of the holy Prophet and also among the sincere followers of Imam Ali (a.s.) and he became martyr in the battle of siffin.

Before this occurence the free Syrian Army (fsa) have also destroyed another Tomb of a sincere companion by name Hijr Bn Udi Aleppo near Damascus.

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