Zahra’s (a.s.) oppression in Bukhari and Muslim (Sahihain) (2)
Zahra’s (a.s.) oppression in Bukhari and Muslim (Sahihain)
The Shia has been claiming that Fatimah Zahra (a.s.) the only daughter left behind by the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) was oppressed by both the first and the second caliph the claim which some of our Sunni brothers rejected.
But here are Bukhari and Muslim (the most authentic books in the Sunni world after the holy Qur’an) supporting the claim made by the Shia!! Was it that our Sunni brothers and even some of their Ulamah decorate their shelves and libraries with books without reading it or they intentional refuted the claim even though it is written in their book and they read it? Or Sahih Bukhari and Muslim are no more authentic books? Is there any Shia version of Bukhari and Sunni version? I was surprise to see Bukhari writing exactly the claim made by the Shias!
As a result of the deprivation Fatima was subjected to after the death of her beloved father especially depriving her of inheritance by Abu-bakr; depriving her husband (Imam Ali) from resuming the office as the successor of the Prophet with the notion that the Prophet never appoint his successor that issue of successor-ship is for the Muslims to decide over it (but they appointed their successor going against the tradition of the Prophet); burning the door of her house by Umar; Fatima was annoyed with Abu-Bakr and distance herself from his government.
This is Hadith 3092 of sahih Bukhari saying: “Fatima Zahra was not pleased with Abu-Bakr”; And also “Fatima Zahra distance herself from Abu-Bakr and his government till her martyrdom”; also “Fatima Zahra did not speak with Abu-Bakr up till her martyrdom”.
Sahih Muslim in Hadith 4471 also confirmed that Fatimah was angry with Abu-bakr “Fatima Zahra (a.s.) was seriously angry with Abu-Bakr”.
It was also stated in Bukhari and Muslim that whoever enrages Fatima (a.s.) has enrage the Prophet, whoever displease Fatimah has displeased the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.).
Hadith 3714 of Sahih Bukhari says: “Fatima is part of my flesh; whoever enrages her has enraged me”.
Base on this, Fatima did not speak with Abu-Bakr up till her martyrdom and did not permit him according to her Will to pray over her corpse (Janazah).
Here is Sahihain in this respect: “Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Fatima Zahra did not speak with Abu-Bakr up till her martyrdom”; “Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Ali (a.s.) did not permit Abu-Bakr to attend the burial ceremony of Fatima (a.s.)”; “Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) did not permit Abu-Bakr to observe prayer over the corpse of Zahra”; “Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) observe prayer over the corpse of Fatima Zahra”.
Then Fatimah (a.s.) was buried in the night and up till now her tomb is unknown: “Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Ali (a.s.) buried Fatima Zahra in the night”; “Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) observe prayer (Janazah) over the corpse of Fatima Zahra.”; “Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) buried Fatima Zahra in the night.”.
In a nutshell all these acts done by Abu-Bakr and Umar are condemned by the clear verse of the holy Qur’an. Look at the holy Qur’an saying:
“Those who molest the apostle of Allah, they shall have a painful punishment”. Surah Taubah verse: 61
“Surely (as for) those who speak evil thing of Allah and His Apostle, Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter and He has prepared for them a disgraceful punishment” Surah Ahzab verse: 57
“O’ you who believe do not make friend with people that Allah is angry with” Surah Mumtahanah verse: 13
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