Zahra a.s. the oppressed one in the sahihain

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

Zahra the oppressed one in the sahihain

18 bitter realities about a mother of 18 years

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1- Hadith 3714 of Bukhari: Fatima is part of my flesh; whoever enrages her has enraged me.

2- Hadith 6202 of Muslim: Fatima is part of my flesh, whoever cause harm to her has caused harm to me.

3- Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Fatima has only requested for her portion of inheritance.

4- Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Abu-bakr ascribed a narration to the holy Prophet that contradicted the holy Qur’an and have deprived Fatima of her inheritance.

5- Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Fatima Zahra was not pleased with Abu-Bakr.

 6-Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Fatima Zahra distance herself from Abu-Bakr and his government till her martyrdom.

7- Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Fatima Zahra did not speak with Abu-Bakr up till her martyrdom.

8- Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Ali (a.s.) buried Fatima Zahra in the night.

9- Hadith 3092 of Bukhari: Ali (a.s.) did not permit Abu-Bakr to attend the burial ceremony of Fatima (a.s.).

10- Hadith 4468 of Muslim: Ali and Abbas considered Abu-Bakr and Umar for preventing Fatima of her inheritance as a liar, a sinner, a traitor and a betrayer.

11- Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Abu-Bakr was the person that deprived Fatima (a.s.) of her inheritance.

12- Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Fatima Zahra (a.s.) was seriously angry with Abu-Bakr.

13- Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) buried Fatima Zahra in the night.

14- Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) did not permit Abu-Bakr to observe prayer over the corpse of Zahra.

15- Hadith 4471 of Muslim: Ali (a.s.) observe prayer over the corpse of Fatima Zahra.

16- Surah Taubah verse 61: “those who molest the apostle of Allah, they shall have a painful punishment”.

17- Surah Ahzab verse: 57 “Surely (as for) those who speak evil thing of Allah and His Appostle, Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter and He has prepared for them a disgraceful punishment”.

18- Surah Mumtahanah: 13 “O’ you who believe do not make friend with people that Allah is angry with”.

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