Fadak in Islam (5)
Fadak in Islam (5)
More references on Fadak
1- Fadak was seized so that Imam Ali may not capitalize in it to take back his caliphate: Sharh Nahjul Balaghah Ibn Abil Hadeed vol: 16 pg: 236
2- The discrepancy between Fatimah (a.s.) and Abu-Bakr in three issues: Sharh Nahjul Balaghah Ibn Abil Hadeed vol: 16 pg: 230
3- The Fadak fall into the hands of the Muslims without war: Futuhul Buldan: 38
4- Fadak is a valuable property: Mu’jamul Buldan vol: 4 pg: 238
5- It is a special booty for the holy Prophet: (s.a.w.a.). Surah Hashr: 6
6- Fadak is booty that it is specified for the holy Prophet: (s.a.w.a.). Sirah Ibn Hisham vol: 3 pg: 301
7- The verse of the Holy Qur’an: Give Right of the near kin: Sura Isra: 26
8- The Prophet with Allah’s command has given Fadak to Fatimah Zahra: Dar al-Manthur vol: 4 pg: 177
9- The proceeding of the second Caliph by taking the Fadak: Majma’a al-zawa’id vol: 9 pg: 40
10- Taking the Fadak from Fatimah Zahra by Abu-Bakr: Sawaa’iq al-Muhriqah pg: 31 & 52
11- The poem of Sayyed Humairi in the chapter of Fadak: Sharh Nahjul Balaghah Ibn Abil Hadeed vol: 16 pg: 232
12- The proceeding of Fatimah Zahra in taking back the Fadak: Sahih Muslim vol: 5 pg: 153 & Sahih Bukhari vol: 5 pg: 82
13- Abu-Bakr abstains from returning back Fadak to Fatimah (a.s.): Futuhul Buldan pg: 238
14- The attestation of Umm Ayman that Fadak belongs to Fatimah: Sharh Nahjul Balaghah Ibn Abil Hadeed vol: 16 pg: 214
15- The attestation of Umm Ayman, the servant of the Messenger of Allah and Imam Ali that Fadak belong to Fatimah: Futuhul Buldan vol: 1 pg: 44
16- Denying the attestation of Ali, Fatimah and Umm Ayman by the first Caliph: Futuhul Buldan, vol: 1 pg: 44
17- The attestation of Ali is base on truth because Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali: Tabaqat Kubrah, vol: 8 pg: 224
18- Zahra (a.s.) is an infallible, she has obtain the rank of infallibility and it is impossible for her to speak falsely: Surah Ahzab: 33
19- Abu-Bakr denying Fadak as the Prophet’s property: Saqifah Jauhari, pg: 102
20- Fadak is booty that is mainly for the Prophet: Sirah Ibn Hisham, vol: 3 pg: 301
21- The statement that was heard from the Prophet by only Abu-Bakr that we the entire Prophet are not inherited: Sahih Bukhari, vol: 5 pg: 82
22- The incorrectness of Abu-Bakr’s statement that the entire Prophet is not inherited as the incorrectness was proved by Zahra (a.s.): Sirah Halabiyah, vol: 3 pg: 488
23- The narration “we the entire Prophet are not inherited” contradicts the verse of the holy Qur’an: Surah Naml: 16 & Surah Mariam: 6
24- Taking back of Fadak by Zahra (a.s.): Sirah Halabi, vol: 3 pg: 488
25- Tearing the document of Fadak by the second Caliph: Sirah Halabi, vol: 3 pg: 488
26- Zahra (a.s.) sometime claim Fadak in the platform of gift and another time in the platform of inheritance: Sharh Nahjul Balaghah Ibn Abil Hadeed, vol: 16 pg: 232
27- The lamentation of Zahara before the Muhajireen and the Ansars: Sharh Nahjul Balaghah Ibn Abil Hadeed, vol: 16 pg: 211
28- The curse of Zahra after every prayer: al-Imamah wa Siyasah, vol: 1 pg: 14
29: Her bequeath to be buried in the night to prevent them from observing prayer over her dead body: Sunan Kubra vol: 4 pg: 29
30- The returning of Fadak to the upspring of Zahra during the reign of Umar bn AbdulAziz: Wafa’il wafa’a, vol: 3 pg: 999
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