? Why the Saudi Ulamah never announce holy war (Jihad) against the Israelites
Why the Saudi Ulamah never announce holy war (Jihad) against the Israelites?
The questions posed before the Saudi Ulamah these days is that instead of calling for holy war in Syria by killing the innocent youth, children and women why they did not encourage seeking for knowledge and marriage. Another posed question is that why they did not call for holy war against the Israelites?
These are the question posed by some Saudi elites asking about the children of Qardawi, al-Awaji? And why people like al-Areefi and al-Bareek never go to war while during the time of the holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) he is at the fore front of the battle field.
Mohammad al-Areefi, Mohsin al-Awaji and sa’ad al-Bareek some few days back ignited and encourage youths to fight Jihad in Syria.
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