Baby's Touch

Baby's Touch

Baby's Touch GodءallahءmohammadءaliءislamءshiaءtvshiaءReligionءSaviorءQur’anء

by: Deborah Linne,
During the business of this holiday season, my one year old daughter caught a cold that wouldn't seem to let go of her. She had it especially rough at night when she had coughing fits. Being a first time, nervous mom, I brought her to bed with me after a particularly bad cough.
As we were drifting to sleep, she wiggled around and her hand fell across my face, brushed my cheek and rested there. I felt as if an electric current was running through my body. Simultaneously, a picture came to my mind of a most beautifully wrapped gift -- gold foil with delightful maroon ribbons. I realized that God had just sent a wonderful message and gift to me about the things I should be focusing on this Christmas.
Amidst all the buying, decorating, and entertaining, I was shown through the simple touch of my child the most precious gift of all.
Hopefully, with my gentle guidance and love, my baby's touch will affect others as she grows.


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