Jesus (A.S.) Rediscovered part 2
Jesus (A.S.) Rediscovered
part 2
As it took another half a millennium for Christianity to spread to other parts of Europe, the pagans of the north added their own heathen customs to Christmas by bringing in mistletoe twigs that centuries later evolved into the "Christmas Tree".
Then came the "Christmas Ham" (Jesus and the Israelites considered pork as religiously unclean), "Santa Claus", the nightlong depraved revelries, and a host of other frivolities that were not only frowned upon by the Puritans of both Europe and the US until the 19th century, but continue to shock Jesus.
Thus when we remove the mist of history we discover the real Jesus and his monotheistic teachings, not among the Christians but in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith. His birth doesn't seem to have taken place in a manger in Bethlehem, since there are neither any palm trees in and around this place, nor is it a distant land from Bayt al-Moqaddas (Jerusalem) where the Virgin Mary used to live, as could be gauged from the following ayahs: "Thus she conceived him and withdrew with him to a distant place. The birth pangs brought her to the trunk of a date palm. She said: I wish I had died before and become a forgotten thing beyond recall. Thereupon he (the angel) called from below her (saying) do not grieve! Your Lord has made a spring to flow at your feet. Shake the trunk of the palm tree, freshly picked dates will drop upon you. Eat, drink and be comforted. Then if you see any human, say, indeed I have vowed a fast to the All-Beneficent, so I will not speak to any human today. Then carrying him she brought him to her people..." (Qur'an 19:22-27)
Here Islamic texts come to our rescue. In Iraq (a distant land from Palestine) we find in the al-Baratha Mosque near Baghdad a sanctified white oblong slab of stone, where it is said Jesus was born. The place is surrounded by date palms, and there is a spring in it. We also read in Islamic texts that it was on the 6th of Muharram that Jesus was born.
And the most important point is that Jesus, whose alleged crucifixion God Almighty refutes in the Holy Qur'an, gave the tidings of the coming of the Last and Greatest Messenger after him – a hint that also remains in the Gospel of St. John despite the interpolation wrought over the centuries.
"O Children of Israel! Indeed I am the Prophet of Allah to you, to confirm what is before me of the Torah, and to give the tidings of the Prophet to come after me, whose name is Ahmad.” (61:6)
It is clear that “Ahmad”, which is Arabic for the Aramaic and Hebrew word “Hmda” or the "Most Praised One", and the "Most Admirable One" is a name of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).
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