Hijab in Islam

Hijab in Islam

Hijab in IslamءGodءallahءmohammadءaliءislamءshiaءtvshiaءReligionءSaviorءQur’anء

Through an analytical approach, the present research is an attempt to find fair answers to such questions, investigating the issue of “hijab”‌ in Islamic community and among other peoples and nations in the past as well as analyzing its philosophy by benefiting from the original sources of Islamic school of thought, thereby achieving a clear vision for the status of implementing this stable and firm value within the contemporary Iranian society.
‘Hijab’ is an Arabic word which literally means to put on, to cover, curtain, veil or covering (noun); however, among all these meanings, curtain or veil is more common and as a result it has led many people to suppose that Islam wants women to always stay at home behind the curtains and not to go out.
In this regard, the great scholar, Martyr Morteza Motahhari states: “Covering for women in Islam means that in their interactions with men, women cover their bodies and don’t try to exhibit themselves or have coquettish behavior”‌. [1]
 The related verses in Qur’an as well as jurists’ Fatwa in this regard refer to and highlight this principle. The module for covering in Islam can be achieved via Qur’an and tradition sources. In related verses, the term ‘hijab’ is not directly used.  In other words, the verses in this regard, in holy chapters of either Noor or Al-Ahzaab indirectly refer to the limitations with regard to dress code and the interaction between men and women without using the word ‘hijab’.[2]
Considering the abovementioned words, ‘Islamic hijab’ or ‘Islamic covering’ will be succinctly explained and described in the next parts of this article.
[1]Motahhari, Morteza, 1996. Hijab.Sadra Publishing Center , 43th Edition, P. 28
[2]  Ibid
By Mahboubeh Gandom Abaadi (A Seminary  Graduate and Lecturer)
Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

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