Report: Mohammad most popular name in the world

Report: Mohammad most popular name in the world
The name of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has become the most popular name in the world, a new report says.

Report: Mohammad most popular name in the world Report: Mohammad most popular name in the world
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Spanish daily ABC recently reported that some 150 million people across the world are named “Mohammad.”
The report said that in addition to the populated Muslim countries, the name Mohammed enjoys a high frequency in numerous non-Muslim countries as it is said to be the most popular name for babies in some regions in France.
The name also ranks sixth among the most popular names in Spain and the UK, the report noted.
Meanwhile, a recent study, conducted by Milan’s Chamber of Commerce and published on September 4, indicated that “Mohammed” has become the most popular name for small business owners in the Italian city of Milan.

source: Press TV

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