The Ashura Uprising an Example for Free Men

 The Ashura Uprising an Example for Free Men

(All days are Ashura, and all lands are Karbala)
His Holiness Imam Hussein (a.s.), the Master of Martyrs, by his action taught us all how to rise up against cruelty, against tyrannical government. He knew from the begging that the path he had taken was one in which all his disciples and his family members would be sacrificed and that these loved ones of Islam will be immolated to Islam. But, he also knew the end - result. Moreover, he taught that throughout history this will be the path to be taken; that inadequacy of number is no cause for fear, that it is not the quantity, it is the quality of numbers that counts, the quality of the jihad of numbers against an enemy is what counts. Numbers may be large but deficient in quality, or be inane. Again the number of men may be few yet be efficient and successful due to their superior quality.

The Ashura Uprising an Example for Free Men

The Imam of the Muslims taught us to stand up and decry whenever a despot rules over Muslims with cruelty even if our power or force be inadequate. And if the standard of Islam is in danger, we should give our lives in its defense.

The Master of Martyrs (a.s.) by his action instructed us what the conditions should be in the arena of action and challenge and how they should be outside the field of engagement. Furthermore, how should those adept in armed conflict act and how should those behind the lines conduct themselves with regard to propagation and how should the fighting with a superior force by a small group be carried on. We are taught how to rise up in opposition to a despotic rule, a dictatorial government that has all things in its clutches. The Master of the Martyrs and his family, also his noble son, taught us what to do and how to do it, when the tragic massacre at Karbala was over, that is, how the survivors to conduct themselves in captivity. Should they surrender and accept submission!'? Should they let up on the challenge!? Rather, they should stand up as Her Holiness Zeinab did in bondage after the tragic event that belittled all other tragedies. She stood up spoke out against atheism and paganism whenever and wherever necessary. Or, like Hadrat Ali ibn Hussein, Imam Sajjad while recuperating from illness propagated the Faith in worthy manner.
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Imam Hussein (a.s), the Master of Martyrs, his disciples and his household all taught us our duty, sacrifice on the battle ground, propagation when away from the arena. The sermons and exhortations of Hadrat Sajjad (a.s.) and Her Holiness Zeinab (s.a.) were as effective in advancing the cause of Islam as was the sacrifice made by Imam Hussein (a.s.) and are equivalent to it in the consideration of Allah. They taught us that neither men nor women should be afraid to oppose tyrannic rule.

Hadrat Zeinab (s.a.) got up before Caliph Yazid, spoke out and so belittled him that the Omayyad Dynasty had never before been so belittled. The speeches they made (as captives) on the way to Kufa and Syria, the sermon by Hadrat Sajjad delivered by him made it quite clear that the issue is not opposition of the unjust to just. They had wanted to portray Imam Hussein (a.s.) as a man who is against the established government of the day, that he opposed the caliph of God's Messenger. Hadrat Sajjad (a.s.) revealed this point in the presence of a crowd, so did her Holiness Zeinab (s.a.). And, the Master of the Martyrs has specified our duty - do not fear your inadequacy of men when you are at a battleground, do not fear martyrdom. A man must tolerate hardships proportionate to the greatness of his aim and idea.

With a handful of companions, Imam Hussein (a.s.) sacrificed his all, stood up against a large empire and said: "No!"
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While the loss of the Master of Martyrs was the greatest loss, he knew what he was doing, where he was going and what his aim was, therefore, he made sacrifices and was martyred. We must count on those sacrifices, bear in mind what he did, what a torture machinery he destroyed. And what have we done!?
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The Master of the Martyrs on seeing that a despotic, cruel tyrant rules among the people, clearly advised them to stand up and oppose him, prevent and stop cruelty as much as possible with as few men as are available. Is our blood more worthful than that of the Master of the Martyrs? Why should we fear offering blood and lives? And, for that matter, in the issue of evicting a cruel monarch who claims to be a Muslim. Yazid was as good a Muslim as the Shah, if not better! But, as he treated the Ummat savagely, was cruel and oppressive, the Master of Martyrs deemed it necessary to do away with him even at the cost of his own life.
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This is a directive, a command for action that the Master of Martyrs has issued: "Everyday is Ashura and every land is Karbala!" It means that the Uprising and movement must continue everywhere and at all times in the manner pursued by the Master of the Martyrs himself, that is, everything may be sacrificed and nothing to be spared in the cause of Islam.
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"Every day is Ashura, and every land is Karbala!" These are great, immortal words, mostly misunderstood and misused. Some think it means lamenting every day, but it isn't so! What was the role of the land of Karbala on the Ashura Day? All lands should be like that! The part or role of Karbala was this: The Master of the Martyrs accompanied by a few men rose up against the tyranny and oppression of the cruel regime of Yazid, against the emperor of the time, fought him but as their number was too small, they sacrificed themselves and were all killed, thus they did not submit to cruelty and this meant a defeat for the oppressor. And, the motto "Every day is Ashura" means that we all must stand and fight oppression every day if it so exists, the command is unlimited in terms of time and location or place. The Karbala event occurred on a site that was limited in dimension and number of challengers - 70 plus persons. But this is symbolic. All lands should perform the role that Karbala did, that is, people must resist oppression whenever and wherever it occurs, and fight it without regard to forces available.
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Be not upset, do not worry, throw away fears for you are followers of Imams (leaders) who faced and withstood calamities! What we see today is nothing in comparison. Our noble leaders have been through events such as the Ashura (the 10th day of Muharram) and the night of the I lth of this month. They tolerated such hardships in the path of God. What have you to say, today!? What are you afraid of? What are you worried about? It is a shame for those who claim to be followers of Hadrat Ali (a.s.) and Hadrat Imam Hussein (a.s.), to be distressed in facing these disgraceful infamous acts of the governments.
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The moves and demonstrations on the 12th of Muharram (=15th of Khordad) were in pursuit of the holy uprising of Imam Hussein (a.s.), pounding and creative as they gave the society fighting and sacrificing men who, by their activeness and devotion made the oppressors, and traitors miserable, and rendered the great nation alert, active and united. These events turned the theological centers, the university and the bazaar into a fortress in defense of justice, Islam and this holy religion.

Today, the issue is important, so important that lives must be sacrificed for it. It is the same issue for which the Master of the Martyrs gave his life. It is the same issue for which the Prophet (pbuh&hh) of God struggled and suffered pains more than 23 years. It is the same issue for which Hadrat Ali (a.s.) fought for 18 months against Moaviyya. Why? Because, Moaviyya was a cruel monarch, his machinery was oppressive. He had to be grounded. He made many of his noble disciples give their lives for the Cause and had many men killed in the enemy camp! Why, because, he wanted to reinstate the rule of law and justice.
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We are in no way above the Master of the Martyrs. He performed his duty and got killed.
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The bitter memory of the 17th of Shahrivar, 13571 (= September 8, 1979) and the bitter memory of the great days that the Ummat faced, have produced the sweet fruit of overthrowing the palaces of dictatorship and arrogance and replacing them with the banner of the Republic of Islamic Justice. Is not the command that "Every day is Ashura and every land is Karbala!" binding on us!? This educating decree must be our lesson, a lesson for the entire Islamic Ummat. Collective uprising any where, any day against tyranny was uprising of few men who were looking for justice with mighty faith and great love standing in opposition to the arrogant and the oppressors of palaces. The days we have been through were repeat Ashura days and the city circles and intersections, the streets and boroughs in which the blood of the youth of Islam was shed are repeat of Karbalas. This command teaches a duty and conveys a tiding. It is a duty in that the oppressed (mustazafin), though few in number must rise against the arrogant regardless of their number and equipment. Yes, the oppressed are charged with such a duty, that is, to rise in the manner of His Holiness Imam Hussein (a.s.).'Me Command is also a tiding in that it has equated our martyrs with those of Karbala, and that martyrdom is the secret of victory. The 17th of Shahrivar is a repeat of Ashura and the Shohada square is a repeat of Karbala; our martyrs are repeat of martyrs of Karbala and the opponents of our nation are a repeat of Yazid and his men. Karbala bloodshed destroyed the palace of cruelty, our Karbala overthrew the palace of the devilish monarchy. Now is the time that we, who are inheritors to our martyrs' blood and survivors of the young martyrs, not rest until we bring to fruition their sacrifices and, with clenched fists, and determined will, bury under the feet of the martyrs the remains of the oppressive regime and the hired plotter of the East and the West.
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Inspired by the Ashura event, the noble nation of Iran set off that devastating uprising which was coincidental with the 15th of Khordad, 1342 (=June 5, 1963). If the Ashura had not taken place and its explosive wartnth was absent, such unprecedented and unorganized rise, in all probability, would not take place. The great Ashura Event, from a.h.1. 61 to Khordad 1361 and
thereafter, to the universal upheaval of the Baqiyyatullah Imam Mahdi), will produce revolutions at each and every step and stage,
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You can witness their loving devotion to Imam Hussein (a.s.) at the war fronts today.

Our nation has understood that the slogan "Every day is Ashura, and every land is Karbala" revives, in the hearts of the faithful, the getting together for prayers and recitation of elegies for the disciples of Imam Hussein (a.s.) on the day of the Ashura Event.
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Imam Hussein (a.s.) revived Islam by his blood. You as his followers, guarantee Islam and the Revolution.
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While we lost many worthy young men and specialists but we gained something the price of which is beyond these considerations. It is that for which the Master of the Martyrs (a.s.) sacrificed his wife, children and himself. It is that for which the Prophet (pbuh&hh) spent his life and for which, our Infallible Imams (a.s.) suffered so much hardship.

* Book: The Ashura Uprising. By: Imam Khomeini (May his secret be sacred)

1- The 17th of Shahrivar, 1357 (819/1978) that is nicknamed "Black Friday" is one of the more memorable days of the Islamic Revolution of the people of Iran. After gala and unprecedented demonstrations on the 13th Shahrivar (41911978), following the Eid-Fitr prayer (the last day of Ramadan, held as holiday) held in Tehran, similar demonstrations were held in Tehran on the,16th of Shahrivar (September 7) and it was agreed to have another walk the next day (Friday morning) at the Jale Circle. Friday morning people began to move into said circle. By 06.00 a.m. about 100,000 people were gathered there. The Shah's armed personnel surrounded the circle on all sides and machine gun barrels were set aiming at the people. Suddenly at that moment radio announced the institution of military government in Tehran and in ten other cities and at once the military forces of the Regime began to mow down the people with machine guns. That day more than 4,000 people were martyred and hundreds wounded. Tle Shah's Regime said 58 were killed and 25 injured.

source: al Maaref

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