Ten Golden quotes of Imam Husayn

In the name of Allah the Merciful and Kind


- "Beware of oppressing someone who has no one to support him except God"

- "A true friend is the one who reveals your faults like a mirror. The one who flatters and covers them is your enemy"

- "Among the signs of a man of knowledge is criticism towards his own words and having knowledge about other people's opinions"

- "If poverty, illness and death did not exist, mankind would not bow to anything"

- "Your value is equal to the price of paradise, so don't sell yourself for anything less. And whoever is content with worldly satisfactions has made himself low and cheap"

- A man came to Imam Husayn (a) and said "I continuously sin and can't refrain from sinning, exhort me please" Imam Husayn replid and said "If you do following five things then you can commit as many sins as you like. First: Do not consume or utilise anything that comes from the provision of God, then commit as much sin as you like.
Second: Go outside the domain of God then commit as much sin as you like. Third: Find a place where God cannot see you then commit as much sin as you like.
Fourth: If the Angel of Death comes to take your soul repel him, then commit as much sin as you like. Fifth: When the Angel of Death throws you in the fire of hell
attempt to impede him then commit as much sin as you like"

- "The kindest of people is the one who forgives when he is able to avenge"

- "To me, death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants is nothing but living in hell"

- "Oh son of Adam. Your life is made of passing days, with each day passing a part of leaves permanently"

- "I never revolted in vain, as a rebel or as a tyrant, but I rose seeking reformation for the nation of my grandfather Mohammad. I intend to enjoin good and forbid evil, to act according to the traditions of my grandfather, and my father Ali Ibn Abi-Talib"

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