A response to Rushdie

‘Quran; War or Peace’ is about to be published in the Iranian book market by Rastin Publications.

In his book, Rushdie introduces the holy Quran as a book which propagates war and aggression. In a response, Dr. Azadi has tried to show the peaceful aspects of the holy Book of Muslims in his new work.

The major focus of ‘Quran; War or Peace’ is on verses that center around friendliness and amicability.

The book is arranged in three major parts beginning with a lengthy discussion with the title of ‘Quran; the book of war and aggression or the book of peace and serenity’.

Source: ABNA news

Furthermore, the second part of the work provides a list of topics regarding friendliness based on Quranic verses.

Finally, the third part of the 310-page book provides documents, translations and elaborations on some of the verses which center about amicability.

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