Formalizing Islamic Eids in its academic calendar

The state of Connecticut in North East of The USA has formalized Islamic Eids in its academic calendar. According to IKNA Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha have been formally recognised as two of the biggest Islamic occasions in the north east of the USA and the education authorities of the Connecticut state were persuaded to formalize these Eids in the academic calendar. The education council and the parents of the students in Connecticut did not object to the formalization.

Natasha Ahmad a member of the New England Islamic Centre and the mother of one the students said we thank the education Council which approved our suggestion without any objections. She added that the formalization is very important to American Muslims and we are very happy about it. The Chief Executive of Council on Islamic-American Relations expressed happiness regarding the formalization of the Islamic Eids and announced that a booklet entitled “introduction to Islamic prayers” will be published soon for schools.

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