Anti-Syria chemical claims another Israeli false-flag operation

The Israeli minister for military affairs, “Moshe Yaalon's clumsy attempt to steer the world's reaction to the Syrian chemical weapons massacre suggests that the attack was yet another Israeli false-flag operation,” Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, wrote in an article published on Press TV’s website on Thursday.

Just hours after reports on 1,300 deaths in a chemical attack in the suburbs of Damascus on Wednesday, Yaalon accused the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of repeated use of chemical weapons against foreign-backed militants.

The Syrian Army has vehemently rejected allegations that it used chemical weapons, saying the accusations were fabricated to distract a visiting team of the UN chemical weapons experts and to cover up militants' losses.

Yaalon also described the Syria crisis as a bottomless struggle between a ruling Alawite minority and a disparate Sunni opposition including Muslim Brotherhood members and al-Qaeda affiliates, which would result in the "implosion" of Syria into Sunni-, Shia- and Kurdish-dominated parts.

Barrett, however, said the remarks did not offer an analysis of the situation in Syria but were “a program of action.”

“In fact, they will do whatever it takes to keep the fighting going, including launching false-flag attacks like the recent chemical weapons massacre. Israel's goal, as Yaalon admits, is the destruction of Syria,” the expert stated.

“The Israelis and their American proxies have already smashed Iraq, Libya, and Sudan into pieces,” he explained, as part of Tel Aviv’s plan to break up neighboring Middle Eastern countries into "tiny ethnic and sectarian Bantustans."

“Now they are targeting Syria and Egypt -- two countries whose land they plan to steal to create a ‘Greater Israel’ stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates,” he added.

The analyst said the recent release of Egypt’s criminal ex-dictator, Hosni Mubarak, from jail was also a calculated Zionist project to outrage the Egyptian masses, and thus accelerate the ongoing massacre of Egyptians by the army.

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