Iran will continue sending naval fleets to Russia

Deputy Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Gholam-Reza Khadem Bigham says Iran will continue dispatching more naval fleets to Russia.

Khadem on Saturday pointed to the recent dispatch of an Iranian naval fleet to the Russian port city of Astrakhan and said, “We should expect the continuation of the process and the sending of other naval groups.”

In late June, Iran sent two indigenously-manufactured missile-launching warships, Joshan (Armor) and Peikan (Arrow), for the first time to Astrakhan Port.

The measure was aimed at consolidating the amicable ties between Iran and Russia and conveying Tehran’s message of peace and friendship to the Caspian Sea littoral states.

On April 21, a group of Russian Navy warships docked at the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas after a long journey from the Pacific Ocean.

The fleet, which comprised of Admiral Panteleyev anti-submarine destroyer and the logistic battleships Peresvet and Admiral Nevelskoi with a crew of 712, entered the Iranian naval zone with the purpose of strengthening relations between Tehran and Moscow and promoting bilateral naval cooperation to maintain maritime security.

Admiral Khadem also pointed to the manufacturing of Iran’s newest submarine, Fateh (Victor).

Fateh is currently being manufactured by Iran’s Defense Ministry and will be delivered to the Navy in the upcoming months, he pointed out.

In recent years, Iran’s Navy has been increasing its presence in international waters to protect naval routes and provide security for merchant vessels and tankers.

The Islamic Republic has repeatedly asserted that its overseas naval presence is meant to convey a message of peace and friendship to other countries.
Source: Press TV

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