The Quran, a key for solidarity between Muslim schools

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in a meeting with a group of Ahlussuna scholars

Our enemies disunite Muslims. They arm Muslims and sit aside and watch them keeling each other and tear their own countries down

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi in a meeting with a number of Ahlussunah scholars of Sistanu Baluchestan (a southeast province of Iran) related some of his memories in Chabahar and Mahabad the two cities in which he was living in exile (during the Shah’s reign) elaborated on the fact that the Quran is the main axis around which the Muslim Ummah may rotate.


His eminence emphasized on unalterability of the Quran and stated: there exists no exaggeration in the Quran. It is all reality and truth.” Neither a word is added to it nor a word is omitted; Allah the almighty says “It is We who sent down the Quran, and We watch over it” (al-Hijr 9). No one is able to distort or change the Quran.” He added

Source: makarem

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