Physical assaults on Muslim women in France increasing

Physical assaults by neo-Nazi groups on Muslim women who wear hijab, headscarves or burkas are on the rise in France, Press TV reports.

In the latest incident, a young Muslim woman was attacked in the Paris suburb of Argenteuil for wearing a veil on June 13.

On June 17, her lawyer announced that the 21-year-old, who was four months pregnant, suffered a miscarriage and lost her baby.

Two men attacked the young woman in the middle of the street, trying to rip her headscarf. She is also said to have been kicked in the stomach.

Meanwhile, angry of protesters gathered in front of the town hall of Argenteuil to express their outrage at the rising attacks by neo-Nazi groups.

“The latest attack was exactly the same as mine. The guys cross your path then they turn back and walk toward you and they pull off your headscarf or in my case the hijab then they hit you, throw you on the ground…,” Rabia, a Muslim woman told Press TV.

The mayor of Argenteuil has strongly condemned the attacks, saying there is no place for Islamophobia in his town. However, the demonstrators say the groups of skinheads have been spotted in some central locations in Argenteuil.

    “Stop. We want this aggression to stop. We have had enough. We are told that in France women’s rights are respected… [but] what we are seeing is that the attacks are becoming commonplace, a kind of trend,” a protester said.

Neo-Nazi groups have also attacked those French citizens who support the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in the country.

The French government says it will impose a ban on the extremist groups, but it is not clear whether a ban is enough to prevent further attacks on Muslims and other minorities.

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