Iran to Launch New Home-Made Satellite Soon

Chancellor of Iran's Sharif University of Technology Reza Rousta Azad announced that Tehran is preparing to orbit a new home-made satellite, called 'Sharif Sat', by the end of summer.

"We are through with building Sharif Sat and the satellite is waiting for launch," Rousta Azad told FNA on Saturday.

Reminding that several more satellites are waiting for launch, he expressed the hope that Iran can send Sharif Sat into orbit in the first half of the current Iranian year (which started on March 21).

Rousta Azad said that Sharif Sat will orbit at a distance around 500 kilometers from the Earth, adding that the satellite will be launched on the back of home-made 'Safir B1' (Ambassador B1) carrier.

Earlier this year, Head of Iran's Space Agency Hamid Fazeli announced that the country will send 6 new home-made satellites, mostly made by Iranian universities, to the space in the current Iranian year.

"Based on the foreseen timeline, Fajr, Sharif Sat, Tolou, Zafar, and A-Test will be sent to the space by the end of the current year," Fazeli told reporters in Tehran.

He said that Mesbah is also among the satellites which will be sent to orbit this year.

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