Saudi ‘Bu Azizi’ self-immolation

A Saudi Arabian street vendor has burned himself in protesting security forces treatment of him, dying because of neglect.

Al-Alam reported that Mohammad Ali Jabiri al-Horaisi burned himself because he did not have ID card to show to Saudi security forces.

Media outlets in Saudi Arabia had it that event took place in Riyadh last Wednesday. A day after the self-immolation, hundreds of citizens gathered before the police stations around the country.

This Saudi street vendor died shortly in hospital. Reports say that he was one of citizens whose Saudi citizenship has been annulled, and who have faced problems living and working in Saudi Arabia.

Media linked the self-immolation to Tunisian citizen’s similar act that was fuel for the fire of Tunisian revolution against Bin Ali’s autocratic regime.

Saudi website Al-Sabil wrote on the event that Riyadh Municipality employees had seized large number of fruit and vegetables from street vendors attacking vendors in Manfuha neighborhood in south of the city.
Al-Horaisi faced the Municipality defiance after he went to ask for his produce. After that, he himself in fire. His death has provoked a host of criticism by Saudi activists in Internet social networks. They condemned poverty in oil-rich kingdom.-

Source:Islamic invitation turkey

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