Wave of anti-Shia campaigns continue by Salafis in Egypt

Anti-Shia campaigns by the Salafi Party of Egypt continued with a conference titled the ‘danger of Shia in Egypt’. In this gathering Mahmoud Shaban, the Salafi Sheikh of Al-Azhar warned the expansion of Shia Islam in Egypt and said, Egypt is a big and rich country and the idea that tourism will help the country is a dangerous one. He claimed that tourists from countries like Iran will expand Shiasm in Egypt. The Salafi Sheikh also claimed that commemoration of births and mourning ceremonies as well as ziarats of Ahlul-Bait by Shias are threatening the Islamic Ummah!

The extremist Salafi Sheikh of Egypt continued by saying that our red line is our beliefs and we will not allow Shia come close to our beliefs and we will sacrifice our lives for our religion. According to Egypt’s Al-Mesrioun Newspaper, Mohammad Al-Jawaheri one of the other Salafi Sheikhs claimed that Shiasm is a danger against Islam and the crisis in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are the result of Shia presence in those countries. It must be said that the Egypt’s Salafi ‘Al-Nour Party’ with the help of ‘Al-Da’awah Al-Salafieh’ movement usually organise anti- Shia gatherings and warn people about the danger of Shia expansion in Egypt.

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