Anti-Shia book is published in Egypt

Egypt’s Al-Wafd Newspaper claimed that at the time of worries about the spread of Shiasm in the country, Al-estaqama research centre has published a book called the ‘spread of Shiasm and how to counter it’ written by Haytham Za’afan. The Al-Wafd wrote that the publishing of this book stresses the need to combat Shia Islam and stop its spread in Sunni societies. The published book claims that Shias are using different tricks to infiltrate Egypt’s society like marrying women in that country, come to Egypt as tourists and through satellite channels with programmes for younger generation. The author of the controversial anti-Shia book tries to magnify differences between Shia/Sunni and claims to introduce ways for the Egyptians in order to stop all Shia efforts to enter Egypt and have influence in that country.

Source: shafaqna

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