Top Saudi Mufti Fatwa's Permits Destroying Islamic Sites in Saudi Arabia

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh, whose Fatwa has paved the way for destruction of historical Islamic remnants in the holy city of Makkah says it is not only permitted but necessary (!).

Saudi authorities try to justify destruction of Islamic and historical sites by saying that it is needed in order to develop religious tourism in the country.
Two Saudi scholars, however, underlined the need for preserving the sites and condemned any move to destroy them.
Saudi activists in social networks have also voiced objection to the Fatwa and called on the Mufti to reconsider his edict, Ba’ab news agency reports.
Issam Mudir, wrote in Twitter that the Islamic heritage sites belong to all Muslims and no one has the right to destroy them.
He urged the authorities to turn the sites into museums and thus boost the country’s religious tourism industry.



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