Israeli regime is restless crazy child: Iran commander

A deputy chief of staff of Iran’s Armed Forces dismisses Israel’s recent warmongering rhetoric against the Islamic Republic as a “bluff”, describing Tel Aviv as a restless crazy child.

“These threats are [nothing but a] bluff and [are] empty and are more like a joke and the Israeli regime is a restless crazy child trying in vain to attain the unattainable,” Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri said Wednesday.

    “Military experts are well aware that we (Iran) are at a military and defense level that I don’t even [feel the] need to respond [with words] to the occupying regime,” he added.

The General added that Iran’s defense capabilities are far superior to the Israeli military and such measures are being used by the Zionist regime for propaganda purposes.

Commenting on US President Barack Obama’s recent trip to Israel, the general said the Americans know better than the Zionists how prepared Iran is to protect its geographical borders.

Jazayeri made the remarks in response to Israel’s Chief of Staff Lt. Gen Benny Gantz repeated warmongering rhetoric against Iran on Wednesday.

    "We have our plans and forecasts... If the time comes we'll decide" on whether to take military action against Iran, Gantz said.

Similar remarks were made by other Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister for Military Affairs Moshe Ya'alon.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu said that US-engineered sanctions against Iran over its nuclear energy program might not be enough.

The US, Israel and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program with the Israeli regime repeatedly threatening to attack Iran's nuclear facilities based on the unsubstantiated allegation.

Iran argues that as a committed signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has every right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Unlike Iran, Israel, which is widely believed to possess between 200 to 400 nuclear warheads, is a non-signatory to the NPT and continues to defy international calls to join the treaty.

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