Islamic democracy is a guided democracy says Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

 Ayatollah Makarem said that the Islamic democracy is a guided one which recognises people’s votes but if there are deviations then the population should be guided. He added that based on a narration from Imam Hadi (AS) whoever obeys Allah, does not pay attention to people’s anger but if a person makes God angry, then certainly Allah will direct people’s anger at that person. Ayatollah Makarem pointed to the fact that all human’s acts must be for the satisfaction of Allah and said when a human is serving others based on God’s satisfaction there should be no problems but when God’s and people’s satisfactions are at two opposing ends then problems start.

The Grand Ayatollah stated that if a human chooses the satisfaction of Allah over people, that person is on the right path of faith. He added that in today’s world two versions of western democracy and Islamic democracy are presented; the western version says we need to see what people agree with even if that is against religion and ethics. Based on this definition to obtain votes, certain promises are given to certain groups who are attracted to unethical ways like legalising homosexuality which have happened in some countries. He added that this is just to attract votes and this type of democracy is only for the satisfaction of people. In Islamic democracy to do anything just to attract votes does not exist.

Ayatollah Makarem reiterated that the Islamic democracy is a guided democracy which says the people’s votes are respected but if there are deviations then people should be guided. He added that unlike the Islamic version the western democracy is mixed with disbelief. In his final remarks, the Grand Ayatollah Shirazi referred to a narration from Imam Ali (AS) and said when you are on a guided path do not fear from lack of supporters and reminded everyone that we should not follow those on anti-God path, instead we should guide them the same ways as the divine messengers of Allah used to do and never give in to the demands of unbelievers.

Source: shafaqna

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