Ashton: G5+1 to Explain Details of Proposals to Iran in Upcoming Talks

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said that the six world powers will explain details of their proposals to Iran during the upcoming talks in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in April.

Speaking to reporters in Dublin on Saturday, Ashton once again stressed the importance of resolving Iran's nuclear issue through diplomatic channels.

She pointed to the expert-level meetings between Iran and Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) in Istanbul, Turkey, and said the talks in Turkey cannot be considered as political negotiations.

She said that experts of Iran and the G5+1 held technical talks to clarify the proposals put forward by the two sides.

Ashton further stated that Iran and the G5+1 would meet again in Almaty, adding that the six countries would be able to explain their proposals to Tehran in detail.

Earlier, Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mohammad Khazayee said he is hopeful about the results of the next round of the talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 in Almaty.

The last round of the talks between Tehran and the six world powers was held in Almaty on February 26-27.

During the talks Iran and the world powers agreed to hold an experts meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, on March 17-18 and then continue their talks at the level of their top negotiators in Almaty on April 5-6.

Also, experts from Iran and the G5+1 reviewed the two sides' proposals in a meeting in Istanbul last Sunday and Monday.

Speaking to Bloomberg, Khazayee hoped for a breakthrough in the upcoming talks between Tehran and the world powers.

The Iranian diplomat said the G5+1 group proved "more realistic" in the February 26-27 talks in Almaty.

Iran ambassador to the UN further stated that the Iranian people are proud of the nuclear achievements in the country "regardless of how much we need, how much it costs."

Before Almaty, Iran and the G5+1 had held three rounds of negotiations in Geneva, two rounds in Istanbul, one round in Baghdad and one round in Moscow. But the latest round of talks was different as it was the only meeting in which the West started recognizing Iran's nuclear rights, including uranium enrichment.

Following the talks, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the revised proposal presented by the Group 5+1 to Iran in Almaty talks also included Iran's offer.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference at the end of the talks in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Ashton said that the G5+1 have offered a "revised and constructive" proposal to the Iranian side, adding that the proposal also reflects the concerns of the international community.

"Iran's proposals have been included in the revised plan," she said, but at the same time refused to provide further details about the revised offer.

Ashton said experts should discuss and study the plan and Iran will have the time to study the plan as well.

She stated that the G5+1 member states are united and want to be "positive towards confidence-building", and added, "The Iranian side had a positive view and this makes me hopeful. We strove much on behalf of the UN to reach tangible results and build confidence."

"Mr. Jalili has a positive view, but we should look to see what experts' view will be," she added.

Iran's lead negotiator Saeed Jalili, for his part, announced that the Group 5+1 have in Almaty talks proposed that both Iran and the world powers take certain tangible steps to build each other's confidence more.

"The Group 5+1 (the US, Britain, France, Russia and China plus Germany) proposed that some tangible steps be taken in the next 6 months to build confidence, and certain proposals were presented in this regard," Jalili said at the press conference in Almaty after two days of talks with the world powers.

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