Shias in Europe should transfer from a passive minority to an influential one

The Head of Islamic Propagation Office in Qom says Shias in Europe should transfer from a passive minority to an influential one. There should be more interaction between Shia communities with their ulamas in Europe.

Living in the West should not mean we distance ourselves from our identity. Our behaviours in the society must be somehow that will not attract negative attentions from those who we deal with and should be logical. Therefore based on the type of society we live in, our behaviours are adjusted to that society. Like when Prophet’s ambassadors went to see Najashi, they recited Quran but they chose Surah maryam. So every progressive vision needs to have the right structures, said Hojjatol-Islam Dr Vaezi, Head of the Islamic Propagation Office in holy city of Qom in an exclusive interview with Shafaqna.

Dr Vaezi believes for a suitable presence of the Shias in Europe three main points must be considered. Firstly the main aims must be determined, secondly the best ways of achieving the aims must be sought and finally the basis for achieving the aims should be prepared. Dr Vaezi thinks there are two opinions exist regarding the aims of Shia communities in Europe. One opinion is that Shias in Europe should behave exactly the same as any other place in the world. The followers of this opinion say Shias should be different from other Islamic communities, have their own religious programmes as should commemorate them like they used to do in their own countries. The followers of this opinion believe that there is only one version of Shia and that should be followed without any change even when we live in Europe.

There is also another opinion regarding the presence of Shia communities in Europe, a kind that considers the elements like the geographical position, cultural and political situation of the society. Dr Vaezi believes in this type of opinion and tried to make clear the aims of it. He said that if Shias do not consider the cultural, political and social conditions of the societies which surround them, there is a danger that they may attract negative sensitivities from those who try to find excuses against the minorities. Therefore for protecting their origins, Shias should be aware of their situation and the place they live in.

Dr Vaezi believes that the only difference between Shia and Sunni school of thoughts is the subject of ‘Imamat’. Shias believe that the Prophet (PBUH), his beloved daughter Hazrat Zahra (AS) and the 12 Imams after him are infallibles. They also believe in the occultation of Imam Mahdi (AS) and consider Velayat-e-Faqih as part of Imamat. Dr Vaezi said the bitter fact remains that there is no unity amongst Shias in Europe. This is happening when you see members of other religions like Jews who are considerably less in numbers are more united. The point is that if we are united then our voice can be heard and we can be more influential in the societies we live in. In that way we can defend our rights and religion better in the western countries.

Source: shafaqna

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