Speaker: Enemies Intend to Damage Lebanon by Assassinating Iranian Official

 Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that the assassination of the head of the Iranian delegation in charge of developmental projects in Lebanon, General Hassan Shateri, was meant to be a blow to the Lebanese nation.
"Martyr Shateri tried to reorganize the status of the Lebanese people and therefore his martyrdom is a great loss for them," Larijani told reporters in Tehran after attending a ceremony to honor martyr Shateri on Tuesday.

He said that after the Zionist regime destroyed Lebanon's infrastructures in the 2006 war, people like martyr Shateri made their best efforts to settle the Lebanese people's problems, "therefore the goal of such assassinations is hitting a blow at the Lebanese people".

The Iranian mission in Beirut on Thursday confirmed the assassination of Hassan Shateri by the terrorist groups in Syria.

The embassy said in a statement that Hassan Shateri was assassinated by terrorist groups in Syria while he was on his way back to Lebanon from the Syrian city of Aleppo.

The Lebanese newspaper al-Safir reported on Thursday that martyr Shateri was in Aleppo to study some reconstruction projects in parts of the Syrian city.

After the incident, Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami said the Iranian nation will not leave unanswered the recent assassination of General Hassan Shateri.

"Nothing will remain unanswered and the Iranian nation will give a response to the brutalities of the Zionist regime (of Israel) and enemies of Islam and the (Islamic) Revolution in the battlefields," Salami told reporters on the sidelines of a ceremony to commemorate martyrdom of Shateri in Iran's Northern city of Semnan on Saturday evening.

Source: Fars

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