US calls N. Korean nuclear test ‘threat to national security

Washington considers the latest nuclear test by North Korea a threat to America’s national security and has threatened “swift and credible action” against Pyongyang. Earlier, the US said preemptive military strike against DPRK is an option.

The US “will also continue to take steps necessary to defend ourselves and our allies,” President Barack Obama said in a statement, adding that Washington will be “vigilant in the face of North Korean provocations and steadfast in our defense commitments to allies in the region.”

Despite pressure from other nations, North Korea proceeded with its plans to carry out its third nuclear test on Tuesday, detonating a device with an estimated yield of about seven kilotons. The move prompted outrage from abroad, which Pyongyang said the test was necessary to defend its national security and sovereignty from the US and its allies.

North Korea’s military, while strong in numbers, is considered by military experts to be too old and undersupplied to pose a significant threat to technically advanced nations. Those include America’s allies South Korea and Japan, both of which host US troops in addition to buying modern hardware from Washington.

Still, a surprise attack by the DPRK could result in massive civilian casualties in Seoul, which is located within range of North Korean artillery.

Pyongyang is unlikely to have the means to attack the mainland US, although it theoretically over the years could turn its nuclear device design into a missile warhead capable of atmospheric re-entry, and upgrade its long-range missiles to be able to reach US territory.

North Korea regularly voices threats against the US and its allies as part of what is seen as its traditional rhetoric.

Source: JamNews

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