Iran criticizes IAEA for revealing confidential information

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has criticized the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors for disclosing “confidential” information about member states including Iran.

Fereydoun Abbasi said on Wednesday that the IAEA system is not secure enough to protect confidential information related to its members.

    “The interesting point is that confidential news about our country leak out shortly after they [IAEA inspectors] come [to Iran] and are informed [of Iran’s nuclear activities],” Abbasi stated.

“I assure you that any media announcement about the AEOI’s activities is made after the IAEA is accurately informed of, and the media discover nothing new,” he said.

He also called on the IAEA to act “more logically” in its new round of talks, scheduled to start in Tehran on February 13.

    “Throughout the talks, divisive issues should be avoided in order to reach mutual trust and remove ambiguities,” said Abbasi.

He also stated that Iran has developed a more advanced generation of centrifuges in compliance with the IAEA regulations and under its surveillance.

Abbasi added that Iran is using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes like generation of electricity, curing intractable diseases as well as agricultural and industrial growth in the country.

“...We report all these activities to that international body within the legal deadline,” he noted.

Iran and the IAEA last met in Tehran on January 17-18.

Iran is also scheduled to hold a new round of talks with the P5+1 group (the United States, France, Russia, Britain, and China plus Germany) in Kazakhstan on February 26.

The US, Israel, and some of their allies have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it is entitled to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In addition, the IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that the Iranian nuclear program has been diverted toward military objectives.


Source: PressTV

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