Velayati: US unable to attack Iran

Ali Akbar Velayati Special advisor for international affairs to the Leader of Iran Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei in an interview with Mehr News Agency stated that considering the limited oil and gas resource of the country in the long run, Iran must create new energy sources for future generations. He stressed that the US official are well aware of this, and have no choice but to accept these realities.

Velayati, in response to a question that some Western News media named him as the negotiators with the US said; “I haven’t had any negotiation in Oman or outside of Oman.” He added these kind of fundamental policy initiative are basically part of the authority of the Supreme Leader, and so far he has not given any permission to anybody to negotiate with the US.

Velayati, in response to another question; “Has there been any negotiation without Supreme Leader permission with the US,” said; maybe somebody who has Iranian passport talk to Americans, and the International Press report that as a “negotiation between Iran and the US.” This has nothing to do with IRI Government, and I have to say that I do not know if anybody has talk to the US or not.

* The only correct way is for the US to re-consider its policies

He also talked about John Kerry and Chuck Hagel the new Obama choices for Foreign and Defense Secretaries; The US has not had any different reactions from Iran for its foreign policies initiatives for the past 30 years in the region. He also said; in fact they have never got positive outcome from their previous policies, and they always received the opposite result. Therefore they must re-consider their policies.

Velayati emphasized if there are rational consensuses in the US, logically, there should be a re-consideration of policies towards Iran. He added; the nuclear issue is a strategic issue for Iran, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy are our “unalienable rights” and IRI will never give up its right and there are complete consensuses on this issue.
Special advisor for international affairs to the Leader of Iran, in another part of his interview said; Just like in any other country, Iran may also have some people that they are not agree with government policies, but they are all agree with having peaceful nuclear energy. It is just like the historical name of the Persian Gulf for the Iranians, which we all agree is “Persian Gulf.” For instance National Geographic named “Persian Gulf” a "John Doe Gulf", and every Iranian form all over the world, protested this action, even the opposition took position (to show they are with people) against National Geographic (to show they are with people), and at the end National Geographic was forced to correct it.

* Why Iranian could not let go of peaceful nuclear energy?

Velayati noted; that nuclear issue is also a national issue, because it belongs to the future of Iran and Iranian people and we cannot bring sham for future generations by forgoing the peaceful nuclear energy technology. Fossil fuel energy will finish sometimes in the near future, and we must be thinking about its replacement. No other source of energy, among the known sources, is better than nuclear energy, and cannot provide better replacement for future generations, except nuclear energy, especially nuclear energy that is from the leftover of nuclear fuels.

He emphasized; in today’s world, countries are going away from nuclear fission and towards nuclear fusion, since there are less sludge and nuclear waste involved. Iran is also following appropriate ways to secure clean nuclear energy sources for future.
 Velayati reiterated; once the Leader of IRI said, imagine if the oil resources that we have now, belonged to the West, how do you think they would’ve distributed it [oil] between the poor nations? They would have distributed it, drop by drop or with a very high price. Today we must also be alert, with fossil fuel at its lowest levels, and all Western countries will have nuclear energy in the next decades or so. The main source of energy will be in the hands of the Western countries, and poor countries will not have any choice but to bow down and follow the policies of Western countries, if they want to get nuclear energy. Beside, in order to ensure a bright future for Iranians, and get away from the problems for future generations, Iran could not and would not let go of nuclear energy.

Velayati stressed that based on these reasons that I’ve mentioned, there are no brave Iranian Muslim and patriot that would be ready to forgo the industrial future, science and technology of his/her country. The US is also aware of this fact and sooner or later will accept it.

* US unable to attack Iran

Ali Akbar Velayati Special advisor for international affairs to the Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei said; “what they are doing is not friendship, but it reveals that they have failed in their policies on Iran. Definitely, they will not repeat their experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, the US is weaker than the time when she invaded Iraq. And Iran is much stronger than Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Velayati pointed out that “Americans failed in invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, with heavy human and financial losses, and if they are rational, they will forget launching a military strike against Iran.”

“The Zionist regime was defeated against not so advanced Fajr 5 missiles. Islamic Jihad pinned down 3 million people in Tel Aviv to bunkers, and announced that missiles had been provided by Iran. That was the least they had,” he added.

 “Had Syria not supported Hezbollah logistically, Hezbollah and Hamas would not have won the 33-day war and 22-day war against Israeli assault,” he asserted.

“Syria has a key role in the region on resistance against crimes of Israel.” he added.
Velayati in response to a question about “if Assad’s fall, Iran and Iraq are next in the line, and if Assad holds power, the Resistance would lead its normal path,” said; “in practice, foreign policy is more difficult than in theory. This is a fact that Iran has supported Palestine, Lebanese Resistance movement, and the supporters of law and order in Syria. Iran will support Iraqi people against US control, and it will continue its support hereafter.”

“Iraqi people got rid of Saddam with the help of the US, but Americans could not replace Saddam with another puppet, and now Iraqis control Iraq. We do not expect more than this. When Iraqis were resisting against Saddam, or when they were resisting US occupation, Iran supported them,” he asserted. “Iran’s objective is to save the chain of Resistance,” he maintained.

Velayati in response to a question that “have you been asked by the Supreme Leader to enter the presidential race, to solve economic problems through a better foreign policy,” said; “the Supreme Leader has not asked me to enter the presidential race, and he does not make any recommendation for Presidential nomination.” he said.

“During the 7th and 8th Parliamentary election, I had been the one who tried to bring unity to the Conservative camp. I did not have any mission from anybody then either, but as a citizen, I deemed it was my duty,” he said.

Velayati stressed that “foreign policy is a key issue, and having a good foreign policy has a major role in any Presidential election. Devise and executing a good foreign policy is a task of professionals, and those who are experienced individuals, who can stay away from extremism in foreign policy.”

Source: mehrnews

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