Sean Stone Converted to Islam

Sean Stone, the 27 year old son of Oliver Stone, Hollywood’s prominent Director, said at a press conference in Tehran that he has accepted Islam and believes that Christians, Jews and Moslems all worship one god.

He has added another name to his first name as a sign of his acceptance; he is now Sean Christopher-Ali Stone.

 He says that he first became interested in Islam when he was in high school. Oliver Stone, Sean Christopher, Ali’s father has been nominated for an Oscar 11 times and has won three of them.
Sean, who has converted to Islam in Isfahan, said that the Islamic teachings can help the western communities including the United States resolve the problems facing them.

He told IRNA in an exclusive interview that the capitalist governing system in the West and the US has created numerous problems for humanity. The capitalist system governing the western communities is void of spirituality, thus increasing the sufferings of the mankind, he said.

He said that the people have displayed indignation over the current capitalist and liberal governing system in the form of protests they hold systematically in the western communities.

'Unfortunately, those displaying grievances over the injustice imposed by the capitalist and liberal governing system in the worldwide Occupy protests are not aware that they would not achieve their goals in the absence divine religions and Islam as well,' Sean said.

Source: rohama

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